Even if Kato Megumi is reluctant to use lynching, she may still notify the police and send him to the guillotine for molesting Lolita, so that he can sing before leaving—"Even before the guillotine, I have no regrets against Lolita!" 』

Thinking of this, Akira Hequan couldn't help but tremble all over, cold sweat streaming down.

...In short, you must not tell Kato Megumi the truth like this!

And he hasn't told Megumi Kato what happened with Satania in the empty classroom that night.

That was his first kiss in the true sense. Although he didn't know if Kato Megumi would care about this kind of thing, he felt a little sorry for her.

After all, they are girlfriends who have confessed to each other and dated... Although this girlfriend's tolerance is a bit unbelievable.

But no matter how magnanimous the girl was, when she heard these two things, she would definitely not congratulate him happily for taking another step forward on the road of being a scumbag.

Maybe he will be sad, maybe he will be angry, maybe he will hide under the quilt and sulk, maybe he will want to run to his house right away to slap him... But He Quanming doesn't want to see these reactions happen.

But he is not a lover, and he doesn't know what to do to make Kato Hui calmly accept the facts that have happened.

Struggling between confession and concealment, He Quanming was restless.

Looking forward to Keineng Kato taking the initiative to call, so that he doesn't have to worry about forcing himself to make a choice.

However, the mobile phone remained on the screen of the contact person, without any movement.

Frowning tightly, He Quanming accidentally clicked on Kato Megumi's contact information, and there was a note besides her phone number.

"One day, Kato Megumi must be my wife, or Izumi Megumi is fine—it's okay to forget your mobile phone, but you must never forget her phone number!" 』

It was added with firm thoughts on the day he formally dated Megumi Kato.

At that time, he had sworn that no matter what happened, even if it was enough to shake the relationship between the two of them, he would never hide anything from her—because he believed in Kato Megumi without reservation, and believed in his love for her. emotion.

I believe that no matter what, Izumi will always have no reservations about Kato Megumi.

Only in this way can it be enough to repay Megumi Kato for what he has done to him.

...Then now, why hesitate?

Why did I just remember the oath I made long ago?

Akira Izumi sighed and pressed the dial key without hesitation.

Leaning easily on the head of the bed, with a calm tone, he spoke slowly.

"Hello? Is it Kato? I have something to tell you..."


Time flies, and several days have passed since Akira Izumi confessed something to Megumi Kato.

Kato Megumi's reaction at that time will be discussed later, and now, Izumi Akira is standing in a club classroom that has been cleaned as brand new, nodding in satisfaction.

"Very good, with this, the demihuman research department has been formally established!"

"Oh~~" The girls behind cheered at the same time, and even the mature little Niao Youfei also yelled.

Passing He Quanming, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan took the lead and sat on the chair, took out a card with the word "Minister" from his pocket, and put it on the table in front of him.

"Heh heh, this is the main position of being a minister! Little ones, hurry up and meet the minister!"

Folding her hands, she held her head high in a very remarkable way.

But no one likes her.

The table is a six-person table for general gatherings. There are two seats on the left and one on the left and one seat on the front and back.

Looking at Akira Izumi who was sitting next to him, Xiaoniaoyoufei frowned.

"Senior, can you take the seat opposite to my sister?"

He Quanming was slightly taken aback.

"What? Don't want me to sit next to you?"

If this is the case, it would be too hurtful... Fortunately, he thought that the two had reconciled, and he was not hated by her.

Xiaoniao Youfei sighed helplessly and shook his head.

"It's not that I don't like the senior sitting next to me... No, if I really want to say it, I don't care who sits next to me, but senior..."

Glad that Fei Fei didn't hate him, He Quanming raised the corner of his mouth and asked curiously.

"But what? You have male phobia?"

Fei Mo glared at He Quanming with her sharp eyes.

"I just don't want you and my sister to have your voices in my left and right ears when you are making a big noise! ​​That would be annoying, please be a little self-conscious, senior!"

Akira Izumi was shocked and shrank back: "I-I'm really sorry..."

Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan clutched her stomach and laughed: "Puff hahahaha~ Senior, look at you, have you been taught by Fei Yan? Conscious, conscious, do you know? Learn from me, I will be super conscious... "

Scarlet shifted her gaze, her eyes were fierce.

"Do you still dare to say that you are self-conscious?! It is noisy in my ears all day long, and it has been bothering me when I was studying. The most unconscious person here is your sister!"

Xiaoniao Youfeiyan patted her chest proudly.

"No, what I'm saying is, I have my very noisy self-consciousness! Also, I'm not a human, I'm a vampire!"

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