Staring blankly at his doting smile, Rafael breathed out a hot breath, and murmured softly: "Well, it's okay... If you want to do anything for classmate Ming... I will cooperate?"

"Hey, hey, don't say such lines that seduce people and commit crimes..." Taking a deep breath, suppressing the fire of desire aroused by those words just now, He Quanming forced his hand from her soft skin He left, and then pushed himself off the bed with a cruel heart.


The cold air and the hardness of the floor came into contact with the body one after another. He Quanming touched his painful back and goose bumped skin, and grinned, finally feeling calmed down.

"Ming, classmate Ming?" Frightened by his sudden action, his head instantly cleared up, and his confusion and fascination disappeared. Rafael propped himself up on the bed, and looked at Hequan Ming who was lying on the ground in shock, "You Why do you push yourself down..."

"Haha, because if you don't let your head calm down, I'm afraid I'll really do something to you... Don't underestimate the energy of men in the morning." She scratched her head awkwardly, feeling the focus of her gaze. He Quanming pulled up the hem of his jacket to cover the center of his legs, but he could still faintly see a cylinder protruding there.

Seeing the bulge clearly, Rafael immediately understood that it was a male's physiological reaction in the morning, and perhaps she was the reason for it. He couldn't help but slightly deviate from his line of sight, his cheeks were rosy, and there was an indistinguishable innocence or charm on it. shy smile.

"I didn't underestimate... the one of classmate Ming is as high as the Himalayas..."

He Quanming was stunned: "What? How can I be so tall!"

"Well... Let me put it another way, Xiao Xiaoming is as tall as the Sky Pillar!"

"What's wrong with Xiao Ming! Do you think Xiao Ming still has a MEGA green caterpillar coiled around his head?!"

"That doesn't work either? Well can only be compared to Kalinta! Xiao Xiao Ming it."

"So why are they so tall! Even if you climb up, you can't find the cat fairy! By the way, don't call it Xiaoming anymore, two little ones sound very hurtful!"

"Huh? Xiao Mingming... so it can climb?!"

"Of course not! Please don't put on a surprised expression, okay? My size is normal for ordinary people!"

"Really? But I feel that Xiao Mingming seems to be much longer than the average length of Japanese men..."

"Why do you know the average length of Japanese males!...No, why do you know Xiao Mingming's length!?"

"Oh, the knowledge on the Internet is amazingly rich...fufufu..."

"Don't look at me with that kind of smile full of meaning! Also, there is no knowledge about Xiao Mingming's length on the Internet!"

"It's okay, I'll go to Wikipedia and add an article now..."

"Don't add it, hey!"

By constantly complaining and pretending to be stupid to ease the ambiguous atmosphere just now, he chatted with Quanming and Rafael relaxedly.

Afterwards, Rafael looked at Izumi Akira who was lazily sitting cross-legged after a certain reaction subsided, his expression became a little serious.

"Student Ming, I have something to ask you, and I hope you can answer it honestly."

"Well, let's ask." Straightening his back, He Quanming looked back at the past without dodging.

"...When you touched my... chest just now, did you pretend to be asleep?"

He nodded and answered frankly without any embarrassment at all.

"To be precise, I was frightened awake when I touched you Opie. It was just a momentary itchy hand, so I couldn't help pretending to be asleep and sneaking a few times."

Rafael looked at Izumi Akira who could say such words with some admiration, and deeply admired his shamelessness.

However, the cause of this incident was originally caused by her whim, so Rafael naturally didn't mean to blame him, but pouted a little dissatisfied.

"Then why...don't you continue?"

Rafael looked at him seriously.

"If it's classmate doesn't matter to me if I continue."

A blush appeared on her cheeks again, but she was not shy. She put her slender hands on the buttons of her shirt, as if she could untie them at any time, showing her determination.

He Quanming couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

" want to do this?"

Rafael, doesn't it matter if you like him enough to dedicate yourself to him?

That wicked angel who always loves to play tricks...has so much affection for him?

No matter how you think about it, it's too weird...

Hearing Izumi's questioning, Rafael lowered his head slowly, unable to see her expression, but saw a pair of white jade-like palms tightly knitting the bed sheet, her body trembling slightly.

"I... saw the video of Sa-chan pushing classmate Ming down..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing Rafael's words, He Quanming's eyes widened in surprise, feeling inexplicably flustered in his heart.

Wait... Damn, it's not that I was caught and raped, I panicked...

Forcing himself to calm down, He Quanming replied pretending to be calm.

"Have you... seen that video? Hmph, it's really surprising..."

Why do I have to answer her in such a second-class manner——doesn't it make me feel more guilty? !

But Satania actually let her watch that video. Is the relationship between the two of them so good that even this kind of information will be shared?

Raphael sighed, and nodded slightly sadly.

"Yeah, while Sa Jiang was sleeping, I used her face recognition to unlock the password, and then accidentally saw it..."

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