He Quanming froze for a moment, then said with a comforting smile.

"Of course it's okay. Thanks to your care, even if I only sleep for three hours a day, I'm as energetic as if I slept for eight hours! Besides, I'll be able to save enough money in a few days. After the plan is completed, I can sleep for a few days and nights, and then wake up to restore my previous health!"

Raising his arms to show off and bending his thin biceps, Kazumiaki grinned with feigned vigor.

Looking at the dark circles under his eyes behind the frame, Megumi Kato hesitated for a moment, but finally said nothing, just sighed, and then slowly walked out the door.

"Is that so... Then, pay attention to your body and go to bed early."

"Okay, you too."

With his back to Izumi Akira and closing the door, Megumi Kato stood outside the door silently for a while, with his head down, wondering what he was thinking.

It took a while before she started to walk, went downstairs to wash the cups and put them in the cupboard, and returned to the room where she was currently staying, which was Sagiri's room.

She used the excuse of studying at the house of a female classmate (Rafael) to get the right to stay overnight once every two days from her parents.

Originally, the management of her family was relatively loose, and with Rafael's guarantee, she easily obtained the consent to live out.

As for the accommodation, since Izumi’s house doesn’t have a guest room, and the only vacant room belongs to their deceased parents, Megumi Kato couldn’t live there because of reason, so after several people’s discussion, she made a floor bunk in the Sagiri room with heating. up.

As for why he didn't live in Izumi's room... because Sagiri disagreed.

She could only reluctantly agree to her brother's two girlfriends, how could she give him a chance to make mistakes?What if the gun goes off?That's not how you play with a big heart, right?

Seeing that Akira Izumi's physical condition is not good recently, and he is still working on something in secret, Sagiri has turned a blind eye and is not playing petty temper, so how could they still let them sleep together.


There was an imperceptible sound of opening the door, and Jia Tenghui quietly walked into the dark room, and a small breathing sound came from the bed beside him, which was from Sagiri who had already gone to bed.

She didn't stay up late today, it's really rare...

Kato Megumi smiled slightly.

Children who stay up late all the time will be stunted, it seems that Sagiri has listened...

He crept to his quilt on the ground, and when he was about to gather up his clothes and get in, Megumi Kato suddenly stopped.

After thinking about it motionlessly, she picked up the pillow without making any sound, then walked out of the room and closed the door, everything seemed as if nothing had happened, as if even the sound had forgotten the existence of Kato Megumi.

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Kato Megumi returned to Izumi's door like a ghost.

Hugging the pillow, she paused the hand that was about to knock on the door, making choices in her heart with a blank face, but finally she didn't knock.

He just opened the door casually.

The light in the room has been turned off, and the sound of regular breathing can be heard subtly, showing that He Quanming has fallen into a deep sleep.

Walking to his bed with ease, squatting down, Kato Megumi could barely see his face clearly under the moonlight outside the window.

Akira Izumi, who took off his glasses, looked even more tired. Even in his dream, his brows were still tightly wrinkled. His not-so-handsome face carried a bit of man's determination. It was like a proof of his mentality change, turning into a few white lines. Silk Jun was engraved in a piece of black hair.

Staring blankly at his face for a while, Kato Megumi pursed his lips, stretched out his hand, and slowly smoothed the lines between his brows.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mingjun..."

In a daze, she seemed to see He Quanming showing a soothing smile, and her breathing gradually became much more stable.

Sighing softly, she stood up, went around to the other side of the bed, slipped into the bed so softly that he would not be disturbed, and felt his breath in the warm quilt, Megumi Kato blushed slightly A few points, but there is no resistance.

Then she turned over a little, her forehead was lightly pressed against his back, her smooth long black hair was scattered on the pillow she brought, and beside Izumi's ear.

One hand slightly tightened the corner of his clothes, listening to his breathing and heartbeat, the warm feeling flooded his whole body from the bottom of his heart, Kato Megumi gradually closed his eyes, his flat voice was filled with inaudible admiration, and he whispered softly murmur.

"Have a good dream..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Two in the middle of the night.

He Quanming dragged his tired body, and slowly opened the entrance door.

"I am back……"

He just greeted out of habit, never thought that someone would respond at this time, but when he raised his sleepy eyes and looked forward, he froze in surprise.

What came into view was not the originally dark entrance. Under the faint light, a girl was sitting on the floor of the entrance. She was wearing a white and bright long-sleeved kimono, and her white hair curled out behind her like a dream. There was a faint light, and the smile on his face was gentle and playful, as if he had been waiting there for a long time.

When the girl saw He Quanming's figure, her eyes lit up a little, her body leaned forward slightly, her feet turned back together, her hands were naturally placed on her knees, and Qiao Xiaoqian gave him a standard greeting salute.

"Welcome back, you have worked hard, my husband."

"Don't tell me why you don't go to bed yet, what about this outfit and your husband, hey..." He Quanming smiled wryly, although he didn't have the strength to respond to her joke, but the tiredness of just finishing the night shift at the convenience store was overwhelmed by her After such a fuss, it slowed down a little.

He walked to the entrance, and just as he pulled off his shoes, Rafael stopped him with his hand.

"Please wait!"

Afterwards, she got up slightly and took his carry-on bag, took off his coat gracefully but smoothly with her small white hands, tidied it up and hung it on the clothes rack by the door, and carefully put his shoes with their toes facing outwards Neatly juxtaposed in front of the door, all behaviors are quite the demeanor of Japanese classical women.

He Quanming couldn't help being speechless for a while, and the dialect burst out unconsciously.

"What are you doing?"

Raphael patted the dust on his knees, and smiled nonchalantly.

"I want to try how traditional Japanese women greet their husbands who come back from work. I feel that although the etiquette is very cumbersome, it can give a sense of satisfaction to the men who support the family!"

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