"How is it? Are you moved to the point of tears? If you think it's good, this video will be released on Station B. Then please come to Station B and give us a quality three-shot."

With a calm tone, he made a shameless sale, took a cup of hot milk, and Izumi took a sip, then nodded to Rafael.

The white-haired girl smiled knowingly, and pointed her finger forward with a golden light, and she put away the light and shadow screen.

Sensing Kato Megumi's shifting gaze, Rafael blinked and smiled mischievously.

"Sacred light is really useful~"


Kato Megumi was silent.

So what...as an angel who drives Holy Light to do this kind of thing so openly, is it true that the Lord God will not have his wings pulled out?

And these two guys are really worse than the other, especially after they seem to start dating, the badness is multiplied by two and then quadratic, no one can stop them.

I always feel a little unhappy... I don't know what it is for.

She closed her eyes as if hiding her emotions, and after a while, Megumi Kato opened them quietly.

"That is to say... Now Ming Jun wants to announce to everyone that he is going to open a harem, and he wants to include everyone else in the harem, and Rafael is the first member... Is it okay to sum it up like this?"

He Quanming nodded first, and then raised a finger to correct him: "Yes, yes, but you will always be the first one, don't forget this matter!"

"...Well, I got it." Replied lightly, Kato Megumi looked not very interested, curled his fingers at the end of his hair, his eyes were gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Rafael glanced at her, guessing what she was thinking in his heart, and the gentle chuckle on the surface remained unchanged.

"Since this is the case, will I call Hui "Sister" in the future? Or Big Sister?"

Kato Megumi slowly shook his head: "...Lafite, don't do it. Don't put the things in those serial dramas in reality, it's really uncomfortable..."

"That's right~" Rafael tapped his chin lightly, "After all, even if Mingjun thinks we are his harem, it's actually hard to recognize this kind of relationship, right? We just date him and like each other, But they are good friends with each other, it's not like the arrangement relationship of big wives and young wives in TV dramas, right?"

He Quanming also nodded in agreement.

"That's right, I just want to be with everyone forever, but this way of communication is the simplest and most acceptable way. If I really want to engage in palace fighting dramas like those emperors in ancient times, then I might as well be a lonely old man." Forever... at least that's what I think!"

"In that case..." Kato Megumi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Izumi and Rafael strangely, "Actually, our relationship hasn't changed at all, right?"

The two agreed with a smile at the same time: "Yeah, at most it's just the two of us dating."


Kato Megumi felt inexplicably pricked again.

However, this time I feel a little more relaxed.

From a female point of view, she naturally does not want her boyfriend to cheat openly and force herself to share his love with other girls. This is exactly the same as Chang Muyao; but the difference is that she cares too much The feelings of her friends also underestimated her feelings for Izumi Ming too much. She just simply thought that if everyone was together, there should be a better ending.

Unexpectedly, this better ending is neither the most suitable ending for them, nor the ending that everyone can accept.

Since then, the dull mood that has troubled me is the best proof.

To be honest, as a girl with a low sense of existence, she prefers to be alone with her lover.

...But, after realizing it, it was too late.

I have already agreed to He Quanming's request, and took the initiative to let go of the exclusive rights. Looking at his cute and pitiful appearance, and thinking of their sad appearance when they were rejected, no matter what, I couldn't make up my mind to refuse.

And he also promised to find a way to help him promote the relationship with those people, and spend time researching for him how to attract girls... I have never seen a girlfriend who is as masochistic as her.

Fortunately, He Quanming changed his attitude after going to that coffee shop, and no longer insisted on wanting to open a harem. As a result, her support for him gradually became perfunctory, and her attitude towards his flirting with other girls was even more laissez-faire and ignored. At most, it was just for his sake to turn a blind eye and close one's eyes to help.

Kato Megumi once thought that this state would last until they graduated and everyone divided their things.

In fact, she once asked Rafael——after graduating from high school in the human world, will angels and demons continue to study in college?Or will he return to Paradise and Demon Realm to start official work?

Rafael's answer was uncertain.They may go to the university to try out, or they may directly carry out their own work-in any case, they probably will not stay in Tokyo.

After all, it is meaningless to stay in the same place all the time. The duty of angels and demons is to offer blessings and pranks to more humans. If there are no special circumstances, they will not waste manpower guarding a small place.

Therefore, after graduation, they will not be able to get together like they are now.

When hearing the news, Kato Megumi felt a little pity and reluctance, but his heart gradually settled down.

Although this kind of thinking is a bit despicable, she really thinks that even if Akira Izumi is allowed to open a small harem now, after a year, they will still be separated for various reasons.

And at that time, she would still be by his side.

As long as he doesn't leave her, she will always be his inconspicuous but never-ending girlfriend.

If nothing major happens, this relationship probably won't change for the rest of your life, right?

Hmm...maybe maybe get a little more intimate...

She is actually looking forward to getting married or something, after all, it is a girl's lifelong dream!

With such long-term vision in mind, Kato Megumi was able to convince himself to accept Izumiaki's harem theory.

However, when I heard that he and Rafael also started dating, I was still a little uncomfortable.

A sense of loss that the love held in her palm would be split in half made her heart feel a little heavy.

Although it didn't show on her face, she was actually in a much worse mood, and some unpleasant pictures could not help but emerge in her heart.

For example, the plot of the palace fight, the fight for favor, the unfairness, and the bad scene where I came first, especially the scene where He Quanming hugged a bunch of girls and was slept together on the bed, which made her almost clenched her fists. , wanting to turn around and escape from this room.

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