
The red-haired girl stared at him in a daze, her original vigorous and proud smile gradually disappeared, she opened and closed her mouth as if she wanted to say something to him, but after some hesitation, she gritted her tiger teeth slightly, lowered her head and turned around. Run to the stairs.

"Satania!" He Quanming stretched out his hand and yelled, but it just made her pause, and then ran straight down the stairs without stopping, and disappeared after a while.

He Quanming stood there silently, watching her disappearing back without saying a word.

This guy can run so fast with the ninja running method, he really deserves to be the scarlet storm of the demon world...

He suddenly chuckled and shook his head. He Quanming didn't care about it, nor was he depressed because of it. He just continued to move towards the toilet with firm eyes.


As long as you work harder and work harder, you will definitely be able to...


After the cold of November came the bitter cold of December.

Although the temperature in Tokyo is higher than other places due to the urban thermal effect, the weather has always been represented by the term Tokyo hot; but at the end of the year, the climate still inevitably drops, and recently it has been snowing continuously. From time to time, when you open the window, you can see a silver-white world outside.

The school festival was canceled due to heavy snow, and Akira Izumi regretted that he didn't have to be a waitress in women's clothing.

Before the heavy snow affected the flight, Chang Muyao went abroad.

She didn't let anyone else see her off, but just invited her friends to hold a farewell party, and she just left quietly.

Izumi was not invited to the farewell party either.According to her, she was afraid of embarrassment, and her father would secretly pay attention to this party. It would be bad if he caused any trouble in the past, so she made a special phone call to apologize to him and say goodbye by the way.

He Quanming expressed his understanding, and after blessing her, he put his mind away and continued to do his work.

In the past few weeks, he seems to have returned to the time when he worked hard for his sister. He got up before dawn every day to sell newspapers, went to class, went to work in the coffee shop after school, and started working as an OEM when he returned home. The OEM went to the convenience store to work the night shift, and could only fall asleep late at night.

The long hours of work and the sudden reduction in sleep time made his physical condition deteriorate. Not only was the usual morning jogging canceled, but all the housework was also handed over to Zong Ya, and the communication with other people was even less and less. Apart from his two girlfriends and his sisters, he no longer talks to anyone.

He and Gabriel and Vinette only see each other almost once a week, and even if they meet, they will only greet each other politely, and their relationship will no longer be the same as it was before.

And according to Rafael, she has rarely seen Satania, let alone chatted with her——He Quanming also knows this, and Satania seems to be avoiding them recently. When they saw them, there would be a hesitant expression on their face, but they would turn around and run away without saying anything, rejecting any contact methods, completely ignorant of her recent movements and moods.

Rafael and Gabriel talked often. Although they didn't feel alienated because of what happened last time, the topics of conversation always avoided He Quanming, and sometimes they looked at her with subtle emotions. Let her down a little.

He Quanming knew that he had to speed up his pace to accomplish his goal.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Izumi's house, in Hequanming's room.

It was pitch black outside the window, and the lights in the room were bright, and He Quanming was busy working at the desk with full concentration.

At this time, a gentle voice suddenly came from behind.

"Mingjun, take a rest."

Averting his eyes from the plastic flower in his hand, He Quanming looked up, and saw Megumi Kato who quietly opened the door holding a cup of steaming coffee on the table, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Well, thank you, Hui."

Putting the prepared plastic flowers into the half-filled box beside him, He Quanming rubbed his wrists, took a sip of the coffee, and let the heat and caffeine cheer up his sluggish mind.

He took out his phone and checked the time. It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night, and half an hour later it was his sleep time. He would sleep for two and a half hours next, and got up at five o'clock in the morning to distribute newspapers.

No... wait, I'm about to go to bed, why should I drink coffee...

He Quanming stared at the coffee in a daze for a while, and then realized that because he drank coffee too often recently, he didn't know whether he had developed antibodies or his body was broken. Even after drinking coffee, he still fell asleep on the bed. Totally unable to stay awake.

But at this time, drinking coffee has become a habit, so regardless of whether it is effective or not, he still drank the cup of coffee one mouthful at a time.

Exhaling lightly, Izumi put the empty cup on the tray on the table and smiled at Megumi Kato.

"Go to rest too, I'm really sorry to have you stay with me so late every time."

Kato Megumi shook her head lightly, although there was a little sleepiness in her eyes, she still smiled steadily, put her hands on Izumi Akira's temples as if nothing had happened, and rubbed them appropriately.

"It doesn't matter to me. After all, you can't just watch Mingjun work hard by himself, but you don't do anything. It's just making coffee for you. It's the habit of modern people to go to bed in the middle of the night?"

Feeling the slender and cold fingers gradually relieving the accumulated fatigue, Izumi gave a wry smile.

"You are really becoming more and more like a good wife and mother..."

Hearing this, Kato Megumi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, his hands kept moving, and he didn't reply.

During this period, when she and Raphael were aware of He Quanming's plan to work hard, she and Raphael couldn't dissuade him, so they made up their minds to help him relieve some pressure within the scope of what they could do.

For example, cook for him in shifts, do housework, make him a cup of coffee when he stays up late, give him a massage to relieve fatigue and so on.

Seeing his thinner figure and slightly haggard face, both of them were very worried, and wanted him to give up that plan several times, and find other ways to win back other people's favor; Before the painting was successful, he himself collapsed first, so what should he do?

But Akira Hequan declined their opinions, and said firmly with a tired smile:

"A famous person named "Zuo Zheji" once said - you can't just know what you want but don't give anything, but you have to hold on to get all the sacrifices even if you have nothing. The emphasis on feelings in the world, the emotions that have been paid can make the feelings settle down.

So I'm sorry, although I will make you worry, but I will not stop. "

He said so, so what should they do?I can only do my duty as a girlfriend and take care of him wholeheartedly.

After the massage, Megumi Kato picked up the tray and asked a little worried before leaving his room.

"Mingjun... are you really alright?"

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