The first snowflake in winter always makes people chuckle inadvertently.

Nestled on the sofa, Kato Megumi frowned slightly, drinking milk, admiring the snow scene outside the window, and even began to hum a little tune softly.

"Session かない恋..."

After snorting a few times, he felt that the peaceful tranquility in his heart gradually became restless, so Megumi Kato had no choice but to give up this move.

Why do you want to hum this song...

Sighing helplessly, she continued to look at the scene that was gradually turning white, feeling the urge to reach out the window and touch those fragile ice crystals.

But she didn't do that.

Because it's cold.

Instead of doing actions that are useless except to look literary and sad, and also let the cold wind blow into the room, she prefers to curl up in the corner of the warm sofa and slowly taste the temperature of a glass of milk.

This is actually a bit similar to Xiaojia...

She couldn't help looking away, she thought of many things - many things she had forgotten, many things she remembered, many things she didn't want to forget, and there were also many things she didn't want to remember...

Even so, these things will not shake her already firm heart at the moment, but they are just like a cloud of smoke, entangled in her consciousness.

... It's okay if you are not firm, because there is no turning back.

At this point in his thoughts, Megumi Kato pursed his lips slightly and smiled.

"I didn't expect that I still have the essence of a literary girl...Maybe, I can also write novels?"

When the time comes to write a work that can be animated and show Ming Jun, he will be very surprised, right?

He will definitely say: "Kato, you wrote this!? No... I don't believe it! This is not the Kato Megumi I know, quickly change back to the ordinary and lovely Akalin!"

Then I would complain about him: "So, am I Kato Megumi or Akalin?"

No... this complaint is not very good, I need to change it.

"How many kinds of Akalin do you know?"

……what?It's strange, no matter how much I complain, I don't feel that way...

Forget it, don't worry about such trivial things

Shaking his shoulders, Megumi Kato put the empty cup on the table, stood up and stretched.

The beautiful curves were clearly displayed under the sweater, and she covered her mouth with her small hand and yawned, while Megumi Kato rubbed her eyes, feeling a little sleepy for some reason.

"It's only noon now, are you tired from cleaning..."

Looking at the time, it was originally scheduled to make lunch for myself and the two sisters at [-]:[-], and now I still have [-] minutes to take a nap. Anyway, I am idle, so it should be fine to take a break.

Turning his head to look at the sofa, feeling the slightly deserted air around, Kato Megumi walked out of the living room without hesitation, dragged his tired body, and walked upstairs.

There are a total of four rooms on the second floor, one for each of the three members of the Izumi family, and a double bedroom that is currently unoccupied but has a lot of items.

Although they didn't mention it, Kato Megumi could vaguely guess that it was the bedroom of the three siblings' parents.

It obviously can't be used as a place for temporary rest, so she skipped the door that seemed to be wiped frequently and without dust; because Sagiri and Zongya were talking about business in Sagiri's room, and the other two rooms passed by directly, she came Arrived in front of Izumi Akira's room.

He was about to knock on the door reflexively by raising his hand, only then did he realize that He Quanming had already gone out.

"I don't know how they are progressing, is it going well..."

Inadvertently muttering, Kato Megumi opened the door in front of him with a normal expression.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Entering the room, Megumi Kato's nose moved, and the familiar smell lingered on the tip of the nose. Although it was not very fragrant, the faint smell still made people feel at ease unconsciously.

I heard that boys' rooms will have a strange smell of sweat and sweat, but there is no such thing here...Mingjun's hygiene habits are really good.

Kato Megumi nodded silently.Boys who love cleanliness get extra points, after all, no one wants to live with garbage dumps.

His room is also very tidy, with clothes and items well placed in their proper places. Although there is no decoration in the bluish-toned space, some small decorations will not make this place look boring and impersonal.

I heard that the decoration of a room can reveal the character of the occupant...Ming Jun is the kind of simple but easy to get close to, it really is not bad.

Kato Megumi nodded again, with a smile on his lips.

Stepping on the carpeted floor to keep out the cold, Megumi Kato felt inexplicably excited, and the drowsiness she had just disappeared suddenly, and a sense of joy drove the lightness of her steps. She looked around the room and made a silent decision.

——Although I feel a bit self-assertive, let's help Mingjun clean the room today!

Of course, I’m just cleaning the room, I’m not going to dig around Ming-jun’s privacy... If I accidentally find it, then I can’t help it, I can only pretend that I didn’t see it~

Shaking the tail of her hair like a little girl, Kato Kei excitedly took out the vacuum cleaner again, hung up the apron, and returned to the room, but began to hesitate.

Hmm... do you really want to do this?

Will it be bad?

Mingjun...should be angry, right?

Megumi Kato was thinking a little worriedly. After all, no one wants their private space to be tampered with without authorization. Don’t you see that even if the mother helps clean the room, adolescent boys will make violent resistance?Let alone a girlfriend...

Hmm, it's still the kind of girlfriend who doesn't even have a kiss. If such a girlfriend with such a low sense of presence rummages through his room, that Mingjun should be angry, right?

"Ha ha……"

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