Author, you are really enough, please read it clearly, please?I don't really want to go on, I just can't control myself!

If he had to do it, he would have done it in bed, so he wouldn't push himself out of bed to make Zongya quarrel.

Can I use this routine...

He Quanming complained in his heart and was about to get up, but Rafael stretched out his hand towards the door.

Then with a click, the door was covered by white light, and Zong Ya's shout outside the door also disappeared, as if it was a spell of sound insulation.

His fair cheeks were flushed, his pupils half-closed seductively, Raphael lightly licked his silver-stained lips, and smiled lazily.

"...In this way, no one will bother us? Go ahead..."

He Quanming was dumbfounded.

"I'm pulling sister in the society, people are ruthless, and there is still such an operation... Please allow me to say six six six."

But if the Holy Light is conscious and knows that you use it to do this kind of thing, it will definitely cry.

"Stop complaining, you've lost all the good atmosphere..." Raphael pouted, and said coquettishly.

Unable to resist kissing that pursed mouth again, He Quanming calmed down the restless anger in his body, turned over and left Rafael.

I can't go on anymore... This time I really couldn't control myself, so I did so many bold things to her, and I almost followed the atmosphere and went one step further...

Fortunately, Zong Ya rescued him in time, so he stopped undoing Raphael's clothes... If things really got to that point, he wasn't sure if he could stop.

To be honest, He Quanming also wanted to go directly to the episode without hesitation. He is the one who suffers the most from being stuck like this!

His little brother didn't know how many times he had complained to him. They obviously had so many opportunities to release their youth, but they all stopped because of various scruples, and they were not straightforward at all.

——But he is not a beast controlled by the lower body, nor is he a male lead.

For his own persistence, even if Rafael is lying on the bed with an appearance of letting you pick and choose, he can only suppress his desire forcibly, and roll aside to calm himself down.

He doesn't know how long this persistence can last without being broken, and he doesn't know if one day he really can't bear it anymore and will leave his virginity, but he knows that once he lays hands on a certain girl, it means A choice must be made.

Now the time is not enough to make a decision, so he still has to endure, even if he has to touch the ground, he still has to endure.

...It's just that I feel sorry for Kato again...

He Quanming felt a dull pain in his conscience.

As his appointed girlfriend, Kato Megumi still hasn't done anything with him beyond the scope of holding hands.

And Satania, Sagiri, and Zongya had all kissed him, and Rafael was even panting because of his hands... This kind of differential treatment even he couldn't stand it.

I'm really a scum...

Nesting in the corner, He Quanming suddenly fell into depression, as much as the desire just now, the self-blame is as deep now.

It's strange, obviously he didn't enter the sage mode, but he seemed to have seen through the world of mortals, and began to deeply reflect on his past actions.

"That, classmate Ming..."

As if hearing his self-pitying thoughts, Rafael slowly raised himself up and sat on the side of the bed, his face still flushed, and he looked at him brightly.

"I know, you didn't continue because you were concerned about Hui and Satania's feelings..."

"I also know that in order not to make us who like you sad, you didn't distance yourself from us after dating Hui classmate..."

"You, you are always working hard for our happiness, even if you will fall into a troublesome emotional vortex, you still want to protect everyone..."

Looking at He Quanming, she smiled happily.

"Like an angel!"

" angel?" He Quanming was stunned for a moment. It was the first time he was called an angel by a real angel, and it felt a little unrealistic.

But Rafael had no intention of explaining, she walked to Izumi Akira, bent down, and stretched out a hand.

"Although many people hate this kind of indecisive hero character, but only this kind of tenderness can make people fall into it and never want to leave..."

"Coincidentally, I like this kind of tenderness... So, I won't be in a hurry, and I won't force you to make a choice."

Holding He Quanming's extended hand, Rafael pulled him up from the corner, wrapped his arms around his back, and gently rested his head on his chest.

She smiled quietly and whispered.

"I will wait for you, until the day you confess to me... At that time, continue to do what you didn't finish today."

Raising her eyes to meet Shang Hequanming's gaze, she blinked playfully, like a girl in love, blushing, raised her toes, and lightly pecked his cheek.

"Before then, we've done this at best!"

Then he pushed him away, and with his hands behind his back, he seemed to be very excited and walked towards the door.

He Quanming stood there dumbfounded, looking at her back foolishly, the throbbing in his chest couldn't be hidden, as if his heart was about to melt.

Now, there is only one thought left in his mind——

Ma Ma, this guy ran away after teasing me, I want her to be responsible...

Then watching her push open the door covered by the holy light, her face suddenly changed.

--and many more!Zong Ya seems to be still outside the door!

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