"But I know, I'm not a qualified angel... I like to look at other people's troubled expressions, I like to play tricks on others to get pleasure, and I often read those inexplicable magazines, and I often think about some strange things in my head..."

"A me like this is actually not worthy of being the second graduate of the Celestial School."

"Even though I was doing good deeds for the sake of others, from the beginning to the end, I didn't do a single thing sincerely in line with this status..."

"Keep hurting others, keep seeing other people's tears... This kind of guy is not qualified to be an angel at all..."

As if weeping, she obviously lowered her head, but she never let her tears fall on the ground, biting her trembling lips tightly, staring at the corner of the clothes with wide eyes, she roared out loudly.

"I don't want to—"

The tears finally fell to the ground and turned into water stains, like snowflakes.

The snow fell in pieces.

"I don't want to see your tears!"

—Yeah, no, not at all pleasant.

"...I... am an angel...an angel who flies for happiness... But I am such an angel, but I always see the person I like crying in front of me, showing that kind of sad eyes... "

——That kind of sad and deathly silent eyes is really terrible, as terrible as tears.

"Why can't I work harder, why can't I do anything, why can't I see everyone happy together..."

——Why, what everyone in the heaven can do, but I can't do it?

"...I really can't think of what I can do. As an angel, what else can I do..."

——It’s not just you who are confused, classmate Ming...

Constantly humming and crying, Rafael's self-blaming voice was like a series of sharp awls, piercing He Quanming's heart fiercely.

Watching the ground in front of her keep falling scattered water droplets, his withered expression gradually became vivid, as if feeling pain, he frowned tightly.

After a while, the crying stopped, and Rafael's tone became stable, but the emotion in it became stronger and stronger.

Like a flower that blooms after a storm, there is that strength in her words.


"But ah..."

"I still... have something I want to do..."

"There are many things I can't do... Even so, there are still things I want to do..."

"There is no way to bring happiness to all mankind, so what..."

"If you can't save the whole world, so what..."

"If you can't do good things with sincerity and kindness, so what..."

"I can't even control my own love life, let my only best friend run away crying, so what..."

"Even if I am like this... there is one thing I want to do... No, it is something that must be done!"

Slowly raising her head, Lihua's pretty face with tears looked quite embarrassed, but her firm eyes made people's heart skip a beat.

Like steel after being forged, and like a white lily facing a cliff, her gaze seems fragile, but it is stronger than anything else and blooms with her own will.

With this kind of determination, she opened her mouth slowly.

"Student Ming—"

"I want to bring you happiness."

Without any roaring or tears, she said this sentence calmly.

As if she had made a vow to carry it through her life, she looked at Izumi seriously.

"This is the first time that I, as an angel, have fully devoted myself to what I want to do."

Looking into his eyes, it was as if she could see a boulder thrown into her calm eyes, causing huge waves, her expression gradually became more bloody, and the brightness began to return again.

"Even if you reject me, I will stalk you; even if you hate me, I will always like you; even if you marry classmate Hui, I will still protect your happiness; even if you want to Open the harem, I will also help you and share your love with others; even if you call me stupid, I will continue to be stupid until my obligations as an angel are over—”

"Even if you give up on yourself, I won't give up on you."

After saying a word, her smile increased a bit, and when the voice was about to fall, and the smile on her face was almost too big, she shed tears again.

Those tears washed away her sadness and watered a seedling of determination.

She looked straight into the depths of He Quanming's eyes, as if she wanted to convey these words into his soul, she was sobbing intermittently, with tears in her smile.

"Don't worry, I will leave by myself when classmate Ming thinks he is happy and no longer needs me."

With a trembling smile, she slowly loosened the corner of He Quanming's clothes, and took his hand instead.

Two pairs of cold hands held together, and when the snowflakes fell between the overlapping fingers, the speed of melting into snow water gradually became much faster.


The corners of his mouth trembled slightly, and He Quanming tightened his face, restraining the emotions that seemed to be bursting out.

... Ah, how many times is this the first time?

Obviously already confused and don't know what to do...

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