But then came complicated and uncomfortable thoughts.

(Why do you still look happy when I want to study abroad? Are you just trying to drive me away? Anyway, our relationship is pretty good, right? Even if we’re not a couple, friends shouldn’t be so unfeeling, right? This is too much guy...!)

Complaining secretly in her heart, she stood in front of He Quanming with her hands behind her back without changing her face.

With a mischievous smile on his exquisite face, his eyes seemed to be able to speak, and his eyes looked calm as if they had never changed.

Looking up at her, He Quanming smiled easily as if he had forgotten the previous situation.

"Do you want me to wish you a smooth journey? My poisonous milk skills have always been good."

"Forget it, if something happens to me after you bless me, I will stab you with a voodoo doll even in the Spanish paradise."

"It's as if you can go to heaven." Shaking his head with a smile, He Quanming continued, "In this case, I will curse you for not being able to find a boyfriend in Spain."

Chang Muyao immediately grinned at him.

"How dare you say that! Let me tell you, if I've been single for several years over there and become an unwanted spinster, the first thing I'll do when I return to Japan is to come and push you, believe it or not!"

"I don't believe it!" He Quanming smiled proudly, "If it was me who pushed you and taught you to be an RBQ, then in order not to let you die alone, I would reluctantly appoint you as the chef and maid of the Izumi family. Locked up in the basement every day to cook!"

Chang Muyao asked suspiciously: "...is it cooking, or cooking?"

"Your question is too difficult, and I don't understand the pure ones at all."

"Fart you!"

It's rare to hear her swear a bad word, even in this situation.

He Quanming shook his head with some amusement, then straightened his face and stared straight at her.

"Okay, this time I'm serious... In Spain, you have to take good care of yourself; you must protect your personal safety, foreign countries are not safe, let alone you are a Japanese girl, you are easily discriminated against; what grievances or thoughts do you have? If you complain, you can call me to complain, anyway, you pay for the phone call; when you want to ask for help, please think of the police uncle, and don't think of me, because no matter how powerful I am, I can't teleport from Japan to save you... …”

"Okay, okay, it's just studying abroad, why are you such a mother-in-law!" Chang Muyao quickly waved his hand to interrupt his long speech, "And the more you listen, the more strange it becomes, are you really worried about me?! "

"Why are you so worried about my few friends? If I could, I could write you a manual of precautions for going out!" He Quanming rolled his eyes, as if you have long hair and little knowledge, don't talk too much look like.

Chang Muyao raised his brows, feeling uncomfortable again.

Although I really want to ask him if he never liked me at all, and I also want to know exactly what kind of feelings he has for me, but since we are going to leave, I have decided to give up this love war, so let's not waste it.

But... don't ask these questions, she still has things to do.

In order to solve the unwillingness in my heart, there is also the feeling of wanting revenge.

Chang Muyao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a little devil-like smile.

That was the expression she would show when she thought of the idea of ​​getting Kawazumi.

Izumi Minton felt bad.

"Then what, aren't you in a hurry? Go back as soon as you finish talking, and let me know before you take the plane, and I'll see you off."

Chang Muyao smiled sweetly.

"Of course I'm leaving, but before I leave, there's one more thing I want to do."

Then, before He Quanming had time to react, he clamped his face with both hands, with a malicious arc at the corner of his mouth, leaned his face down, and then kissed him hard.


The kissing sound was so loud that all passers-by who saw and heard it were dumbfounded. Gabriel and the others also stared wide-eyed at the scene of the two "kissing affectionately".

No, it's not so much a kiss, it's better to say it's a unilateral sucking of the lips - as if trying to suck out all the feelings of the past few months, Chang Muyao didn't intend to create a romantic kissing scene at all, with his cheeks Shrinking into two depressions, the suction force is so strong that one can't help but wonder if Hequanming's lips will be sucked away.

After a while, Chang Muyao let go of He Quanming's cheeks as if he had exhausted all his strength, took a few steps back, and took a few breaths.

"Exhale, exhale... I inhaled so hard that I lost all the air..."

Then he looked at Izumi Akira, who was slumped on the bench, staring blankly at her, and suddenly smiled triumphantly.

"Hee hee~ I told you to be a fool, I told you to let my first love die halfway, the revenge is over~"

Raising her eyebrows happily, she waved to the others, and when she found that no one was paying attention to her when she greeted her, she shrugged, turned around and walked towards the exit of the shopping street without taking a trace of clouds.

Only Akira Izumi, whose lips were swollen like sausages, was left, and the onlookers who stood there dumbfounded.

No one noticed that when she turned her head, the blushing color on her face showed a faint sense of existence in the cold wind.

A whisper, also with the red tide receded, fell soundlessly to the ground.

"Goodbye, Ming... my first love."

Then he regained his smile and stepped out with ease.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chang Muyao walked away very chicly, but He Quanming, who was sitting on the chair, couldn't be as chic as her.

Touching her red, swollen and hot lips, watching her back gradually drifting away, He Quanming's already relieved heart became a mess again.

...What the hell is this guy thinking?

If you want to leave, you don't want to leave, and you actually give him a parting kiss—and it's the kind of super powerful kiss that seems to want to suck his soul out of your mouth. Do you really think you are a vacuum cleaner?

If it's not the lips... Ahem, it's okay, don't drive, don't drive.

However, even after being teased by her in this way at the end, He Quanming didn't feel the slightest bit of unhappiness—except for the pain and discomfort from being sucked into his lips, the fragrance of Chang Muyao's body seemed to still remain on him, and there was also a tinge on his lips. With the taste of her saliva, even if this kissing experience is not heart-warming and cherishable at all, the touch is the kind that will never be forgotten.

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