"So it's best not to buy such things that can be unlocked at will... No, how could she have money to exchange for the new Aifeng! And if you are not careful, you are clearly committing a crime! Hurry up and surrender! "

He Quanming complained with all his strength.

On the contrary, Rafael blamed and dissatisfied him.

"Student Ming, you underestimate the relationship between me and Sa-chan? We usually eat together, take a bath together, sleep together, and go to school together! And we will use each other's mobile phones without any scruples, watch The other party's information, in short, there is basically no privacy between the two of us!"

"What kind of Ji Qing are you guys full of lily..." He Quanming was dumbfounded.

Rafael agreed solemnly: "Yes! Although I have to sneak into her bed every time like today, our relationship is really good!"

"What a fart! So you are already a habitual offender?" He Quanming strode forward and flicked her on the forehead angrily, "Give me a proper approval before doing these things!"

"Well, if I can be approved, I don't want to come here secretly... But we have a good relationship, I'm not talking nonsense..." Covering his forehead, Rafael pursed his lips and muttered, then raised his eyes, Jing The bright topaz pupils stared straight at Izumi, and the eye sockets shone with moist waves.

Her expression returned to normal.

"Then let's stop chatting here, classmate Ming... I am very concerned about what happened between you and Sa-chan at that time, can you please tell me completely?"

The focused eyes and the look of no longer joking showed that she was serious.

Ever since she accidentally discovered the video on Satania's cell phone, her mood has become so complicated that she can't even figure it out. She asked Satania several times about the details but couldn't get an answer. The smirk and shyness made me very uncomfortable...Maybe it was the first time since she knew Satania that she had this kind of affection for Satania who was always teasing and liking?

This also means that He Quanming's status in her heart is almost the same as that of Satania.

This kind of favorability is so high that even Rafael can't believe it, because apart from her parents and relatives, only Satania is the one she wants to get along with and play with forever. After these few months of being together, She has already determined that Satania is the best friend in her life, and no one can replace her.

But now, because of the ambiguous video between Satania and Izumi, she has negative feelings of displeasure and jealousy towards her only best friend. Although it is so slight that it is fleeting, this discovery really makes her a little flustered stand up.

Rafael knew that she liked He Quanming, but at the same time, she also felt that if they were ranked by favorability, He Quanming's position in her heart would definitely be lower than that of Satania.

But when watching He Quanming being pushed down by Satania, and the scene where the two were intimately rubbing each other, she felt an inexplicable pain in her heart, and a sour taste rose slowly. Get in there.

Rafael no longer knew who she was jealous of, who she envied, and who she wanted to be with.

My head was in a mess and I couldn't think.

She has never been in love, and although she has read many books of this kind and that, in terms of actual combat, she is like an ignorant cardamom girl, her mind is so messed up that it is difficult to clarify.

She hates this feeling.

She just wants to live a pleasant and interesting life in the lower realm, and do her essential work as an angel by the way—but this kind of relationship is not interesting at all!The work that angels do to bring happiness and beauty to the world has also been put on hold by her, because she can't even see her own happiness clearly, so how can she bring something to others that she doesn't have?

After thinking hard to no avail, she decided to give up on herself and do something stupid.

She has a bold idea.

Didn't it mean that when you cut off the water with a knife, the water will flow more, and if you raise a glass to relieve your sorrow, it will be more sorrowful?Then she decided to completely destroy the water source and throw the cup to the ground, so that she wouldn't have to worry anymore.

That's right, Rafael intends to draw on the bottom line.

Thinking about nothing, not caring about anything, she rushed directly to He Quanming's house, slipped into his bed, and watched how he would react, so as to directly decide how to deal with her feelings.

Well, by the way, is there anything between Satania and him...

Although he was a little hesitant about this plan at the beginning, but when he really lay down next to Izumi Ming and shared the same bed with him, Rafael felt exactly the feeling of being warmed in his heart Filled with happiness—this kind of happiness is even comparable to the moment when Satania promised to be her friend.

She even thought that if she could just sleep with him like this, even if she could never wake up, that would be fine.

Because he is by his side.

When such a whimsical idea came out, she was not surprised at all, instead she took it for granted - at some point, she liked this seemingly ordinary boy so much.

I like it so much that even if my chest is suddenly attacked by him, what I think in my heart is not to use the holy light to defend myself, but to expect him to hug her and let the two become one in the kiss.

A girl with a spring heart, once she likes someone, she will pursue without hesitation.

Even though he is an angel, in essence, Raphael is still a pure and ignorant girl.

So, she wants to know, she wants to get a response, and she wants to pursue her own happiness...

Even the people he has been in contact with, even his best friends like him.

"...I just like you..."

That's all, there's nothing else to think about.

Rafael is so willful, and she also has the capital to be willful.

Just as she had tried to stay by Satania's side for the pleasure of playing with her, this time it was no different, she was also desperate for her own satisfaction.

——As long as you can laugh happily in the end, then there is no need to worry so much~

and so……

"Student Ming, don't be nervous, I just want to know the situation at that time."

Rafael smiled softly, his long eyelashes fluttered, and his figure was as elegant and elegant as a lily.

As if seeing the turbulent waves under Izumi's calm expression, her tone was extremely relaxed, but her serious eyes never changed.

she went on.

"Because no matter what, the fact that I like you will never change!"

Seeing his bewildered expression, Rafael got off the bed and approached Akira Izumi who was looking up at her cross-legged.

Then he lowered his head, and kissed his slightly parted lips lightly, touching his lips.

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