It's just that when she was about to make a call, she hesitated.

Right now, Ming Jun should be enjoying lunch with Lafite... It would be bad to disturb them...

And I remember that Mingjun would turn off his mobile phone when he was dating someone, so he probably wouldn't answer the call, right?

It's better to send a message...

Changing her mind, she immediately opened the interface of the communication software, took a few photos of the desk and drawers, and sent a message of explanation to Izumi Akira.

Then, a series of ding-dong sounds sounded at the door, which was the notification sound that the communication software would send out when it received a message.


Kato Megumi slowly turned his head away, staring blankly at the door.

Akira Izumi at the door also stared blankly at her.


"Ming... Jun?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Looking at Izumi Akira's sudden appearance, Megumi Kato's head went blank in shock.

But in this case...

Looking at the apron on his body, as well as the items and drawers scattered on the floor in front of him, for some reason, Kato Megumi had the inexplicable feeling of being in the Shura field.

Although she was taken aback, she didn't panic because of it, she suppressed the inadvertently surprised look, Kato Megumi calmly said to Izumi.

"Ming Jun, wait until you have anything to say, let's read the message first."

He Quanming was stunned for a moment, although he was a little confused, he still took out his mobile phone and clicked on the message she just sent.

After a while, after understanding, he showed a helpless smile.

"What... This is not something to apologize for, it makes me feel like I'm catching Lao Wang."

"Old Wang?" Kato Megumi tilted his head in doubt.

It was only then that Hequanming realized that Kato Megumi probably didn't know about Lao Wang's tricks next door... Maybe she could understand the little bird tour next door?

To be honest, in his opinion, this matter has nothing to be concerned about. After all, there is nothing hidden in the room that cannot be seen, and he has not done anything ulterior. Even if he did, Megumi Kato must know .

There is basically no secret between the two of them, even telling her about kissing his twelve-year-old sister forcibly, so how can there be anything to hide?

This is a kind of mentality that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water... No, it is the mentality of trusting the other party without reservation.

As for the possibility of the little yellow book being discovered by her?

Tsk... He Quanming expressed his disdain for the child with such a simple idea.

These days, resources have long been turned into network disks and URLs, who bought them from you to hide the room?Only true fans and support parties will do this kind of thing.

If I really want to say it, Kato Megumi would panic if he turned on his computer and flipped through the D slot. Who told him that the types of resources he collected are very wide, there are girls, loli, flat chest, etc...

If this is discovered, you must kneel down and type the four words "shameless" with the keyboard to be forgiven.

But for Kato Megumi, this matter is a crisis of trust between male and female friends.

I went into a daze for a while and peeked at his privacy in the name of cleaning, even if I didn't find anything, but this kind of behavior is as serious as peeking at my lover's mobile phone - don't underestimate this, she got it from the Internet. We know that in recent years, most couples broke up because the other party peeped at their privacy. This kind of distrust will quickly break the relationship between couples.

So even though Akira Izumi generously expressed his understanding and smiled indifferently, Megumi Kato stood up and bowed to him.

"Anyway, Mingjun, I'm sorry...I shouldn't have cleaned your room on my own. I also looked through your drawers and under the bed, and even broke your cabinet...I'm really, really sorry!"

With her head lowered deeply, Megumi Kato's attitude was very solemn. Even if she couldn't see her delicate face, Akira Izumi could tell from her tone that she really blamed herself and remorse.

Even, there is still a little fear and worry...

The black hair was scattered on the back and in front of the body, trembling slightly.

It seems calm and steady, but it is like swaying duckweed, ups and downs with the waves of the heart lake.

He Quanming saw this, but did not further comfort her.

He pinched his chin and thought for a while, then as if thinking of something, he walked up to Kato Megumi with a subtle smile, looked at her tightly intertwined hands in front of her knees, restrained his expression, and asked seriously. .

"Hey, Kato, I want to know why you care so much about this matter."

"...the reason?" Kato Megumi raised his head slightly and looked at Akira Izumi, who was right in front of him, "I want to ask...why am I sorry for stealing your room? "

He Quanming nodded, stretched out his hand and smoothed her long locks of hair behind her ears, and gently scratched her ear pinna with his fingers, bringing out a burst of bright red, then stopped his palms, and pressed them against each other like this Her profile speaks.

"Yes, you want to help me clean the room, I am very grateful; you want to look through any drawers and wardrobes, I am also very welcome; even if you want to take a few pairs of my underwear back as a souvenir, I don't care. ——The only thing that makes me feel strange is that you said sorry to me."

"Didn't we say we were sorry from the beginning? Why would you apologize to me for something like this?"

Looking at her slightly ruddy face, with what he thought was the most handsome smile, he whispered in her ear.

"And ah - you can read all of me, because you are all of me."


There seemed to be an uncontrollable chuckle coming from the door, and then it disappeared without a trace like an illusion.

Faced with such nasty and disgusting words, the ordinary Megumi Kato might only feel goosebumps all over his body, not only was he not moved at all, but he also wanted to slap this shameless and unrestricted girl as thick as a city wall. Are you cheeky?

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