She blinked.

"How am I doing? Did it meet your expectations, Classmate Ming?"

He Quanming was taken aback for a moment, then smiled warmly.

"...Well, it's very standard, it feels like I'm already married."

Rafael's pretty face suddenly flushed, her topaz-like pupils shyly closed slightly, she twisted her body, and she said in a low voice.

"Get married, huh...Although it seems a bit too early, but if it's Ming, after, before that, you have to transfer your nationality first. After all, bigamy is not allowed in Japan...Now..."

After talking to herself for a long while, she suddenly raised her head, her watery eyes sparkled, and there was a seductive color in her eyes.

"Student Ming, do you want to take a bath first, eat first, or..."

Stretching her slender fingers forward, she gently drew circles on Izumi's chest.

"First. Eat. Me. Where?"

Standing on tiptoe and sticking it to his ear, she whispered softly as if panting.


Standing where he was, He Quanming looked at the ceiling helplessly, and casually let Raphael lean on his chest.

If I hadn't been so tired after work, I would have to let you know the true meaning of men being beasts...

But now, not only the kidneys, but also He Quanming, whose whole body is so weak that he is about to collapse, can only push Rafael away like a beast, and walk to the bathroom with a sigh.

"Hey... I choose to take a bath, and I will go to sleep after washing. You can wait for me in the room first."

Rafael stood by the entrance, looked at his back, and nodded with a sweet smile.

"Okay ~ as usual, right? No problem, Raphael will wait for you in the room now~"

"Don't be so ambiguous..."

If Sagiri heard about it, Bao Zhun would be angry again...

Shaking his head, he walked into the bathroom.


After relieving his tired and cold body with hot water, He Quanming returned to the room not long after.

Wearing a conservative white pajamas, Rafael was already sitting by the bed, shaking his little feet impatiently.

"Student Ming, it's getting late, let's finish this quickly~"

"Okay, it's still the same trouble for you..."

Walking slowly to the bed, He Quanming sighed and sat beside Rafael

He still remembered that when he first let her come to the room, she was actually wearing a set of seductive pure white gauze pajamas, kneeling on the bed with a strange flushed face, as if she was ready to make him happy at any time He Quanming was so frightened that he quickly picked up the quilt, tied her up and threw her out of the room, fearing that he would make a mistake that a man would make.

Sometimes this guy is really active to the point that he would be afraid, and he doesn't know whether he is trying to tease him or has a high interest in that kind of thing. If he doesn't know her character, no matter how you look at it, this looks like a bitch. Is it the same as seducing him?

Of course, if he didn't have any worries, He Quanming would naturally welcome this temptation - but not now.

There are two reasons, very simple - no strength, not the time.

He doesn't even have the strength to generate electricity by himself, so how could he have the desire to do intense exercise?

His plan hasn't started yet, and his goal hasn't been achieved yet, so where is the time to do this kind of thing?

So even if Raphael was naked in front of him, maybe he would just praise her with a deadpan expression of "good development" and then ignore her and go to rest?

And even though they are alone in the room in the middle of the night, he still has no fluctuations in his heart, and he doesn't want to laugh. He just quietly waits for the routine that the two of them do. After finishing, he can fall asleep better and welcome the new day .

"Then I'm coming?"


Following He Quanming's answer, Rafael slowly took his hand, his smile disappeared, and his face gradually became serious.

Then, she closed her eyes and whispered something.

"Holy Light, I ask for your assistance..."

The white light suddenly lit up, illuminating the corner of the dim room.

As if the temperament of the whole person was sublimated at this moment, Raphael's face shone with a holy light, his slightly trembling eyelashes were like the wings of an angel, and his ethereal singing was like an ethereal hymn. Flowing, circling around Izumi Akira's body.

And Quanming also closed his eyes, feeling a warm current gradually rising in his body, slowly soothing the fatigue and pain all over his body.

After a while, the light gradually faded, and the room became dark again.

Raphael let out a breath slowly and opened his eyes.

"The treatment is over..."

Afterwards, she looked at He Quanming, and said softly with a little guilt.

"I'm sorry, classmate Ming... Due to the regulations of the heavens, I can't use healing spells above level [-] on humans. I was warned once last time. If I'm discovered again this time, I may be sent back directly..."

He Quanming shook his head and interrupted her.

"Why do you apologize? I am very grateful for helping me relieve my physical fatigue. If you still feel guilty for this, then I don't even know how to repay you."

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