Chang Muyao said to Rafael with a smile.

Rafael froze for a moment, and was forced to swallow what she was about to say, and she looked at Chang Muyao in surprise.

"Now, are you here?"

Chang Muyao nodded.

"Yes, just say it now - if you don't say it now, you may not have the chance to say it later."

Hearing this, Gabriel raised her eyelids, scratched her fluffy blond hair and said casually: "Do we need to avoid it? Or should you two go talk by yourself? But I'm too lazy to stand up, so I recommend your second plan. "

Chang Muyao smiled helplessly at her: "It's okay, Gabriel sauce, I'll finish soon."

After looking around at the crowd, she fixed her gaze on He Quanming, who looked like he was racking his brains to think of the perfect solution even in a little spare time, looking inexplicably embarrassed, which made her feel a little pity in her heart. There are sighs.

If I knew this earlier, why did I do it in the first place...

If you only show affection for one person, even if it makes other people sad, it won't be as entangled as it is now, right?

That tenderness will only turn into a pain that tortures everyone and yourself in the end...

——When you don’t like anyone, I will think there is still a chance; when you only like Xiaohui, I will think about fair competition; but if you have so many boats, you still shamelessly want everyone to be harmonious When getting along, sorry, I choose to give up.

After all, no matter how much he likes He Quanming, Chang Muyao has no intention of sharing his love with others.

As long as you have one boyfriend, you can only have one girlfriend; if there are more, someone must leave.

This is the law of love in reality. A woman with common sense and rationality will not allow her lover to cheat.

Not to mention the kind of scum whose legs are about to be split into octopuses, how could he forgive it?

This cognition has established Chang Muyao's hesitant determination. Even if he still likes him, in the future, he will no longer exist in his heart.

A love in adolescence is so small and so short.

Standing in front of Izumi Ming, watching him raise his head a little nervously, Chang Muyao spoke quietly.

"Ming, I'm going to study abroad in Spain, and I'll leave in about a week."

When this sentence reached Izumi Ming's ears, he couldn't help being shocked, and looked at Chang Muyao in disbelief.

"This, so suddenly?!"

Chang Muyao smiled and shook his head: "It's not sudden. Originally, I worked part-time to save the tuition fees for studying abroad in Spain. Now my dad found out about this matter, and he also knows about the relationship with you. If I can't hold him back, I will I can only accept his funding to go to Spain to realize my dream~”

He Quanming stared blankly at her indifferent smiling face, there were many things he wanted to ask her, and there were many things he didn't understand, and he wanted her to clarify.

Was the phone call that interrupted the first date her father calling to question their relationship?Why study abroad in Spain?Why are you in such a hurry?To realize a dream, what kind of dream do you want to realize?Why didn't you tell him first?


He Quanming suddenly understood.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't understand Chang Muyao at all - her thoughts, her dreams, her persistence, her wishes...

He had never understood any of this.

I'm afraid Chang Muyao is the same, right?I have never known the real him, and I don't want to know more about him.

The relationship between the two is more superficial than imagined.

What they think is ambiguous is just superficial.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't fall in love with Chang Muyao at all, no, he didn't even like to date him.

Because he doesn't want to explore her, he only has the superficial idea that Chang Muyao is awesome, it should be good to be with her, etc.

It's only because of appearance, because of interaction, because of flamboyant masculinity, that he also likes Chang Muyao's idea.

The two of them are like two magnets, they are attracted together by hormones or instincts, and they only touch the side of each other that is different from themselves, and they have the illusory feeling of "that is the person who wants to be together". idea.

Once the magnetism wears off and the nature of their feelings is clearly seen, they are destined to separate.

Looking back carefully, He Quanming found that the time spent with Chang Muyao was indeed pleasant, and there were many unforgettable memories; when teased by her, his heart beat faster, he didn't mind intimate contact with her, and even secretly looked forward to her Be more active--

But these are just the normal thoughts a man would have about a woman with a good relationship.

There is no feeling of wanting to fall in love with it.

The reason why He Quanming can confirm this conclusion so firmly is because he suddenly realized that Chang Muyao never brought him that kind of warm throbbing.

Everyone present gave him that kind of joyful feeling of unconsciously wanting to laugh, even Vinette had it, except for Chang Muyao, who has always only had a physical heartbeat.

He Quanming didn't know how her feelings were, but at this moment he deeply understood——

His love for Chang Muyao is always just a favorite among friends.

There is no love that cannot be communicated, because it never existed.


After thinking this through, he let out a long breath, like a sigh.

But the expression on his face was inexplicably relaxed and relieved.

"Well, yes, that's all I want to talk about, and I don't care about anything else."

Chang Muyao responded with a smile, seeing that He Quanming accepted the matter so quickly, and his expression became much more relaxed, she couldn't help but feel a little happy for it.

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