... The eldest brother of the Izumi family will definitely not let my sister down!

The sense of satisfaction filled Zong Ya's heart, causing her lips to curl up slightly, and she couldn't help but look at He Quanming, just when she was about to express her gratitude to him excitedly...

But he saw that he clenched his hands tightly and took a step slowly.

Her lips were pursed tightly, as if she was suppressing her surging emotions, her face was expressionless.


The outstretched hand was stagnant in the air, and Zongya stared blankly at He Quanming stepping down the stairs step by step, following Sagiri's precarious steps.

At first, he just walked like a robot, but then he got faster and faster, and he reached the last few steps of the short staircase in less than three seconds. At this time, he jumped down the stairs directly, like an eagle swooping, He attacked Sagiri with his hands wide open!

Zong Ya was startled, she didn't expect him to do this suddenly.

"Big brother!?"

Just when she wanted to rush down to protect Sagiri, she saw Akira Izumi standing still in front of Sagiri, and then she, who was so frightened by this sudden movement that she forgot to tremble, hugged her in her arms.

All the sisters of the Izumi family let out silly cries.

""……What? ""

Opening his mouth wide, he looked at Akira Izumi, who was crouching down and hugging Sagiri tightly, inexplicably.

Can't understand the situation at all.

He Quanming didn't pay much attention to them, he couldn't control his body under the agitation of his mood, he rushed down the stairs without thinking about anything, and then put Sagiri's soft body in his arms; Hugging, but like a couple, chest to chest, necks intersecting, the hair of both parties intertwined, hands passing through the armpit and wrapping around the back, feeling the warmth of each other equally.

This kind of hug can almost feel the heartbeat of the other party, the breath is blowing delicately beside the ear, the smell blends indiscriminately, the cold air of early winter seems to melt and warm up in that instant.

Sagiri's face flushed red.

"Brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother—what did you do all of a sudden!?"

Zong Ya upstairs couldn't help shouting too.

"That's right, big brother, why did you hug Sagiri first! It's me first, whether it's helping Sagiri find friends, or writing novels with her, it's obviously me first! Let go of that girl ,let me!"

"Sister, shut up! Don't make fooling around!" Sagiri glared fiercely, but her blushing like an apple was really not deterrent.

Because the attention was diverted by Zongya, the fear of walking out of the door disappeared for a moment, but the moment she saw the door in her vision, her feet couldn't help but soften again.

In order to support her body, she reflexively hugged Izumi in the same position.

Zong Ya yelled unwillingly again.

"Sagiri, you are so cruel! You actually cuckolded me in front of my sister, it's a shame that I treat you so well! Do you think I dare not do anything to you?!"

"No, that's not the case! Just accidentally..."

"I'm coming!"

"Don't come!" Sagiri exclaimed.

Zongya took three steps in parallel and jumped down from upstairs with a bang, embracing He Quanming with one arm.

"This kind of family is a member!"

"Why are you this kind of member..." Facing the tear-stained smile on Zongya's face, Sagiri said with a helpless smile.

At this moment, Akira Izumi, who had just hugged Sagiri and said nothing from the beginning, spoke.


"What, what's the matter..." Sagiri stammered in response.

He Quanming opened his arms, put his hands on her shoulders, and said seriously to her.

"Can I kiss you?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Pfft! Of course not! Why did you say this all of a sudden!"

Sagiri's face became even redder, and the heat was almost smoking from her head.

Zong Ya patted He Quanming on the shoulder kindly.

"Brother, remember, the death penalty starts, and the corpse is whipped the highest!"

He Quanming didn't bother to talk to her, and continued to persuade her seriously.

"Because I'm so touched now, so let me kiss you? Just one."

"So what! I don't hear any causality!"

"Please, Sagiri-"

"Just, even if you say that..." Looking at Izumi's sincere eyes, Sagiri hesitated.

"...Then I'll kneel down and beg you?"

"Don't kneel because of this! What about the dignity of a man?!"

"So... tsk, well, next month's allowance will be doubled for you."

"Who wants it! By the way, you never gave me pocket money at all!"

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