"Whoever you are! At least give me some peace in the department, or I'll lose this minister's badge!"

"Throw it away~ Anyway, I have a lot of spares, such as regiment leader, president, commander, second battalion commander, and so on. I still have a bunch at home, la la la~"

"Tsk...then I won't tie your hair for you anymore! You can use that troublesome hairstyle yourself, huh!"

"Hey hey hey~ I was wrong, I was wrong, Fei, forgive my sister~"

As usual, Fei Yan still begged for mercy to Fei Yan with a mournful face in the end, this was almost a scene that I would see every time I met the two of them.

Leaning on the seat bored, He Quanming casually glanced at the surrounding decorations; it's just that they just got this classroom, after cleaning up the things left by the club that used the classroom before, they haven't had time to decorate it, so the environment It looks a little monotonous.

Since there is nothing to see in the environment, we can only look at the people, and Akira Hequan focused his attention on the two sub-human sauces in front of him.

The green-haired and yellow-eyed Kusakabe Yuki is a cute-looking petite girl. From her appearance, except for her unusually fair skin, it’s hard to tell that her race is from the legend that freezes a man, takes his soul and eats it. The Yuki woman family; but according to a certain vampire, Kusakabe Yuki's body temperature is lower than that of ordinary people, and it is as cold and comfortable as ice cream mochi when biting...

Well, Akira Izumi really doesn't understand that feeling, maybe Kusakabe Yuki won't let him bite it.

Machi Kyoko is different. Her tall and plump figure is completely in contrast with Kusakabe Yuki. The head hanging on her straps and the flames around her neck also clearly show her ethnic characteristics—the Headless Horseman Dural Khan ;He has a cheerful and gentle personality, I heard that his grades are still very good, and his social circle is wider than that of Kusakabe Yuki who once avoided the crowd because of his physical problems. It seems that he has some strange feelings for Mr. Takahashi Tetsuo...

Akira Hequan is curious about this and has an attitude of watching the drama. The rare teacher-student love comedy, the opportunity to watch it up close cannot be missed.

Except for their appearance, Yarenjiang is actually no different from ordinary students. They have perfectly integrated into human society—no, it might be better to say that they have never been separated from human society.

Even so, they also have their own and unique troubles, and they also have something to say to ordinary human beings.

And this is the main reason for the establishment of the Demihuman Research Department.

In order to understand the daily troubles of Ajin-chan, analyze and solve their problems, at this time, the five of them resolutely stood up and became school puppets... and became pioneers fighting for the rights and interests of Ajin-chan and a happy life!

With such a great and selfless sentiment, it is no wonder that the student council president agreed to their request to start a society without hesitation.

So, He Quanming finally understood what he should do now.

Slapping the table with both hands, he stood up, attracting the attention of the other four.

Sensing four inexplicable gazes, He Quanming made a serious face, raised his glasses, and a killing light flashed through the lenses.

The young man spoke in a deep voice, as if the Third Tokyo City was about to be attacked by the apostles.

"Attention all...the first plenary meeting of the Asian Research Department, now-officially begins!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was said to be a meeting, but in fact it was just Hequanming's whim, wanting to use the name of the association to do some big things, it seemed that they were just adding bricks and tiles to social construction.

But how could the rest of the people agree that he took the lead in messing around?Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan even pushed him back to his seat with the excuse of "You are not the minister, I am, so I will lead the meeting!", and then began to chat with other people about the strange things he usually encountered and doing stupid things.

Of course, considering that she is currently active in the club, what she said was also about the characteristics of her own sub-human sauce, which made Hequanming listen with gusto, and had a fresh sense of eye-opening.

For example...

Izumi: "What? Do you like garlic?"

Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan: "Yes, yes! Garlic is really delicious, I especially like that uncomfortable taste, exciting!"

Kusakabe Yuki: "Unpleasant taste... Puff! What kind of taste, squid smell..."

Machi Kyoko: "...Xu, Xiaoxue? You smile so strangely..."

Xiaoniao Youfei: "Sister! Don't tell such strange things in front of everyone!"

Izumi: "...and not afraid of silverware and crosses?"

Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan: "Don't be afraid, I used to wear a silver cross because I was so handsome! Oh, by the way, although I won't be burned to death by the sun, I really hate the sun. It will be very troublesome to enter the classroom~"

Xiaoniaoyoufei: "Whoever lets you get sunburnt will turn your skin black super fast..."

Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan: "Fei, Feiyan! Leave some privacy for my sister~"

He Quanming: "Have you exposed your privacy, okay... So, you won't be afraid of anything vampires are afraid of?"

Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan: "Hmm... no, right? Thinking about it this way, I always feel like a fake vampire... Wait! I thought of something that normal vampires and I would be afraid of!"

Everyone: "Really? What is it?!"

Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan: "I will die if I am driven into the heart by a wooden stake! This is the same as a normal vampire!"

Everyone: "Everyone is the same!"

Well, that's it for this meeting. Except for small talk, nothing that is enough to promote the rights of the sub-human race happened. A peaceful afternoon was spent like this.

The only gain is that Akira Hequan has a little understanding of the characteristics of the demi-human sauce, and the strangeness of the vampire demi-human Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan.


One day after school.

He Quanming originally wanted to talk to Chang Muyao about going out with her for the second time, but she didn't expect that she had to take time off from school recently, and the messages she sent were ignored like nothing.

Although he was worried, he heard from the teacher that her leave was approved by her parents, and her personal safety was beyond doubt, so he had no choice but to stop worrying about her uselessly, and wait until she came back to find out about her situation.

On the way out of the school gate, He Quanming was once again blocked by people.

And it was the same person blocking him.

"...Rafael, actually, you don't need to wait for me at the school gate. Now that communication is so developed, if you need something, just send me a message..."

After straightening the scarf around his neck, Raphael smiled slightly.

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