That being the case, let me do what scum would do!

For example, say a confession to everyone I like.

For example, openly expressing his intention to open a harem.

For example, in order to be able to be with everyone, try desperately to make a change.

For example—every day after this, I will bring you a better daily life.

I... can't do anything.

There is only one thing, I can guarantee that I will do it more carefully than anyone else.

That is……

"Please let me bring you happiness."

Gently hugging Rafael, He Quanming said so firmly.

"Stay with me forever and watch me bring everyone a happy ending!"

He decided.

To carry their feelings on their backs, and walk on in a faltering manner.

No matter how impossible it is.

No matter how unrealistic it is.

Even if there will be more criticism.

Even if there are more obstacles.

He Quanming will also go straight on this road that is only him.

Even if you are afraid, even if you are timid, you must always stand in front of everyone because of a responsibility you have taken since you were born—this is the so-called man.

Before this moment, he was still a boy who didn't understand anything and dared not take on anything; but after this moment, he took over their feelings and expectations, faced up to the entrusted responsibilities in front of him, and stepped forward to serve the people behind him. The girls who watched him shielded themselves from the wind and rain.

Maybe you will really lose something because of this?

But Akira Hequan believes that as much as you lose, you can gain as much, and then create more fetters and memories with the hope of a new life.

These shoulders, even though they are still weak, can already provoke the responsibility of being a man.

"I... am a greedy person."

Holding her shoulders, He Quanming distanced himself from Rafael, looked at her wide-eyed unbelievable eyes, and said with a smile.

"Compared to one person's happiness, I want to get more people's smiles; than one person's sadness, I want to bear more people's tears."

"If I tell this dream, many people will laugh at me for being unrealistic, right?"

Caressing her cheeks that were gradually dripping with tears, Izumi looked at her pupils tenderly.

"But even so, I don't want to see you showing a painful expression. You obviously like each other, why can't you be together? You obviously want to be together, why do you forcefully suppress the one you like because there are so many people you like? What about feelings?"

"If that's the case...then laugh. If they want to laugh, they can laugh! It doesn't matter if they look at me as a fool."

Gently kissing the corners of her lips, facing Rafael's gradually trembling face, He Quanming bent over, put his forehead against hers, opened the corners of his mouth, showed his big white teeth, and smiled brightly.

"If you don't be a fool who dares to lose face, you can't pursue your dreams!"

"What's more, it doesn't matter if you lose a few layers of such a thick skin, right?"

"I've said so many things, but I actually have only one meaning..." Akira Izumi giggled, "Hey, Rafael, be my second girlfriend! I'll work hard to support you guys of!"


For a moment, she was speechless.

Biting his lips tightly, trying not to let himself lose his composure, but the tears on his face couldn't be restrained no matter what, and fell to the ground again, turning into a melting snowflake.

Eyes narrowed slightly, the corners of her mouth were bent upwards as much as possible, tightly clutching the corner of his clothes, the white-haired girl was crying, crying and laughing.

It took a while before he spoke with all his strength, his voice was weak, but it sounded in front of him extremely firmly.

"I am very honored……"

"Student Ming... No, Mr. Boyfriend... From now on, please give me more advice!"

The wind blew gently, blowing away the tears on her face, blowing the long hair behind her, blowing away her depression, and blowing past her smiling face.

That smile is like an angel spreading its big wings, showering shimmering blessings on the human beings it loves.

The weather is still cold and the snow is still falling.

At this moment, it seems like spring is coming.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Sorrowful しみの向こへと..."

With a sad and inspirational soundtrack, the teenagers and girls embracing each other in the wind and snow slowly disappear in the gradually dimming picture, and the light and shadow screen floating in mid-air begins to slide across a list of STAFF, Kato Megumi can As you can see, Akira Izumi is the actor and the narrator of the inner drama, and Rafael is naturally the heroine and the production company.

Speechlessly watching a love theater for more than ten minutes and a lot of boring inner confessions, Megumi Kato really didn't know what to say now, so she could only look at Izumi with a flat gaze, without saying a word.

"That's how it happened. In order to avoid dictation that you can't understand, we specially made this short video to let you understand what happened at that time, as well as the stimulation and changes I received."

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