"If that doesn't work... I'll give you an [-]x lens at the beginning of the next game, is that okay?"

"This kind of discussion tone is too annoying! And I don't eat chicken!"

"Hey...what exactly is your condition, let's not make a fuss, let's talk about it clearly."

"So who is negotiating with you! Why do I have to negotiate the price of my first kiss like a commodity, it's so disrespectful!"

"Oh~ After all, I would be shy even if I made such a request to my sister~" He Quanming blushed and looked away, shyly twitching his body.

The veins on Sagiri's forehead twitched and she gritted her teeth.

"If you want to kiss, kiss so much nonsense! Brother, this useless man!"

As if waiting for this sentence, He Quanming nodded with a straight face.

"Okay, then I will kiss you!"

"Eh? Wait..."

However, Izumi didn't give her time to react.

Holding her face in his arms, without saying a single word of nonsense, he lightly pecked Sagiri's small cherry mouth like a dragonfly touches water.

"Hmm..." Sagiri widened her eyes in shock.

The warm and soft touch on the lips was fleeting, but the heat still remained, and even spread to the whole body like a burning flame.

Thinking stopped instantly, her heart also forgot to beat, and she stood there blankly. Now there is only one thought in her mind.

...was, was kissed by my brother forcibly? !

Zong Ya, who was watching from the side but was too late to stop, was also stunned. She originally thought that He Quanming was just joking, and that he would really do something to Sagiri if he had a bad heart but no guts, but she didn't expect him to, really of……

Goo ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah -

Roaring in chaos, Zong Ya gritted her teeth and smiled, taking out her cell phone from her pocket.

"Hey, Mr. Police? Here is a pervert who forcibly kissed his twelve-year-old sister. Please take him away and shoot him, or you can be executed on the spot."

"Are you going to kill your relatives righteously?!" Before he had time to savor the touch of the girl's soft and delicate lips, He Quanming was immediately taken aback by Zongya's serious look, and quickly snatched the phone from her hand.

... This guy actually called the police station!

Zong Ya asked him to snatch the phone and hang up without any resistance, but just looked at him with a sneer with his arms crossed.

"Hehe, the purity of my lovely Lolita sister has been tainted by you, so you just say how you want to be responsible? Brother Lolicon."

He Quanming met her cold gaze without any guilt, and said confidently.

"You don't understand this. It was a contract ceremony I learned from a certain demon just now. It can bind the fate of two people together, and they will never be separated! This is not an act driven by desire. I have a clear conscience!"

Zong Ya obviously didn't believe it, with an expression like don't take me for a fool.

"Really? Is it really not driven by desire at all?"

Izumi paused and looked away.

"...only fifty percent."

There is still half of it! ?

The corner of Zong Ya's mouth twitched, her displeasure was beyond words.

"Don't use such unreliable excuses to fool me. If you dare to kiss my Sagiri in front of me, even if you are the eldest brother, I will... Ugh!"

She was interrupted in the middle of her speech, and Zong Ya opened her eyes wide, staring at the guy in front of her who was blocking her lips forcefully.

The action was rougher than that of Sagiri just now, and the time was longer than hers. The lips were pressed closer together, and I could even feel a tongue licking her lips lightly, as if I didn't have the guts to stick it in. Immediately Shrunk back.

After a few seconds, the incomparably green kiss ended, He Quanming took a step back, sucked his lips, and made a serious evaluation.

"...I think Sagiri's is sweeter."


"Give it to me!" A rising dragon fist hit He Quanming's stomach, making him fall to his knees.

Zong Ya blushed and raised her fist, expressing that she couldn't tell whether it was shyness or anger.

"Even I... at least tell me beforehand, bastard!"

He Quanming raised his head with difficulty, showing a smile.

"Haha, in this way, you and I will never be separated..."

The family, the contract that will never be separated, has been fulfilled.

As if reading this sentence from his eyes, seeing his satisfied expression, Zong Ya was slightly stunned, and gradually let go of her fist, no matter how angry she was, she instantly dissipated.

She scratched her hair frantically, shaking her head and screaming.

"Ahhh~ I don't care anymore! Go back to the room, call me when dinner is ready, goodbye!"

Then he ran back to his room as if he was fleeing, the roots of his ears protruding from his short hair were as red as Sagiri.

Holding his stomach that was hit hard, Izumi grinned amusedly.

"It's really rare to see this guy so shy... he's pretty cute!"

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