Zong Ya sighed deeply.

"Well, Sagiri is usually shy and shy, but as soon as she puts on the mask and sees a beautiful girl in front of her, she will mutate into that...not counting me, two or three people have been attacked by now. Her magic hand..."

"So, it seems that when we met through the screen, Xiao Sagiri also appeared in this state... But Xiao Zongya, why did you secretly hold my hands?"

Raphael forced a calm laugh.

Zong Ya's voice was full of powerlessness and grief and resignation: "I'm very sorry, Sister Rafael... once you enter this room, everything will be dominated by Sagiri, and I can't resist ..."

Rafael couldn't help complaining: "Is this the domain of the Demon King?!"

Then there was Sagiri's excited shout.

"GJ!Well done, worthy of my dear sister!Hehehe... Sister Raphael, don't you want to see my true face?Just let me see your fat times, and I'll show you my bare face too~』

"This kind of equivalent exchange is too strange...Wait, wait, little Sagiri! Are you really going to take it off? Listen to me, it's useless even if you take it off? You can't see it?"

Rafael persuaded earnestly.

"No way, this is the persistence of art... Although I am very sorry for Rafael, but I can't bear it anymore... After that, can I ask you to be my model for a while?" 』

The delicate girlish voice sounded mature and stable, with the firmness that had gone through many vicissitudes, and Izumi almost doubted whether it was Sagiri who spoke.

"Eh? Eh—why is there such a development..."

"What do you think, Miss Raphael?"If you become my model, not only can you come to my house to play openly, but you can also meet my brother? ... but not to be alone, nor to do what you did today. 』

"So it's a misunderstanding, it's just that classmate Ming saved me who climbed in from the window and almost fell..."

Hearing this, He Quanming nodded suddenly... It turns out that Rafael explained it to Sagiri in this way, no wonder the two of them can chat so friendly now.

Until now, he finally let go of his worries completely... It seems that Rafael is quite reliable!At least he will not deliberately discredit him in front of Sagiri.

Now that Sagiri believes this statement, then there won't be any Shura field happening in the future...

Unexpectedly, what Sagiri said after that slapped him hard in the face.

"Humph!I'm not a child, so how could I believe this kind of excuses—that weak brother, brother, how could he possibly pull you out of the window!It would be nice if he didn't fall by himself. 』

Kneeling down in the corridor, He Quanming covered his heart with tears streaming down his face.

He grieves deeply for the broken image of himself in his sister's heart.

Rafael sighed helplessly as if he had thought of this answer a long time ago.

"Sure enough, there is no way to fool me...Okay, let me think about it... Wait! Wait! I'm done thinking about it, don't lift my skirt!"

Then there was another scream, accompanied by Sagiri's regretful click.

"Tch... So, Miss Rafael agrees?" 』

"Yeah, I agree! Although I feel very inexplicable, I agree! I will be your model!"

Sagiri immediately cheered happily.

"Great!This way I can draw big breasts!My sister can write characters with big breasts with confidence!Wow! 』

Zong Ya sighed deeply, and even whimpered in her tone: "Yeah... because both of us have poor breasts, Sagiri has always been able to draw characters with cups no larger than B. Thinking of now finally...finally..."

Sagiri's voice became slightly lower.

"Goo...although I'm very happy, but what is this sudden sadness in my heart..."

"That, that... the two of you are done discussing, can you let me go?"

"Ah, sorry, it's not okay. 』

Rafael's aggrieved proposal was immediately rejected by Sagiri decisively.

"Eh?! Why?"

"I'm not trying to bully Rafael-san... just for a moment, just show me how the panties look on my body, and I can draw great things!" 』

Hearing these words, Akira Izumi could almost imagine Sagiri staring at Raphael's lower body eagerly with saliva...

Unfortunate family!

"You can also look at yourself or Xiao Zongya, why do you have to look at mine?!"

"Different!I want to see the real appearance of plump people wearing underwear. My sister and I are too thin! 』

"It's too much! I'm not fat at all!" Rafael suddenly yelled aggrieved.

"Okay, okay, dear, sister Rafael, brother is still waiting for us!"At this time, just count the stains on the ceiling, and it will pass in no time! 』

"Just, even if you use this kind of tone to comfort children, it still won't work..."

"...By the way, let me show you my real appearance first!I took off the mask...』

"Well, Xiao Sagiri's real appearance..."

The moment Rafael hesitated, he heard Sagiri stop drinking.

"Hey!I take off! 』


Rafael's scream was in Izumi's expectation, but Sagiri and Zongya also screamed at the same time.

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