"So don't put on such a dead face anymore, it's annoying when you see it!"

Without politeness, she turned her back.

"If you don't have the courage to fight for it, then give up; if you don't have the courage to give up, then fight for it—everything in the world is that simple.

If you want to play an activity, you have to fight hard; if you want to rest and sleep, just wait until the next activity and fight again.Anyway, life is like a game, when and what to do is decided by oneself.

Show your game-playing appearance, Shilipo Sword God.You're so timid, you can't even beat the lowest slime, and you still want to exchange event points for materials?I'm afraid you're not living in a dream, you idiot. "

Unreserved vicious words came out of the angel's mouth, and Gabriel walked forward step by step with his back to Izumi, talking as he walked.

"To be honest, when you bowed your head just now, the evil thoughts emanating from your body really made me want to use the holy light to smear you on the ground, and let Satania go to hell to get her new familiar - but it looks like you are playing the game For the sake of good strength, I will barely spare your life."

He Quanming was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little flustered in his heart—did she discover all the things he was thinking just now?

No, I probably didn't notice it... Otherwise, how could I talk to him so calmly now.


Touching his heart, He Quanming suddenly realized that the dark thoughts he had just had disappeared at some point, leaving only a warm, warm feeling of peace flowing in his heart.

That petite back, in his eyes, seemed inexplicably tall.

"Come to me after you've dealt with your messy affairs—eat chicken double row, I'm missing you."

"Don't make me wait too long!"

After snorting coolly, Gabriel waved to Wei Nate

"Vina, shall we go home and play games?"

"No! Haven't you finished your homework yet?" Vinette couldn't help admonishing her, "Since you want to go back, then start doing your homework later! Don't worry, I will teach you."

"Hey~ let me copy it~"

"I don't want it. If you don't work hard on some things, you won't grow. You have to write your own homework!"

Resolutely rejecting Gabriel's pleading, Vinette quietly turned her eyes to Izumi Akira, as if she was also saying the same words to him.

Although I do not agree with and reject Izumi's playful behavior, he is still my friend and the only one of the opposite sex who has a slight liking for him. Vinette knows that she has no position to teach him a lesson, so she reminded him a little.

...I hope you can work hard to deal with your feelings well, Izumi-san.

After glancing at Satania worriedly, she followed Gabriel's pace of drifting away. The number of people decreased and the temperature dropped. Only three people with complicated relationships remained around the bench.

He Quanming, Satania, Rafael.

Gabriel's words kept rolling in his mind, as well as Vinette's unspoken reminders, and for a moment, Kazumi stared into the distance in a daze.

He seemed to understand what Gabriel wanted to say.

He was also vague as to whether his thoughts had changed.

There were only two thoughts that gradually became clear, as if infinitely magnified before his eyes, urging him to make a choice.

Do you want to "fight" or "give up"?

——Choose to fight to enter the A world line.

——Choose to give up and enter the B world line.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under the gloomy sky, He Quanming wandered as if lost in his thoughts.

No pain, no sorrow, no joy, no firmness.

There is only a blank confusion.

Much to the overflowing confusion.

The howling cold wind couldn't wake his thoughts, couldn't freeze his emptiness.

It's as if the whole person is about to disappear between the heaven and the earth, and the soul is constantly in a trance among the clouds.

He doesn't know what to do now, what to choose.

Why...why do you have to live in such trouble...

Why...why do you have to live so entangled...

Why... let him come into this world...

"...Student Ming?"

A slightly hesitant voice suddenly sounded from the side, and Izumi slowly turned his head, and Rafael was looking at him worriedly.

The dangerous expression stimulated by Chang Muyao just now has disappeared, leaving only a sincere and caring expression.

Rafael walked to the bench where He Quanming was sitting, didn't sit down, just looked down at him.

With slightly tugged eyebrows, she spoke softly with guilt.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry...it's all because of me..."

His sluggish eyes blinked, and his spirit slowly returned. He Quanming smiled dryly, revealing endless exhaustion in his tone.

"Ha... What are you talking about? It's not just me, everyone has nothing to do? Why do you apologize..."

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