-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The four people who were making a noise all turned their heads away, only to find that it was Chang Muyao who hadn't appeared on stage for a long time.

She was wearing a short school uniform skirt and a heavy black overcoat, with a single brown ponytail swaying behind her, like an ordinary female high school student, waving to them.

"Yao?! Where have you been all this time? Did you disappear?" Looking at her figure, Izumi asked in surprise.

Waving his hands in a funny way, Chang Muyao walked beside them calmly.

"It's not about disappearance, it's just that I have something to do! I'll explain to you later, I'm sorry to make you worry~"

Smiling and patted his shoulder, Chang Muyao then turned his curious eyes on the others.

"Leave mine aside...why are you all gathered here? Are you going out to play together?"

Although he is not familiar with Chang Muyao, let alone a friend, at least Chang Muyao invited a delicious Spanish paella in order to repay them, and Gabriel knew her very early, so they naturally Will not ignore her inquiry.

"Me? I just got bored and went out for a stroll. I happened to meet... No, I met my family's familiar under the guidance of fate!" Satania replied with her head held high.

"I was forcibly dragged out by Vinette to bask in the sun... I really want to go back now~"

Yawning deeply, Gabriel motioned for He Quanming to take a seat, sat next to him, and then slumped lazily on the bench.

Vinette gave Gabriel a sneaky look: "I saw that Xiaojia hadn't gone out for a long time, and if she stayed at home, mold might grow, so I brought her here for a stroll, but I just happened to meet Satani Ya, Izumi, and the others... and now you have to add Toki-san, this coincidence is too amazing..."

"Yeah, I didn't expect everyone to get together this weekend..." Chang Muyao nodded, stretched out two fingers and smiled, "In this case, maybe Xiaohui and Rafael will also appear ! If it's all a coincidence!"

He Quanming twitched the corner of his mouth silently.

(The Rafael you mentioned is trying on underwear in the store, and Megumi Kato is at my house with my sister...)

Thinking of this, his left and right eyelids suddenly jumped violently, and an ominous premonition slowly grew in his heart.

This kind of expansion, no way...

Just when his eyes widened uncomfortably and his head was spinning rapidly because of the sudden guess, Chang Muyao's question came into his ears at the same time.

"What about you? Did you come to the shopping street alone? You even brought a bento?"

He Quanming looked down at the bento box he had put on his feet that hadn't been put away, and then at the girls who were staring at him with obvious interest, with difficulty pulling the corners of his mouth, with an expression of wanting to cry without tears.

"This...it's because..."

--How to do?Want to tell them the truth?

Said that he was dating Rafael, and she was currently picking out lingerie in the lingerie store inside?

It's a bit hard to tell, it's really a bad situation... No, I can't think like this, as long as I confess to them, there will be no misunderstandings.

It's not the first time he encountered this situation, as long as he made it clear to them, they probably wouldn't care if they knew their own character, let alone the appearance of Shura field.

And the girls in front of him, except for Chang Muyao, are not the kind of people who would accuse him of being playful and scum.

So now, the best solution is to confess and be lenient!Don't panic because of such a small emergency, I am an elder who has experienced many battles!

Cheering for himself in his heart, He Quanming straightened his expression, raised a wry smile, and spoke to them.

"Oh, I'm because of..."

At this moment, Rafael came out of the underwear shop with a smile on his face holding a white lace bra.

"Student Ming, do you think this suits your taste... Huh?"

The smile on his face suddenly froze when he saw He Quanming sitting on the bench.

She saw several young girls around He Quanming, all of whom she knew or were good friends, and among them was her lifelong best friend, Satania.

They all stared at themselves with wonder eyes, and the bold underwear on their hands.

The corners of her eyes twitched slightly. If it weren't for this situation, Rafael would be very happy to see Satania appear, but now, her heart is full of bad premonitions, and she can't be happy at all.

For a moment, the air seemed to be pulled away from the concept of sound, and the cold wind blew silently, bringing a silent depression.

The scene was very embarrassing, no one spoke, and no one knew what to say, they just looked at each other with complicated eyes, the world seemed to freeze, and it was difficult to breathe smoothly.

After a while, Rafael broke the silence first. She hid the bra in her hand behind her back and smiled nonchalantly.

"Hey, why are you all here? Have you made an appointment to play together?"

Seeing that she still wanted to fool around at this time, Gabriel couldn't help rolling her eyes secretly, and explained plainly.

"Vinette and I are the only ones who made an appointment to come out together, and the rest are people who happened to meet—oh, no, you two should be counted."

Leaning lazily on the seat, looking at the two people who were faintly embarrassed, the corners of Gabriel's mouth curled into an inexplicable arc.

"You can even meet up with a lingerie store on a date... It's really a lot of experience."

This soft mumbling sounded like a cannonball in the air where the needles could be heard, allowing everyone to hear it clearly.

Vinette's complexion became a little ugly, and after slightly scanning the expressions of Gabriel and Satania, she turned her disappointed gaze to Izumi, and spoke a little unacceptably.

"In this kind of place...you two...no, student He Quanming, what are you..."


Satania stood there blankly, staring wide-eyed, looking at the scarves and gloves of the two who looked like a couple's suit, and the underwear in Rafael's hand that seemed to be for Izumi's appreciation, her body seemed to be frozen Generally stiff, hands and feet slightly cold.

On the contrary, Chang Muyao was the most indifferent among them. After being slightly taken aback, she showed a slightly mocking smile as if she had understood something a long time ago.

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