"Uh, uh wah!Well, such a strong light——! ’ Sagiri yelled in disbelief.

"Where did this light come from...? Sagiri, are you alright!" Zong Ya shouted slightly worried.

"...No, it's all right, but the light is too strong, I can't see Raphael's fat times..."

"Aren't you too persistent!?"

Then, Rafael's light and ethereal voice sounded, with the joy of the completion of the plan, completely free of the previous embarrassment and reluctance.

"Oh, so I said don't read it, it's useless... I am an angel, I was born with a holy light that can block the light~"

There was a moment of silence in the room, followed by two puzzled voices.

"……Angel? 』

"... Holy Light?"

Hearing this, He Quanming stopped eavesdropping.

As he walked down the stairs, his mind was full of doubts.

Unexpectedly, Rafael would directly tell them the fact that he is an angel...

It seems that he deliberately created a scene where he was accidentally discovered... Is this to avoid punishment from the heavens?Or is there any deep meaning?

He Quanming is not sure, don't look at Rafael's appearance as a silly, white and sweet young lady, who always greets people with a gentle and elegant smile, he knows that this guy is a super black-bellied, unpredictable and unpredictable. It's hard to see what's behind what she's doing.

No matter what, He Quanming always believed that Rafael was pure in nature and would not do anything against him...Of course, it is still very possible to trick him out of interest.

Since he couldn't guess it, he simply didn't care about it and let Rafael act on his own. Whether the result is good or bad, he can only resign himself to fate.

But... is it really good?

Is it really right to let other people act for your own happy ending, but you always say "resign yourself to fate" and "wait for the script of time", and then stand aside and look indifferent?

I kept saying "I won't open a harem", but I acquiesced to their actions to open a harem for me. Is this really right?

Izumi...don't know.

He fell into confusion again, not knowing what to do or whether to do anything.

Frowning in distress, just as he passed the hallway and was about to enter the living room, a doorbell rang suddenly.



I checked the time, it was close to ten o'clock, the person who would come to visit at this time... Is it Zong Ya's friend?Or is it a sales pitch?

Confused, he walked to the door and took a closer look at the cat's eyes. He Quanming couldn't help but widen his eyes at the figure that caught his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face.

Her long black hair is covered with a white beret. Her clean and cute face has a unique charm. She is dressed in a simple but youthful outfit, which brings out her beautiful girly demeanor hidden under her ordinary temperament.

With a slim figure, she stood straight outside the door with a small bag in both hands. Even though no one responded after a while after ringing the doorbell, there was still no impatience on her face, but a faint smile on her face.

That's right, the person who came was——

"... Kato?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After recovering, Izumi opened the door quickly, and asked Megumi Kato doubtfully.

"Kato? Why are you here?"

Kato Megumi asked him strangely.

"Huh? Don't you know? Sagiri invited me to play..." After a pause, she nodded suddenly, "Ah~ By the way, she seems to have said that she will give you a surprise, so I don't want to talk to you first. You said... no wonder you don't know."


He Quanming was stunned, this is really a surprising development.

He knew that Sagiri wanted Kato Megumi to come to play at home, and he also thought about making some preparations on the day she came to play at home, maybe she would take advantage of the opportunity to stay at home, and then he could take the opportunity... Cough cough, Take the opportunity to exchange feelings.

But he didn't expect that such a coincidence would be today!

Leaving aside the question of whether he was prepared, if he couldn't help "fighting" with Rafael for a long time just now, let Zongya bring Kato Megumi into the house, and then come to his room out of the mentality of visiting, and open the door At that time, I happened to see He Quanming pressing Rafael on the bed to be lingering, and the two people's clothes were messy...

He Quanming couldn't help turning pale.

——It’s a dog, will it die?I will be hacked to death, right?Will the blackened heroine with a hatchet cut open her stomach and stuff her head in?

Don't let such a bloody drama appear in daily novels, bastard!What about the harmonious and friendly love that was agreed upon, and the occasional Shura field, but no one will have a sad ending?

In this way, what is opened is not the Shura field, but the execution ground and slaughterhouse!

And my dear sister, is it really okay if you don't discuss it when you cheat on your brother?You know you almost lost my perfect brother?

Scared me so much...

Complaining so in his heart, He Quanming unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and praised himself for being a childlike innocence.

Hmph... Sure enough, men who persevere will definitely be rewarded... We almost entered the end of the blood knot.

Seeing He Quanming standing at the door, his face turns pale, frightened, sad, happy and proud, like a Sichuan opera changing face, Megumi Kato poked his chest inexplicably.

"Mingjun, what's the matter with you? Why are you so stupid?"

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