"Aren't you a complete scum now? Not only have you played with the feelings of so many girls, but you also want to kick them away for being irresponsible. What the hell do you want to do? Abandon them and their girlfriends, Live a happy life with my sister?"

Talking to his heart, He Quanming felt that he had nothing to say.

(No, can't it... this should be the best way...)

"Okay sir! Put your mother's shit on!"

Young birthday!I'm swearing dirty words in my heart!Whose heart is so vulgar? !

Ah...it seems to belong to my family...

"Leaving aside Vinette and Gabriel, Satania and Raphael not only have a super high affection for you, but also kissed and touched you, so you just leave them alone and live a happy life How dare you say that you are not a scum? Yes, you are indeed not a scum, you TNND are not even as good as a scum!"

(No... no, why are you scolding people...)

"What's wrong with me scolding the garbage that is not even as good as scum? Get out of your mother!"

Ehhhhh that's too much...

He Quanming's face was full of tears, but he couldn't stop having a rough conversation with himself.

Rafael on the side stared at He Quanming with more and more strange eyes, not understanding why he was looking at the ground while muttering to himself, as if completely forgetting that she was still here waiting for his answer.

This state made her a little worried, but she didn't dare to disturb him without authorization, so she could only stand obediently opposite him, looking at him quietly.

The dialogue with the heart is still going on.

"Just say what you want to do the most, if you don't consider the actual conditions! Don't hide your f*cking secrets, say what you really want like a man!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

(I want to live with you all the time!)

So sure.

If you don't consider the actual conditions, this is his only wish.

With firm thoughts, he said solemnly in his heart.

Then I was scolded.

"You scum!"


Okay, okay, I'm a scum, what the hell do you want from me...

"But... well said."

The inner voice suddenly softened a little, and Izumi couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"After you know who you are and what you want to do most, you will do everything for it...the best thing in life is this."

"As long as you see the road ahead clearly, even if you fall down halfway, you won't regret it... just sigh, and sigh that you can't see the best ending."

"I'm satisfied, I'm sighing, I'm done... Next, it's your turn, me in another world."

Hearing this, He Quanming finally realized something was wrong.

It turned out that he wasn't talking to himself from the beginning to the end...

After figuring this out, a figure with exactly the same appearance as him suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, with a cheerful smile.

"This should be the last time I talk to you, listen carefully! The opinions of the dead."

However, He Quanming cursed unceremoniously.

"Fuck you, uncle! Why are you so haunted! How long have you been dead?"

Rafael, who was watching him from the side, was taken aback by the scolding, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, with a delicate expression on his face, and the holy light in his hand faintly floated out.

Caught off guard, he was stunned, and the smiling face of that figure froze for a moment, and then sank in an instant.

"Mom, you're a bitch...I haven't even settled the debt with you for kissing my favorite sisters forcibly, and you're still arrogant with me here..."

He Quanming pursed his lips and gestured a middle finger to the snow.

"Sorry, I'm so arrogant, why don't you bite me? If you bite me, I lose."

"If it wasn't for the sake of my sisters, I would definitely use all my strength to curse you for not having a little brother!"

He Quanming smiled disdainfully.

"Then I really have to thank you for being merciful. Hmph, don't worry about your "former" sister, didn't I tell you before? I will definitely—"

I will show you a perfect harem!So you just give me peace of mind and disappear!

After a pause, he didn't say the last sentence, his eyes were wide open, and He Quanming just stood there without saying a word.

The figure smiled in satisfaction.

"Ha, got it? You bastard, you have forgotten your original intention, how can you let me disappear with peace of mind? I'm not your grandfather with you, and I'm also very troubled if I can't ascend to the sky."

"You... are you here because of me..."

He Quanming asked stupidly, but the figure shook his head in disgust.

"How is it possible? How old are you? Can you stop spreading the gay atmosphere?"

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