He Quanming sniffed his nose, with an embarrassing expression on his face that was either crying or smiling, it was because he no longer knew how to react was the right one.

Want to cry, but can't cry; want to laugh, but can't laugh.

His mind was blank, but his heart was filled with resurgent warmth.

It is full and thick, as if wandering on the rooftop in the afternoon twilight temperature, and the whole body feels as comfortable as soaking in warm water.

He likes this feeling.

This feeling of being redeemed.

Even if he is unwilling to stretch out his hand, someone will still desperately pull him by the collar, leading him from the abyss to a world full of light—he is really greedy for this kind of cowardice.

From the beginning to the end, Akira Izumi was just a weak human being. Even if he came to another world, his weak nature never changed.

In the original world, he never became strong, because no one needed him to be strong.

In this world, he has not become powerful, because there are others who are much stronger than him.

He was weak, and he was still weak.

These weak shoulders can't carry anything.

Just like a fallen leaf fluttering in the cold wind, it can only follow the thrust of the world and drift with the current, until it turns into a pile of loess, the weak that not even a speck of dust can save.

He is weak and yearns for redemption.

The girl in front of him is the power to redeem him.

No... not just Rafael, but Zongya, Sagiri, Kato Megumi, Satania, Gabriel, and the others, all of them, invisibly, turned into the strength that supported him in his weak steps. Reason to laugh all the time.

He is weak and wants to become strong.

Because the girls who had saved him had hope for themselves.

Wanting to respond to that expectation, wanting to pay or even sacrifice for it...Using love as an excuse, He Quanming thought that he could move towards an ending that would respond to everyone's happiness.

Then he was weak, and he really failed.

It failed utterly.

The ending that no one would be sad has been impossible since he planned to get hurt alone.

The feelings of those girls are always connected to him. If he is sad, the depression will be contagious, and in the end no one will be happy, no one will be happy.

Such a simple truth, he didn't realize it until he saw the tears falling.

—Yes, he is no longer alone.

His feelings and choices are not a matter of one person.

The hands they stretched out to him, when they held tightly, the fetters were inseparably bound together, and no one could escape from this vortex.

No matter whether he makes a choice or not, as long as he still bears the feelings of the girls, someone will be hurt by it.

There will be a girl who laughs alone in the wind and snow.


Seeing Rafael who was still staring at him, He Quanming couldn't help but clenched his fists, lowered his head as if escaping, and wrinkled his face tightly.

what should I do?

In the end... how to face this fetter?

For me, where is the most perfect answer...

In my mind, a vortex of confused and anxious voices was circling.

He was short of breath, his heart felt as if it was tied with a rope, and his headache seemed to be split in two.

At this time, pieces of past memories rose from my mind like swirling snowflakes, and countless scenes turned into marquee flashes before my eyes.

A word came out quietly from the bottom of my heart and asked him.

"Do you regret it?"

(regret what?)

"I regret meeting them, I regret falling into this situation after falling in love with them."

Confusedly looking at the gradually whitening ground in front of him, He Quanming slowly shook his head.

(How could I regret it...)

As if their faces were reflected on the snow, He Quanming's eyes gradually changed, the confusion faded away, a little gentle and a little guilty.

(If I would regret it, I wouldn't be so entangled now...)

"If you don't regret it, why don't you accept their feelings? Why don't you confess to everyone and open a big harem? Isn't this the best ending?"

He Quanming smiled sarcastically.

(It’s not as simple as you said... Let’s not talk about the possibility of opening a harem without money in modern times. Just thinking about doing that is a scumbag? Do you want me to be a scumbag?)

"When did you have the illusion that you're not a scumbag?"

Such an unpretentious and straightforward question made Akira Izumi choke.

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