"Well... If there are others, I have to put on a mask and a voice changer first... I don't know if they will mind..."

"Oh, my Sagiri actually thinks about whether other people will mind my disguise... Is the pervert's character of squatting at home finally changing?"

"No! I was ordered by my brother to stay with him as a permanent home! I won't change easily!...Wait, what is the evaluation of a pervert!?"

"Who told you to become like an uncle every time you put on a mask, talking obscenely..."

Seeing the two people quarreling with each other daily, with undisguised smiles on their faces, He Quanming couldn't help but grinned, and laughed too.

"Okay! Then next time I will ask everyone to come to my house to play together! Let's hold a communication party between humans and non-humans! At that time, we will write a novel in which everyone can appear, and let the world see how we are. How do you get along with them, and contribute to the integration of various races and the peace of love in the world!"

"The title of this novel... um! It's called this--

"Let's offer laughter to this beautiful daily life!" "

How about it?Sounds like the title of the book hegemony predestined? "

The two shook their heads in disgust.

"Not at all."

"It's ugly enough."

"Hahahahaha that's enough for the two of you, I'm going to blow the asses of you bad kids who talk back! Come here!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There was a happy chat with Quanming and others, but the atmosphere between Rafael and Kato Megumi on the other side was a bit different.

As if what Izumi saw was an illusion, Megumi Kato sat opposite Rafael, although he didn't look very dignified, but he wasn't as harmonious as he thought.

Kato Megumi looked at Izumi and Izumi who clearly had a good conversation but didn't make a sound, and then looked at Rafael who just smiled with great interest and didn't say a word, and couldn't help asking in doubt.

"That...Student Raphael..."

"Just call me Rafael!" Rafael blinked playfully, seemingly in a good mood.

After a pause, Megumi Kato changed his words obediently.

"Rafael, their voices..."

Because she didn't know how to elaborate on the question, she didn't say any more, she looked at Rafael and waited for her to answer.

Raphael nodded knowingly.

"Well, I used an enchantment to isolate us from them—in short, we can't hear them, and they don't care about us..."

Having said that, He Quanming suddenly looked over, and Raphael immediately returned a bright smile.

Then he turned his head nonchalantly and continued talking.

"...This is a barrier that facilitates conversation. No matter what you say or do, you won't be noticed~"

"Yes, is it..."

Kato Megumi twitched the corners of her mouth imperceptibly, she was really speechless, after all, she had never seen someone who could open their eyes and tell such nonsense... No, maybe Izumi could do it too, his thick-skinned level is comparable to that of Lafite Earl is much taller.

Thinking about it this way, in terms of aspects, the two of them are actually quite similar...

Of course, what Kato Megumi didn't know was that this enchantment was not really to make other people ignore them, but to forge a scene where they were having a happy conversation, and it would not isolate the outside voices—because Raphael could He could hear what was being said outside, but Kato Megumi was always kept in the dark.

Even though he realized that he might be being concealed by Rafael, Kato Megumin remained calm, looked at her with a peaceful expression, and even took out a bottle of green tea from his bag and started drinking.

Rafael was smiling on the surface, thinking about his plan in his heart, seeing that Megumi Kato didn't intend to initiate the topic, so he spoke first.

"Student Hui, there are some things I want to ask you for advice."

Hearing her modest yet graceful tone that fit her appearance, Megumi Kato nodded slightly.

"Please say."

Topaz-colored pupils stared at her intently, the smile on his face was replaced by a serious look, and Raphael asked a question.

"Do you really like classmate Ming?"

"Puff cough, cough..."

Covering his mouth, Kato Megumi took out a tissue and wiped the choked tea.

The pure black eyes looked at Raphael in astonishment, apparently wondering why she would suddenly ask such a question.

Rafael had no intention of explaining, and still stared at her, waiting for her answer.

He patted his chest to calm his breath, although he didn't know what her purpose was, but seeing that she didn't give up until she got an answer, Megumi Kato could only answer honestly.

"Of course... I like it."

Nodding, Raphael continued to ask.

"You're dating him?"

The expression returned to normal, and after Kato Megumi answered, his eyes were slightly sharp and he asked back.

"Well, you should know that—why do you ask knowingly?"

Smiling lightly, Rafael did not answer, but instead threw a question that made Megumi Kato stunned.

"Then have you ever thought about marrying him and having children?"

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