"...then... continue?"

I want it too!

Unexpectedly, Kato would turn into this grinding little fairy. I am so excited I want to continue.

Roaring in his heart, He Quanming really wanted to close the door to cut off the sight of the person outside. After all, he couldn't do such a shameful thing like kissing passionately in front of others.

What's more, if it really wants to continue, the person outside will definitely film their kissing scene for fun or out of some kind of revenge mentality. He really can't imagine what will happen then.

So He Quanming could only distance himself from Kato Megumi remorselessly, reminiscing about the soft touch and sweet aroma on his lips.

The cheeks were as red as the sunset, Kato Megumi looked at Izumi Akira's regretful expression, as if his head was still dizzy and hadn't woken up, his eyes were full of water, and he asked softly.

"What's the matter... Mingjun doesn't like it, kiss me..."

He Quanming quickly explained: "I like it, of course I like it, I wish I could kiss you ninety-nine times every day to express my love... But this occasion, it is really difficult to continue..."


Her eyes regained clarity slightly, Kato Megumi followed Izumi's line of sight and turned her head to look. The moment she saw the figure behind her, her consciousness suddenly became clear, and her body slowly stiffened as if petrified.

Standing at the door, the white-haired girl was covering her mouth, her face was slightly blushing, but there was a cheerful smile in her eyes.

"Oh, the two of you are really hot, I'm so embarrassed to see it~"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Izumi's house, living room.

The three people who came out of the room sat on the sofa, Megumi Kato and Rafael sat side by side, while Akira Izumi faced the two of them with a satisfied smile.

"Ah~ It's rare to see such a shy expression on Kato's face. This is a very rare CG. It's a pity that I didn't take a picture of it and keep it~"


There was no reply, and Kato Megumi looked at the snow-falling scenery outside the window with a flat face, as if he hadn't heard anything and completely ignored his teasing.

It's just that the slight redness at the base of the ears still couldn't escape Izumi's eyes, which made his smile even worse.

Also looking at Kato Megumi who was pretending to be calm, Rafael also frowned happily, took out his phone and shook it.

"Don't be a pity, classmate Ming, I just took a picture of your kissing scene from beginning to end~ If you want to see it, let me know, and I can send you the file at any time!"

Now not only Izumi Ming, but even Kato Megumi stared at her with wide eyes.

"real or fake?!"

"Eh... Lafite? Did you really take the picture?"

Megumi Kato, who was afraid to look at Raphael because of shame, quickly put away her gaze and looked out the window. Cold sweat was dripping silently on her forehead, and her calm expression was a little flustered. The mobile phone is ready to go.

Rafael smiled with ease.

"Oh, such an interesting scene, it is very difficult to stop the thought of wanting to pass it on through the ages..."

And when Megumi Kato showed determination in her eyes and was about to rush over regardless of her image, she continued to speak slowly.

"...So in order to restrain this impulse, it took me a lot of effort~ I was just joking with you!

……what?Hui, what's the matter with you? "

"...it's nothing..." With a bang, he fell back on the sofa covering his eyes and face, Kato Megumi's tone was full of exhaustion, "I just feel that making friends is careless..."

Keto Kato was very tired and wanted to go home.

Why would she be friends with such a vile guy who takes teasing people for fun?Do you think you are not tired enough?

It was fine if there was Akira Izumi before, but now there is another Rafael who likes to provoke her emotions. She really feels that her interpersonal relationship is getting more and more problematic.

Ah, forget, forget, forget all bad memories~~

While Megumi Kato was hypnotizing her selective amnesia in her mind, Akira Izumi spoke to her with a smile.

"Well, put aside such trivial matters... Hui, you should have something to ask us, right?"

"Yes, yes..." Kato Megumi asked with a slightly puzzled expression as he put the hands on his face aside, "But why did you start calling me by my name again? Didn't you say you're not used to it?"

He Quanming waved his hand casually: "Oh, the name of this kind of thing will change at any time! Someday I will call you wife, wife-sama, super wife-sama, ultimate Kato Megumi, saint lady-sama, etc. Well, stop picking on the details!"

"The annoying details... let me tell you first, I personally don't want to be called by such strange titles. After all, I don't know how to super-evolve or hit people with a cross..." With a subtle expression, he complained, and then , Kato Megumi straightened up and left the back of the sofa chair, and straightened his posture.

With her hands on her lap, she looked back and forth at Rafael and Izumi.

"So... can you tell me why the two of you came back so soon? The date is over? Have you had lunch?"

Facing her question, the two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled, and had a tacit exchange of eyes.

Kato Megumi was inexplicably unhappy.

In the end, as if he had received a signal from Rafael, Akira Izumi spoke solemnly to her, whose lips were slightly lowered.

"It's a long story. It's over. Haven't eaten yet."


Kato Megumi stared at Izumi Akira expressionlessly, his plain gaze seemed to turn into a real sword, stabbing fiercely in his face.

It's a pity that the attack power is not enough, and it is completely unable to penetrate He Quanming's thick skin like a city wall. After staring at it for a long time, it can only make him smile like a spring breeze.

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