Thinking of this, she couldn't help but let out a deep laugh, her black pupils became even darker, so she didn't hesitate anymore, picked up the vacuum cleaner and started cleaning in name.

Even she would occasionally want to be self-willed and play a little temper.


After cleaning the dirty dust on the floor and corner surfaces, Kato Megumi walked to the wardrobe and looked at it solemnly.

I heard that [-]% of modern mothers find women's clothing from their sons' closets instead of pornographic books...

Society is really sinister.

However, Ming Jun probably won't be interested in that kind of thing... But he seems to have said that he will come dressed as a woman on the day of the school festival, so it must be true...

The hand on the door froze, Kato Megumi suddenly didn't dare to open it to look.

"No, I want to trust Mingjun... and even if it's really a womanizer, as long as I work hard, I should be able to correct him..."

Silently cheering for herself, she slammed the cabinet door wide open.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

In front of him was a row of neatly arranged men's clothes, and there were no strange things mixed in.


Even if he is mentally prepared and has no repulsion towards fake mothers and men dressed in women's clothing, Megumi Kato still doesn't want her boyfriend to be a womanizer.

It's not that he's afraid that he will look better than himself, but... instinctively, he doesn't want him to become so weird.

I don't ask him to have any superiority, as long as he is an ordinary person like her, and don't have any strange attributes, that's enough.

... It's just that Ming Jun, who was contracted by Satania to become a familiar, seems to be no longer a normal person.

Feeling a little depressed for no reason, Megumi Kato sighed, helped him sort out the clothes on the hangers, and closed the closet door.

By the way, there are no restricted books hidden in the closet, so it seems that his treasure location is not here.

Then there's the bottom of the bed.

Commonly known as the "boy's treasure chest".

I heard that [-]% of teenagers in Japan will hide pornographic books under the bed... I don't know if Mingjun is also in the same boat...

Ahem, I made a mistake, I follow the masses.

Kneeling on the floor, Megumi Kato took a broom and struggled to sweep out the piles of dust. The nice buttocks were outlined by the pants, which seemed to belong to the type that is easy to grow and raise.

...Director, just deleted this paragraph.

After scanning for a long time and confirming that there was nothing under the bed, Megumi Kato stood up with an expression of disappointment or approval, frowning and patting the dusty hair and clothes.

"Wait, I'm going to take a shower..."

Sighing lightly, she cleaned up all the dust with a vacuum cleaner with a calm expression, and then went to the desk again.

There are a lot of textbooks and a black laptop on the wooden desk, and there are a lot of light novels and comics in the bookcase next to it. It seems that there is nothing worth noting.

Taking a rag to help him wipe off the dust on the bookcase and desk, Kato Megumi looked at the closed desk drawer, somewhat tangled in his plain eyes.

...What should I do? Do you want to open it?

It should not have been opened.Between male and female friends, respecting each other's privacy is a very important thing. She has exceeded her duty by cleaning the room, opening the closet, and digging under the bed for him without authorization. Nothing actually made her loose tone; and in the drawer, it is more likely that there are some very private things hidden.

If you open his drawer now, not to mention whether Izumi will find out that Kato Megumi will feel guilty for peeking at his privacy from now on.

This kind of thing is not acceptable in terms of personal morality.

... But if you want to say guilt, wouldn't Ming Jun feel guilty towards me?

Thinking of this, she quickly shook her head, her gaze slightly firm.

I was the one who agreed, and I am the one who should feel guilty... If I had persisted in the beginning, if I had firmly rejected it in the beginning, Mingjun would not have to suffer so much now.

Choosing is really a painful thing...

Quietly stroking the handle of the drawer, Kato Megumi did not open it in the end, turned around, his eyes were as calm as ever.

Then there was a click.

The drawer fell out.


Turning around again, looking at the drawer that fell off from the desk and all the contents inside were scattered on the floor, Kato Megumi's mood was very complicated.

I don't know what expression to put on.

To use Akira Izumi's common saying, it's a shitty heart.

The corners of her mouth twitched, she squatted down speechlessly, and carefully looked at the connection between the desk and the drawer.

"...It's completely broken."

It seems that there is no way to put the drawer back as if nothing happened...

Frowning somewhat annoyed, Kato Megumi took out his mobile phone and planned to report the matter to Izumi Akira so that he would not misunderstand.

Anyway, he will definitely find out that his room has been cleaned, and even if he doesn't find out, he will take the initiative to tell him and apologize by the way; fortunately, he didn't see any private items, and she has nothing to say about it. If you explain it well, it won't be good to be regarded as the kind of bad woman who rummages through other people's drawers and destroys them.

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