Really... the guy who couldn't trust her until the end.

With a helpless smile, He Quanming withdrew his gaze; at this moment, he suddenly felt a poking sensation on his arm.

Looking back, Gabriel, who was sitting beside him, was pointing his arm with his fingers, and staring at him with extremely unfriendly eyes.

He Quanming finally recalled that his current situation was very bad.

With the corners of his mouth twitching and looking around, He Quanming's face turned half pale—Vinette was keeping a distance from him; Raphael put on a smile at some point, but the There was no smile at all, something cold and terrifying was brewing in her pupils; while Satania remained motionless from beginning to end...

Ah, the soul ran out of her mouth.

Seeing that He Quanming started to be dazed again, Gabriel couldn't help but sneered at him, and that delicate and cute little face rarely showed a mocking expression.

"What? Still reminiscing? How does it feel to be kissed so passionately by a beautiful girl? By the way, I don't think it's good. It feels like you're showing off your womanhood.

I didn't take the initiative!I was forced too!And who would want to reminisce about that kind of lip-sucking Dafa!

Roaring in his heart, He Quanming didn't dare to really refute - Zhang Wuji's mother once said that reasoning with an angry woman will only make her angrier, and this kind of thing is getting darker and darker, there is no way to escape Your own words will only make things worse.

But the silence in the front was too long. If he said nothing at this time, it would have the opposite effect. The eyes of other people became colder and colder. opening.

"No, no, I didn't..."

"Well, it's none of my business whether you have it or not, it won't change that you're a bad guy anyway."

What do you want me to do!

Akira Izumi really wanted to escape, really wanted to catch up with Yao Chang Mu and escape Japan with her.

The situation was already bad enough, but now that Chang Muyao messed it up, not only Vinette and the others, but even Raphael have big opinions on him!

Why do bad things happen one after another... Is this the leak in the house and the mudslide...

He lowered his head and gritted his teeth angrily, He Quanming really didn't know what to do anymore.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from the heart.

——It should be good to let them hate me like this, right?

It was very faint at first, and then gradually grew, slowly taking over his thoughts.

——Even if they don't like me, hate me, or hate me, I won't lose a piece of meat, right?

This voice was like a straight line in the mess, giving him a clue to get out of trouble.

——I still have my younger sister and Kato, without these four people, it’s not bad at all!Why should I make trouble for myself here just because of their mood?

Instinctively agreeing with this statement, He Quanming gradually relaxed.

——At the end of the day, I am of a completely different race from them. How can we fall in love with different races?Let alone opening a harem.

If they want to stay away from me because of this, isn't that just right?You can have a smooth relationship with Kato, you don't have to worry about the Shura field, you don't have to think about a happy ending for everyone, and you don't have to bear the infamy of being a scum...

Thinking about it this way, these four guys are simply superfluous!

When his thoughts touched here, the corners of He Quanming's mouth couldn't help twisting, and he smiled lowly.

——I don't really want to have a harem. If you all acted as if you liked me and couldn't bear to hurt your feelings, I would have been with Kato long ago, okay?Why should I feel guilty because I didn't kiss her but was kissed by someone else?

Ordinary male and female friends have already had sex by this time!How dare you hinder the development of human relations, let's see what good things you have done!

His body was trembling slightly, He Quanming held back the unobstructed pleasure in his body, his head was still lowered, he could hardly control his desire to roar out.

--do not like me?Hate scum?Not bad!It's not that I can't do it without you, where do you have the ground to condemn me?I'm not wrong from the beginning to the end, what's wrong is just you guys who like me without permission!

I'm just doing things my way, and I haven't taken the initiative to attack anyone at all—no, Megumi Kato is one, but it's only the only one.

--Look!How dedicated I am!Without the four of you, I would be the most dedicated person in the world, okay?

There is no place to be blamed, no crime to criticize, no unrealistic flirtatiousness——He Quanming has absolutely no need to be driven to a desperate situation by the Shura field!

His teeth were clenched, his lips were trembling, and he showed a strange expression that was either crying or smiling.

——So, stop looking at me with that kind of gaze...

I... obviously did nothing wrong...

"...raise your head."

A calm voice suddenly sounded beside my ears.

He Quanming shook his whole body, and after a moment of hesitation, he slowly raised his head.

Stuffing all the emotions on the verge of collapse into a hypocritical mask, the corners of his mouth twitched, barely maintaining his calm.

"What, what's wrong..."

Without answering him, Gabriel stood up from the bench, her petite body was actually about the same height as him sitting, her long blond hair was disheveled behind her, and she had an indifferent expression as if she didn't care about anything.

She squinted her blue pupils like the deep sea, and said slowly to Izumi Akira word by word.

"Listen, I don't care how messed up your love life is, or how many people like you, I actually think you're kind of stupid to worry about all this stuff."

"Because you haven't even discovered the most essential thing, you don't even understand what my...their feelings are, and you are stuck in the vortex you created by yourself; you are still at a loss when the ground is right under your feet Drowning, isn't this stupid what is it?"

"If you can't even do the simplest thing of opening your eyes, what future can you see? Don't you feel that everything is pitch black?"

With her hands in her pockets, she stared sharply at Izumi who opened her mouth slightly. Her fluffy hair fluttered with the cold wind, like a golden curtain was drawn in the air.

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