"But some things are better said in person~"

"You bastard... what is so important that you have to wait for me here?" He Quanming sighed helplessly, took out the pair of winter treasures from his pocket - hand warmer, and put it It was pasted on Rafael's flushed cheeks from the cold.

Rafael stood where she was without resistance, letting the hot hand warmer soften her frozen skin, and even raised her slender white fingers to gently cover the back of Hequanming's hand, making him seem to be stroking Like his own cheeks, with a sweet smile on his face.

Feeling the cold temperature coming from the back of his hand, He Quanming was stunned for a moment, but he didn't stop her intimacy and coquettish behavior, but let his hand be raised, and asked with a normal expression.

"Is it about going shopping with you on weekends? Don't worry, I still remember."

Rafael raised the corners of his mouth in a meaningful way.

"As expected of classmate Ming, you guessed [-]% of what I'm going to say right away!"

"66.6%..." He Quanming's eyes twitched, and he decided not to complain about how this number came out.

"Then what's the matter with the remaining thirty or so parties?"

"Hmm... Didn't we agree to meet at the station at eleven o'clock?" Rafael nodded his lips, looked up slightly, showing a look of reminiscence.

He Quanming nodded. They did make an appointment to meet at the station at eleven o'clock this weekend, and then go shopping in the nearby shopping street to help Raphael see what she wanted to buy.

"I want to change the location to meet at your home, what do you think?" She suggested.

He Quanming asked suspiciously: "My house? I have no objection...but why? If you come to my house to gather, you will have to walk a long way?"

"Well, it doesn't matter if I walk for a while, I just hope that classmate Ming won't be troubled by my visit tomorrow... Is that okay? Classmate Ming?" Rafael blinked, biting his lower lip, his eyes sparkling look at him.

Stared at by her begging eyes with charm, Akira Hequan subconsciously looked away and scratched his cheek.

"Uh, trouble is not..."

After thinking for a while, He Quanming nodded and agreed to her request—although Sagiri and the others might find out if Raphael came to his house, which would lead to many distressing and strange incidents, but as long as Rafael comes over After the pre-preparation is completed, if the two of them are not allowed to meet, there should be no problem.

Although Rafael came to his house once and met Sagiri through the computer, Izumi still vaguely remembered that Sagiri had a deep resentment towards Rafael's chest back then. I can't imagine that if Sagiri finds out that he will go shopping with this busty star, what kind of moths will happen to that flat-chested younger sister who loves to be jealous and playful.

So... we must try our best to prevent Rafael and Sagiri from meeting each other!

I made up my mind, although I don't know what she was thinking or why she changed her itinerary suddenly, but since she put on such a pitiful appearance, Izumi really couldn't bear to refuse. Let's deal with his on-the-spot reaction.

"Okay, then gather at my house at ten o'clock! Call me before you arrive, and I will come out to pick you up."

Rafael nodded happily immediately, a smile of "Jianhuatong" flashed in his eyes, and then hugged Izumi's arm happily.

"Thank you, classmate Ming!... Then tomorrow morning, I will visit your house?"

"Yeah, that's it!" He Quanming nodded perfunctorily, his attention was attracted by the softness of the two hands clamping him, and he didn't notice Rafael's smirk that succeeded in plotting.

He would never have imagined that after agreeing to Rafael's request, what kind of abyss would he fall into?

"Anyway, as long as she isn't allowed in, Sagiri won't see her; if she won't see her, that means that shit won't happen. 』

With this thought in mind, time came to the weekend day!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ding dong ding dong, ding dong dong——

The rapid alarm clock rang, waking up Izumi who was sleeping in a sweet dream.

Lying on the bed, rubbing the corners of his eyes stained with gum, the boy without glasses squinted his eyes and looked at the blurry bright white outside the window, listening to several clear chirping birds - he knew that it was nine o'clock in the morning .

Because Rafael would come at ten o'clock, he set the alarm clock to nine o'clock, and one hour was enough time for him to prepare for the morning routine and calmly welcome a beautiful date day.

...That’s right, Akira Izumi already has a lot of dating experience (twice). Now no matter who he is dating, he can deal with it calmly. He is no longer as nervous as before and spends a lot of time looking for information .

Today, he can be said to be a very skilled dating master!If one day meets the kind of teenagers and girls who want to make their partners shy and date them, and are troubled by this, he can also give them the guidance of a master, and guarantee that they will go straight to the end of the relationship, and the last stop will be directly at the love hotel. !

That's right, using Rejoice, that's how confident you are!

The sun shines through the curtains into a speck like gold leaf, and after rolling on the bed for a few minutes, He Quanming straightened up, yawned and stretched greatly.

"It's great~ This refreshing feeling is just like the morning of New Year's Day when I just put on new underwear~"

Well, a JOJO stalk a day can really make the whole body unobstructed!

The corners of his mouth curled up in satisfaction, and after finishing the routine of getting up, He Quanming picked up his glasses from the bedside table and put them on, the blurry scene in front of him suddenly became clear, and he lifted the quilt.

"Hiss...it's fucking cold..."

As soon as the warmth of the quilt left his body, the cold air outside suddenly attacked his whole body violently, the smile on He Quanming's face immediately collapsed, his whole body trembled, and he hesitated while pulling the half-opened quilt.

"Do you want to stay a little longer...Actually, it's okay to prepare at thirty minutes. It's not a crime to stay in bed for thirty minutes in the morning in winter, right? There's no way, after all, the quilt is so warm..."

Lying back on the bed, muttering to himself, He Quanming pulled the quilt back on his body again, looked at the ceiling and let out a sigh of relief.

"Ah... so warm... In this cold winter, only under the quilt can there be such a nostalgic temperature..."

Enjoying the warm space that is far from the air outside, He Quanming set an alarm clock for [-] minutes on his mobile phone, and then slowly closed his eyes with relief.

Let's get some more sleep, fortunately I promised Rafael not to gather at the station, otherwise I wouldn't have the happy bedtime now...

"Good night... my warm thick quilt..."

Murmured unconsciously, He Quanming's chaotic consciousness that was about to sink into darkness suddenly felt something was wrong.

...Why do I always feel that today's quilt is particularly warm?

And there is also a strange scent...not my scent...

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