"Ha... When Megumi looks at you like this, your heartbeat will involuntarily speed up... Awesome!"

Kato Hui suddenly blinked speechlessly, her indifferent and stern gaze could not help but gradually softened, she glanced at He Quanming's whole body with a touch of pity, and sighed.

"Mingjun... Did you get any stimulation during the date?"

Originally thought that this slightly joking question would be denied by them, but unexpectedly, the two nodded seriously at the same time.


"Yeah, compared to me, classmate Ming is really more stimulated!"

Seeing their expressions of approval that didn't seem like a joke, Megumi Kato was slightly stunned, and asked with some uncertainty.

"It's true, what kind of stimulation did you receive? A stimulation that is enough to change a person's sexuality... character?"

Akira Hequan raised his gaze in astonishment: "Wait, Hui? Did you mean to say something strange just now?!"

"No, I just want to ask if you have been stimulated in some way in your personality, there are no strange words or words!" Kato Megumi shook his head firmly.

"Too bad, my pure Hui was finally taken away by me... Just now, she asked me so proactively if I want to continue..." He Quanming lowered his head and covered his face in despair.

Kato Megumi blushed slightly, pursed her lips slightly, and turned the topic back pretending to be calm.

"Don't talk about those things. I want to know. It's just going out for a date. What kind of stimulation did you receive to make you look like this pervert?"

Hearing what she said, He Quanming immediately yelled dissatisfied.

"You can't say that! I was originally a pervert, but my nature was hidden for a while, just like Gabriel, and I didn't return to my true appearance until now. So it's not "becoming" but " "Return", this is very important!"

Kato Megumi curled his lips: "I don't want to know the truth, it doesn't matter if you don't need to explain."

"What's wrong with a perverted man! A perverted man is a real man!"

"Yes, yes... I don't ask you to apologize to the men who are not perverted all over the world, please start talking about that exciting thing quickly, okay?"

The originally serious atmosphere was blown to pieces. Rafael on the side smiled, and his topaz-like pupils looked at the two people whose way of getting along was the same as usual, not changed by a kiss.

Really, a little envious...

The fleeting exclamation flowed quietly, and she continued to watch the two people who were talking and listening.

"To save time, I won't talk about the details of the date... Before going on, Rafael and I met Gabriel and the others outside the lingerie store."

"...Wait, isn't this a plot that can be skipped? What's going on with the underwear shop?"

Kato Megumi questioned in a little astonishment, with some ups and downs in his flat tone, and his voice was slightly raised.

This unsurprising reaction made Izumi sigh, spread his hands, and briefly recounted what happened on today's date. Rafael also added his own views and thoughts. After the speech, Megumi Kato He nodded clearly.

"I see, such a thing actually happened... I have to say, Ming Jun, your luck is really not very good."

"Huh? I think it's okay?"

Looking at Akira Izumi who was smiling casually with complicated eyes, Megumi Kato ignored him, closed his eyes slowly, and began to sort out the ins and outs of what he had learned.

The previous inexplicable dating process was skipped, and Rafael’s supplement that seemed to be showing off was also ignored. From an objective point of view, He Quanming and Rafael were dated in front of the underwear store by Gabriel and others. Discovery, coupled with Chang Muyao's intrusion, stirred up a situation that could have been passed through a good explanation into a pool of muddy water, and now He Quanming is regarded as cheating and anxious by Gabriel and Wei Nette. The scum, Satania ran away in tears for some reason.

After roughly understanding the cause and effect, Kato Megumi thought of another strange thing.

...If this is the case, shouldn't the expressions of the two of them be so relaxed?Why is there a Saran who seems to see something aside and does things as he pleases; a Yuyu who seems to trust him completely and believes that he can do everything well?

Shouldn't you be anxiously worrying about how to get them back?

Could it be that the stimulus that made them change their minds in this way...was because of something else?

Kato Megumi, who was full of doubts, glanced at the two of them, a little unbelievable and a little confused.

He Quanming understood her expression, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his eyes revealed a look of reminiscence.

"If it wasn't for Rafael, maybe I'm still wondering what to do now... Should I find a way to explain the ins and outs to them, or just ignore everything and let it go on, even if I get hated, it doesn't matter... ..."

In the distant tone, he smiled softly, looked steadily at Rafael's face, and received her same gentle smile.

"And in that snow, I figured out something."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shopping Street.

Snow kept falling.

The air suddenly became humid, and the coldness that invaded the bones silently condensed the blood flow, bringing severe cold from the inside out.

The coat of the world is gradually wrapped in plain silver, and the piercing cold wind whizzes past. All the passers-by lower their heads and shrink their necks and rush on the road, and the sound of sudden footsteps is as quiet and dull as snow.

Standing at the corner of the street, the black-haired boy and the white-haired girl stared deeply at each other, their frozen and stiff hands were tightly held together, stained with splashes of water, but they couldn't tell whether it was tears or snow.

"Please always...let me stay by your side..."

After saying this, Rafael gently let go of Izumi's hand and took a step back.

Wiping her embarrassed face and regaining her elegant and calm smile, she said softly with her hands behind her back.

"That's all I want to say... Then, student Ming... what's your answer?"

Please, make a choice, no matter what the result is, I will accept it willingly...

As if whispering like this, Rafael looked at Izumi quietly, the white smoke exhaled from his mouth was fleeting, and his pretty white cheek looked a little lonely in the winter wind.

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