Then she turned to Sagiri, she was still standing there motionless in a daze, as if her head had crashed, her face was so red that one couldn't help but wonder if all the blood in her body was concentrated in one place.

The white and tender skin was completely dyed the color of an apple, which looked alluring and delicious, especially the slightly opened small mouth, which made someone want to kiss her quietly again.

Once a precedent is set for this kind of thing, I can't bear it anymore!It's the same with krypton gold.

Thinking itchingly, Hequanming found that Sagiri's dull eyes gradually glowed with brilliance, and quickly straightened his expression, showing a serious look.

"I...just...what happened..."

Hequan nodded solemnly.

"Oh, I just kissed you as you asked, how do you feel now?"

Sagiri replied stupidly.

"Feeling?... There is a kind of light, crisp and numb feeling, and the heart is still beating so fast..."

Then came back to his senses.

"...Wait! Who begged you! Pervert!"


He Quanming was slapped hard.

Then Sagiri rushed up the stairs without looking back, didn't say anything cruel, while shaking her long hair, she slammed the door of the room with a bang.

Only He Quanming was left kneeling on the ground covering his face, with a bright red palm print on his face.

He was alone at the entrance, and before him was the quiet house, but the air was not as deserted and lonely as when he first arrived home, but there was a sense of peace after the excitement.


Lying down on the floor with peace of mind, Akira Izumi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the ceiling, and relaxed the feeling of being hung up from just now.

He knew that what he did just now would definitely scare Sagiri, and it might even cause more serious problems than making her become a more serious squat at home.

But...he couldn't bear it anymore.

He really couldn't help but watch the girl stand still and do nothing after expressing her feelings with all her heart.

He also couldn't think of what words to use to sing praises to the brave girl, he could only use actions to express his shock.

At that moment, he just wanted to respond to Sagiri's feelings in the simplest way.

Fortunately, the shy smile she showed before she fled made He Quanming feel at ease.

...Perhaps, at this time, Sagiri is rolling on the bed with a terrible smile on her face?


There was the sound of something falling on the floor upstairs.

He Quanming nodded, correcting his inner thoughts.

...Maybe, at this time, Sagiri was rolling on the bed with a terrible smile on her face, and accidentally rolled on the floor, right?

In any case, this time together with Zong Ya, the relationship between their family has become closer; although there may be some problems in the future, there may still be countless Shura fields waiting for him.

No one knows what the final outcome will be like.

Even so, Izumi still wanted to say something.

——I care so much about him!

As long as this feeling of happiness does not disappear now, there is nothing to regret.

As long as the bond with them lasts forever, there is nothing to fear.

No matter how bad the future is, as long as there are people by his side, he will have endless courage to face it.

...It's great that you are the ones I fell in love with.

...It's great to have you all as family.

Touching the lips that seemed to have different flavors left, Akira Izumi smiled happily.

——Today’s Izumi’s house is peaceful as usual.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After dinner, in Hequanming's room.

Sitting on the bed and rubbing his chin, He Quanming was deep in thought.

He looked at his mobile phone, hesitating whether to call Kato Megumi.

According to the agreement between the two of them, what happened today is considered a major event, and she must be notified; and from the cheering message she sent earlier, it can be seen that she has already detected that He Quanming is anxious about something He said, although he didn't say it clearly or express his concern, but maybe he was waiting for his phone call right now.

If you don't fight, it will appear to be cover-up, very suspicious, and violate the agreement made by the two of you; but if you can you tell her?

"Hey, Kato, let me tell you, just now my little sister found out about my relationship with you and today's date, she seemed very sad and sad; but she cheered herself up, not only said that she would not give up on me, He even said he wanted to snatch me away from you! Hey, that look is so cute, so I couldn't help but kissed her, and my eldest sister by the way, so far I can only hold hands. My real girlfriend who has done other things, what do you think?"

... I thank you, sir.

He Quanming patted his forehead, and quickly dismissed this desperate thought.

If he really dared to say that, she would [-]% hack him to death. His body would be divided into seventeen or eight pieces by a hatchet and put into bags.

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