Caressing her moist lips, she chuckled with a blushing face.

"...If you don't say anything else, the date you're waiting for will be too late, won't you?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Touching the lips that still had the fragrance of lilies, He Quanming was dazed on the surface, but at this moment, He Quanming's heart was broken.

...Fucking horse, why was I forced to kiss again?Is it really okay for all of you to be so proactive?Learn more about the innocence of my Sagiri, please!

Shouldn't the script be that I was so moved after the confession that I was overwhelmed and pressed you on the bed for a set of French wet kisses?Why did it become like this?

Director, Rafael, she didn't follow the script!

Crazy and screaming in his heart, He Quanming didn't know how to respond to her daring confession—although it was shameless to say so, but He Quanming also liked Rafael, and his affection was smooth The position is probably below Satania and Sagiri, above Gabriel.

Maybe at the fireworks show, when she secretly held his hand with Megumi Kato, Akira Hequan had already fallen in love with this abnormal Miss Angel, right?

Although she kept showing that she had a crush on him, He Quanming was always worried that this was just his wishful thinking and judgment. He was afraid that he would become a victim of the three major illusions in life, so he didn't show much to her. close.

That's why when he heard her confession, He Quanming finally let go of his hesitation. While excited and happy, he wished to celebrate by hugging her, fighting goblin wrestling with her tongue, and eating tofu by the way...

However, the occasion was not right, so he could only let go of this thought temporarily, sighed and waved his hands easily.

"Don't be so serious, it's not something you can't say... Even if you don't force me to kiss me, I will still tell you."

Hearing this, Rafael bit the quilt with tears in his eyes, put on the appearance of an abandoned girl who lost her virginity, and said resentfully.

"How dare you say that...Mr. Ming is really too much! Obviously you did that kind of thing to me first, and you did it back and forth several times, so I couldn't help crying out. Now But she said that I kissed you forcibly... that's enough! I want to take the child back to my mother's house!"

"Bring it on! I don't know where to complain about what you said! It's not right at all!"

He Quanming was deeply thankful that there was no one else in the room except them, otherwise his reputation would have been directly defeated by her--God, he just rubbed her chest "accidentally", where did the child come from? She took it back to her mother's house?

"We are already sleeping in the same bed, don't you want to be responsible..."

Her eyes widened, she bit her lower lip and looked at him sadly.

"It's clear that you climbed up by yourself, okay! I didn't do anything responsible for you, so don't talk nonsense!"

"Sigh, I didn't expect Ming to be such a ruthless person... Forget it, I've seen it through, I won't take the support from you, you can go..."

Sighing deeply, Raphael turned his head away from looking at him.

"Depend on……"

He Quanming was about to collapse, why is this guy so good at acting!Why does he now have the feeling that he is a scum who abandoned his wife and children? Hey!

What kind of angel are you with this talent, the next crowned actress is you girl!

Let me go, this is my room, where can I go!

I really can't think of anything else I can say to this girl who has entered the drama mode. In a panic, Hequan Ming came up with a bold idea. He straightened up and pushed Rafael back to the bed without stopping.

"Ah!" Rafael, who was suddenly attacked, couldn't help but exclaimed. When he fell on the bed, he put his hands on both sides of her ears, and a figure also pressed down and stopped ten centimeters in front of her. Next, confront her.

Her upper body was lying on the bed, completely covered by a shadow wider than her own, and a pair of long legs were hanging in the air, clinging tightly to He Quanming's thighs, the scorching heat came through the fabric and gradually dissipated Get rid of the cold of winter, and replace it with things that seem to ignite the flame of thinking.

Looking at He Quanming at a very close distance, Rafael realized that she seemed to be thumped by him—the bed! ?

"Ming, classmate Ming...?!"

"Didn't you say I'm responsible? Well, I'll be responsible after this." Seeing her blushing cheeks, as if they were about to bleed, He Quanming couldn't help but smirk, kindly I feel like a domineering president.

"But, I..."

"What? Didn't you say before that I would cooperate in whatever I wanted? You still keep tempting me, teasing me, do you really think I'm Liu Xiahui?"

Frivolously provoking her delicate chin, He Quanming uttered lines that all kinds of male protagonists with evil spirits and domineering Long Aotian would say.

"Woman, you are playing with fire... Be careful that there is no residue left from the fire."

……Um?Why do I feel that the lines are a bit wrong, did I remember something wrong...

do not care!Anyway, it's enough to get revenge on her!

Seeing Izumi sinking slowly, he could already feel the touch of his hard chest on his chest, and the distance between their lips was getting closer and closer, Rafael suddenly opened his mouth a little flustered and a little shy.

"Time, time will be too late, wait until night..."

"No! Chunxiao is worth a thousand pieces of gold, so wait until the business is done!"

Immersed in the acting skills of the domineering president, He Quanming ruthlessly raised the corners of his mouth, sniffing the warm fragrance from her mouth, and then without hesitation, decisively touched her delicate and charming lips.


Raphael struggled symbolically, and gave up resistance not long after, grasping the bed sheet weakly with both hands, closing his eyes, and enjoying the pleasure of exchanging breaths softly.

This is very different from the one touched just now, a very intense kiss, although the technique is extremely jerky, but it has a passion that seems to melt the soul.

Her toes were clenched tightly, but her body gradually became relaxed in Hequanming's big hands that were groping up and down. Just as she wanted to respond to Hormon's leadership, she began to actively respond to this offensive, and Hequanming was also gradually immersed in the wave of desire , unable to extricate herself from unbuttoning her annoying shirt——

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Brother? I just heard something hit the floor. Do you know what happened?"

He Quanming woke up from the lingering state in an instant.

...I'm lying down a big hole, is this the legendary romantic routine of "as long as you want to do business, you will be disturbed"?

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