Gabriel stretched out her small white hand from her pocket expressionlessly, and clenched it tightly, a faint light instantly gathered on the fist.

"Very well, I decided to play with you with my fists until I kill you, let you take a good look at what level of existence I am!"

"Wait, Xiaojia! This is the street! There will be trouble if you use violence, at least go to a place where there are no people..."

Vinette quickly hugged Gabriel, who had a sinister expression, for fear that she would rush over and tear Satania apart... Now she didn't know whether to pity herself or Xiao Jia, once she met these two people, Xiao Jia will be provoked involuntarily, and then she will be responsible for comforting Xiao Jia with all her heart and soul.

Sometimes she wants to let these people make trouble on their own regardless, but her natural sense of morality and soft-heartedness can't always let them go... I'm really tired...

Sighing helplessly in her heart, Vinette seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly raised her eyes to look at Satania and Izumi in surprise.

"Wait... Now that the familiar contract has been established... that means, you have...K, Ki..."

Seeing that she was too blushing to say that word, He Quanming kindly added: "Kill la Kill?"

"Yes, Kill la Kill... or something! Why is it such a strange term!"

Angrily complained, seeing Satania's flustered expression of blushing suddenly and shifting her gaze, without saying that word, Vinet could basically determine the answer to this question.

" two have really..." Muttered with complicated eyes, Vinette sighed, a little confused about how she was feeling right now.

Are you jealous?No, she even wanted to bless Satania for finding a partner she wanted to follow for the rest of her life so quickly.

Are you envious?A little bit, after all, she also had a longing for a contract when she was a child, hoping that she could find a suitable person.

Say you are not reconciled?That's even more impossible, because she has long known that the relationship between Satania and Izumi is very close. As early as when she knew them, she had a premonition that "these two will become real masters and servants in the future" .

Now this premonition came true, the two kissed and made a contract, and they could not be separated from now on.

Obviously something to congratulate on this...

But why, a sense of loss suddenly appeared in my heart?

Vinette smiled wryly, she knew why.

(Really, maybe I really like him...)

Maybe it's not like, it's just a touch of heartbeat.

Helpless, who seldom gets along with men so intimately, feels moved by some trivial things, and can't help but start to care about this boy.

But it's just a feeling.

Now that Satania has already claimed the right of possession first, of course she will not take away people's love—even if there is no monogamy rule in the Demon World, she still subconsciously thinks that after receiving information from the world for a long time If Satania really likes He Quanming, then she can only give in with this ungerminated first love.

There won't be too much distress, after all, the feelings released are not very deep.

(However, Xiaojia’s words...)

Secretly shifting her worried eyes to her friend, Vinette had noticed a long time ago that her friend had no less affection for that boy than Satania.

It's just that she's not frank, not active, and rarely expresses her feelings; even if she is asked to work hard for her love, she will definitely say—"If I have that kind of time to be entangled in love, I might as well go Play a few more games, watch a few more animations, I don’t care about such things at all~”——like words.

But Vinette knew that Xiao Jia actually still wanted someone to be by her side, especially when she already fell in love with that boy, how would she react to this?

Shouldn't be too excited...

Secretly observing Gabriel's expression, Vinette discovered...

This guy is completely indifferent!

Shrugging indifferently, Gabriel exhaled a breath of hot air, put her hands back into her pockets and said casually.

"Since this is the case, I wish you a happy life, master and servant~ Hey, over there! I told you to come over for some activities when I have time, why haven't you come here recently?"

Akira Izumi curled his lips, and tightly grasped Gabriel's finger that was trying to put it back in his pocket, and then shook it up and down like a wave.

"Isn't there no time... There are too many things to worry about recently, so I will go to you again in a while."

"It's done. Let me dove like this again, and I'll go directly to your house to find you next time."

"If you, a lazy cancer patient, can go out automatically because of this, the door of my house will be open for you at any time."

"Heh, if you include food, water, electricity and internet, I'll just go live at your house... By the way, stop playing with my fingers, and be careful that I'll poke a hole in your head."

"Tsk, it's scary..."

Seeing the two communicating with each other as usual, Wei Nette felt a little incredulous.

Could it be... Does this incident have no effect on their relationship at all?

Or is it that I was wrong, that Gabriel didn't like He Quanming at all?Are they innocent?

Is everything in those books wrong...

I doubted my common sense of love, but after watching Satania join the chat between the two and start a new round of quarrel, she quickly interrupted her complicated thinking, reflexively intervened between several people and began to act Come peacemaker.

This instinctive reaction really made her a little helpless...

Not bad though.

It's better than entangled in the relationship between men and women.

There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and Vinette was enjoying the happy atmosphere between the four of them at the moment.

At this moment, another voice sounded behind them.

"Huh? Ming, and everyone else? Why are you all here?"

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