Rafael took Kato Megumi to sit on the cushion on the floor, and chatted with her about what happened in Sagiri's room just now with a smile that didn't seem fake, and his attitude was much more intimate than usual; while Kato Megumi was surprised After being dazed, she also showed a steady smile, nodded in agreement with her words, and there were crisp laughter between the two of them from time to time.

He Quanming had an inexplicable feeling.

The current atmosphere is more peaceful than he had expected, not to mention the two sisters whose minds may be occupied by a huge amount of information... Was the relationship between Rafael and Kato Megumi so good in the first place?

It feels like sisters who have been separated for many years. Although Rafael is basically talking and Kato Megumi is listening, the intimacy is obvious, which is completely different from before.

He was worried at the beginning, whether the atmosphere created by Kato Megumi and Chang Muyao in the class would be staged between the two of them, and he was even ready to face the Shura Field; But Phil greeted Megumi Kato so warmly, put him aside, and didn't say what Sagiri wanted to see him for.

Since the two chatted so happily, He Quanming was naturally too embarrassed to disturb him. After all, the friendship between them was a good thing for him, and it might be counterproductive to meddle in it by himself, so he crossed the two. Beside her, she came before the sister who was digesting the shocking truth she had just learned on the bed.

Akira Izumi waved at them.

"Zongya, Sagiri? What's the matter?"

Breaking away from thinking, the two eyes slowly focused back at the same time, and looked at his face; Zongya's face was still in a daze, and Sagiri took off her mask and earphones in a daze, and slowly looked at him. he said softly.

"...Hey, brother, do angels and demons really exist in this world?"

Seeing that Sagiri seemed to want to destroy the last doubt in her heart, Akira Izumi nodded heavily and sighed deeply.

"Well, it's true! Among the group of people who came last time, except for Kato, everyone else was an angel or a demon... I was on the street before, and I even met a guy who was as terrifying as a dragon... ..."

Zong Ya was also muttering on the side, his eyes seemed to be looking at an unreachable distance, and his tone was dreamy.

"My God... If I hadn't seen the holy light and wings with my own eyes, I really would have never thought that this kind of creature that only appears in novels actually exists in the real world... and is right beside us, living a life with us Same life."

"The world is so big, there are so many wonders..." He Quanming followed suit in amazement, then shook his head and comforted her, "But at least they are all hiding in the crowd, hiding their strength and identities, and neither causing trouble will not make any changes in our lives; in short, as long as they are treated as human beings, there is nothing to care about."

Glancing at Rafael, he smiled at her who happened to look over, and Quanming shrugged easily.

"Don't be afraid, and don't be surprised. In fact, we can regard angels and demons as a special kind of demi-human sauce! They have non-human characteristics, but they always live in human society, enjoying a peaceful and peaceful daily life—— Since subhuman sauces can be recognized by the government and accepted by the people, why should we fear them, who are not bad by nature?"

Touching the heads of the two sisters and seeing their dazed expressions, He Quanming couldn't help laughing even more happily.

"Whether it's a demon, an angel, or a dragon... as long as you want to be friends with us, welcome them with open arms!"

"Because everyone... is a part of this world."

The eyes behind the lenses narrowed gently, and Izumi made a soft conclusion.

If I really want to say, he is not a part of this world, maybe only his soul who has traveled from another world.

Whether it is human or non-human, he actually does not have the right to reject or criticize—because his own position is not within the scope of this world.

Although up to now, he has deliberately ignored his former self and regarded him as a member of this world, and now he is still worried that these may be a bit hypocritical and sentimental; but when he thinks that Sagiri and Zongya may hate or even Afraid of Gabriel and the others, he couldn't help the anxiety in his heart, and told them the words that persuaded him.

—Accept him!Accept them!Because everyone... is a part of this world!

It is precisely because of this that he wanted to chase the ending where everyone laughs together, so that he can belong to this world with peace of mind.

A lonely soul in another world, just looking for a bond that can lock him.

He Quanming sighed quietly from the bottom of his heart, and still had a kind smile on the surface.

He raised his eyes to look at Sagiri and the others, but found that their expressions were a little strange.

"That... brother..."

"Although it's a bit embarrassing to say that, big brother..."

As if hesitating whether to speak, the two sisters looked at each other, opened and closed their mouths, and after a silent exchange, they laughed helplessly and said to him in unison.

""From the beginning to the end, we never said that we would hate them? ""


He Quanming's smile froze slightly, and suddenly thought of Zong Ya's faintly excited expression just now, and he had a certain premonition in his heart—these two guys, could it be...

As if eager to prove Hequan Minggang's conjecture, Sagiri clenched her fists excitedly, with a longing look on her face, acting like a fantasy-loving twelve-year-old girl.

"It's better to say that it's great to exist! Didn't my brother think about it? They're angels! Demons! Fantasy creatures! Each one is super cute, and has all kinds of handsome and beautiful superpowers, unless They do evil, otherwise how could they hate them!"

Zong Ya took the end of the sentence, as if unable to hold back her excitement, she nodded happily.

"Yes, yes! And this way, I will have more basis when I write fantasy novels! If you don't understand something, you can ask me directly, and you can even ask her to demonstrate the special ability in person. This kind of realism is completely unrealistic. Yes! Now my mind suddenly popped up a lot of ideas that are sure to sell well, thanks to them, it's too late, who would be afraid!"

"Hey Hey hey……"

He Quanming stared blankly at the two sisters who were inexplicably cheering with his mouth open, and suddenly felt that they were really girls under the age of fifteen.

He neither thought about the changes that this special race would bring to human beings, nor thought that the strange ability might harm them, nor did he think about the consequences of "people who are not my race, their hearts must be different" and so on— —

They are just pure and happy for the realization of their fantasy.

Their life is so simple and clear.

... He Quanming suddenly felt that he who was pretending to think deeply about a bunch of complicated things just now was simply mentally retarded.

Why can't he learn from his sisters and live a happy life without any haze?

Obviously I am a young man who is a bitch, but I always put on a sense of vicissitudes of a literary youth, tired?

The world is so beautiful, we just go on with our daily life, don't think too much, isn't it good?

"Brother! Next time, ask Sister Vinette and the others to come over together, okay? I want to collect materials!"

"I think so too! Why don't you call the three demi-human sauces from the school together? It seems like the elder brother has established a club with them. The relationship should be good, right?"

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