It's just going out on a date and being caught by a friend, what's the matter...

It's just being kissed forcibly in public, so what does it matter...

But it's all, it's just a trivial matter...

Constantly using this excuse in his heart to comfort himself, He Quanming forced a smile.

Pulling the corner of his mouth, he looked towards Satania.

"Instead of caring about me, why don't you take a look at Satania? She's been standing there stupidly for a few minutes now, and it seems like someone is treating her like a performance art statue."

Rafael immediately turned pale with fright, and started to run towards Satania.

But before acting, she still couldn't help staring at He Quanming's expression.

"Student Ming... don't you want to say something to Sa-chan?"

He Quanming smiled lonely.

"What can I say? An apology? An explanation?"

If Satania had been his girlfriend, these words would have worked for her...but she wasn't, and that was the trouble.

The relationship between the two of them is simple yet complicated.

That's not a bond that can be broken or remade with words.

No matter how much you say, it's useless.

"Even if there is something I can say, it might be better for you to say it... Tell her everything, I'll sit here first."

"Then..." Raphael nodded hesitantly, "After I finish talking with Sa-chan, the you want to continue?"

He Quanming shook his head and did not speak.

Rafael immediately lowered his head, and responded with a low voice.

Pulling his gaze away from Izumi, he turned around and ran towards Satania.

Looking at the white hair flying behind her, He Quanming slowly took off the gloves and scarf.

Cold air came in from his bare skin, but he didn't feel cold at all.

Because the body and mind have long been frozen into numbness by the chill of emptiness.

Stuffing those two things into the bag, he took a deep look at the blue bento box, and put it back into the bag like Quan Ming.

Exhaling a breath, he sarcastically brought out a wisp of white smoke, and after seeing Satania and Rafael say a few words, He Quanming gritted his teeth and ran away with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Rafael stood there in a daze for a long time, with his hands stretched out in the direction she was running away, but he didn't take a step forward.

Turning his head, his eyes were slightly red, filled with eyes like a wounded animal begging for comfort, but after seeing Akira Izumi's neck and hands exposed to the air, he stared wide in disbelief.


Covering her mouth uncomfortably, she pressed her sobs back into her throat. She opened her eyes, and drops of water uncontrollably fell from the back of her hands.

Inquiries and incomprehensible sadness kept floating, but she couldn't ask a word.

The long hair was trembling, and when her eyes came into contact with Izumi, she even took two steps back involuntarily.

He Quanming just smiled empty-handedly, in his eyes, there was the exhaustion that even he had given up.

After waving to Rafael, he put on his bag, turned around and walked without a word, and walked towards the exit on the other side without saying a word.

The back is bent like an old man, and the twilight atmosphere stepped on the ground, whitening the sky.

At that moment, the first snowflakes of winter were slowly falling.



After only a few steps, a sound of hurried footsteps came from behind, and then, He Quanming found that he couldn't walk anymore.

The hem of his clothes was being pulled tightly by someone, and the force of the grip was so strong that if he continued to move forward, either the coat would be torn, or he would be like a wild dog chained, No matter how hard you struggle, you can't move forward.

Izumi Akira, who was thinking in a dead silence, turned his head silently. Even so, he did not make a movement of resistance, but just quietly looked at the person who stopped his footsteps, and there was no wave in his eyes.

If he was normal, he would definitely complain about why these people are so strong, right?

But at this moment, he didn't have that kind of thought at all, like a robot that hadn't turned its clockwork, waiting for an explanation without saying a word.

Her hair was disheveled, and there were still some tears on her face, but the red eyes forcibly stopped the tears. The white-haired girl stood just behind Izumi Akira, her white hands almost crushing the corners of his coat. Generally hold tightly.

She didn't even have time to catch her breath, after she stopped He Quanming's footsteps, she shouted with all her strength.

"Ming, classmate Ming!"

Closing his eyes tightly, Rafael trembled, regardless of the passers-by who were frightened by the shout, as if trying to squeeze out the last strength from his body, he shouted as much as he could.

"I... am an angel!"

As if stunned by the incoherent words, He Quanming opened his eyes slightly and looked at her inexplicably.

"Angels...are messengers who bring happiness to mankind!"

Sentence after sentence, Rafael seemed to sink into his own world, unreservedly, expressing the feelings that couldn't be churned in his heart intermittently.

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