That's right, let's proudly declare with our chests out - he and Quanming are scumbags!

It's a scumbag who has a girlfriend and still flirts everywhere, and even wants to bring his step-sister into the harem.

It is the most useless scum in history who wants money but no money, looks but no looks, talent but no talent, ability but no ability, just thick-skinned but forcing others to accept his cheating.

There is no need to cover up the words, and Izumi agrees in this way.

He willingly accepted this fact.

At this moment, as if some shackles were broken, he felt extremely relaxed and free.

At this time, he realized a fact.

(It turns out... this is what I've always wanted...)

Not trying to be a scumbag.

Instead, I want to be responsible for the facts that I caused after I became a scumbag, and take responsibility calmly and seriously.

No longer evading, no longer letting go, the girls he flirts with, no matter how difficult and dangerous it is, he will be responsible for bringing them a future.

This is his last choice.

Maybe this choice will generate a lot of sadness, some people will suffer from heartache, and tears will fall on the empty ground because of it.


But ah...

If you can't even bear their sorrow, how can you shoulder her future?

If you can't even pick up her tears, how can you lead them to the future?

If you can't even face the sad future with a straight chest, what qualifications do you have to pursue a happy ending?

He Quanming felt a heavy pressure on his shoulders, but at this moment, his heart was flying higher than before.


No matter how weak and weak, no matter how weak I am, there are things I can do.

——Hold her hand through thousands of mountains and rivers, and never let go.

Take the girl who wants to stay by her side even if she is wronged, and walk all the way.


Reciting that name silently in his heart, as if the chill around him had all melted away, He Quanming felt a burst of warmth lingering in his heart.

I am, after all, just a mortal.

Just a mortal with a bit of a strange experience.

I know that even if love can be divided into several shares, these two hands can only hug one person.

If it was only you, then I would only hug you.

If it was only her, then I would just hug her.

...But, I'm sorry.

Now, there seems to be a little more people I want to hug.

You once said that you want to help me develop a harem, and try your best to create an ending for me where everyone can live happily.

I also know that's a lie.

You don't even dare to fight for your own happiness, how can you fight for everyone's happiness?

You keep hiding your discomfort, keep avoiding your own heart, and in the end, it is not me who hurts the most, but you.

No matter which future I choose, maybe you will sigh, even cry?

I know you, you are the kind of fool who thinks too much about others and forgets about yourself in the end.

Every time someone else forgets you, now it's your turn to forget your own thoughts.

Ha...what a hopeless idiot.

It's great that my girlfriend is such a douchebag.

In this way...the only ending I want to choose is that one.

Clenching his fists tightly, He Quanming made an oath silently in his heart.

Since there is no future where no one cries.

—Then let me cry.

——Let me shed your tears.

I like you all the most!

Even crying, laughing, complaining, I want to be with you.

Even if I am scolded, beaten, or hated, I will pursue you.

That's right, I'm a scumbag, a complete scumbag.

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