"Repayment or something, these are all things I am willing to do..." Raphael hurriedly said.

He Quanming suddenly stretched out a finger to touch her mouth, imitating the vulgar flirting scene seen on TV, pretending to be affectionate.

"What's more, I don't want you to just leave me and go back to heaven. It doesn't matter how tired you are, as long as you are by my side, then I will never fall..."

What he said made even himself feel very nauseous and disgusting.

Rafael, on the other hand, looked like he was content, and immediately narrowed his eyes happily, resting his head on his chest, and wrapping his hands around his waist.

"Then let me stay by your side forever, I swear in the name of an angel!"

As soon as the words fell, He Quanming suddenly felt something like a chain linking the souls of the two of them. This kind of deja vu made him a little bit surprised, but he didn't say anything, just the same lightly. He grabbed her shoulders.

In the middle of the night, black hair and white hair intertwined, and the two sat on the bed and hugged each other gently, enjoying the tranquility that belonged to them alone.

There is no ambiguity, just a touch of warmth.

"……Go to sleep."

It didn't take long for Izumi to feel a little sleepy.After receiving the treatment of the holy light, even if he only slept for three hours, he could still get up to sell newspapers the next day full of energy. Although this effect would not last long, and the accumulated fatigue on his body would not disappear completely, but at least he could Let him have some spare energy to face the hard work of the day, otherwise, as a mortal, he would have collapsed long ago.

Now Akira Izumi just wanted to have a good sleep, so he let go of Rafael in his arms, and said "Please turn off the lights when you go out", and pulled up the quilt.

Then he looked at the white-haired girl lying on the bed following him.

He Quanming twitched the corner of his mouth.

"You...are you still leaving?"

Lying on the side of the bed, Rafael took the initiative to cover his chin with the quilt, opened his big bright eyes, and curved his lips into a cat shape, smiling authentically.

"Sorry, I'm tired, I can't walk~"

He Quanming was a little speechless: "...do you want to sleep with me?"

"Unless you carry me back to Sagiri's room, that's the only way to do it!" She looked at him with burning eyes, eager to try.


He Quanming had nothing to say.

Leaving aside whether I still have the strength to carry Rafael back to Sagiri's room, if Sagiri is still awake at this time and she happens to see that scene, then no one needs to sleep tonight and go directly to the family meeting let's go.

Although she couldn't figure out whether she wanted to stay and sleep or let him hug her back to sleep, He Quanming really didn't have the energy to guess now. After curling his lips, he went to turn off the light, and then calmly climbed into the empty bed. On the other side, she was covered with the same quilt.

Although it is a single bed, because they are lying on the left and right ends, there is still a small space in the middle, and the cold air seems to be poured in from it; both of them want to cancel this distance, but this kind of atmosphere makes people feel uncomfortable. They were inexplicably embarrassed, no one dared to act rashly first, the two hearts beat a little faster, warming the air around them.

In the end, it was Izumi Akira, whose consciousness was gradually becoming blurred, who took action.

Turning over to the side, he hugged her into his arms like a soft and fragrant pillow, feeling her body suddenly became hot and stiff, Hequan Mingqiang braced himself up, Open your mouth with a smile.

"Good night, Lafite... I wish you a sweet dream."


With his head resting on his arm, his whole body was wrapped in his breath. After exhaling a mouthful of hot air, it took a long time for Rafael to make a sound as thin as a mosquito from his embrace.

"...Good night, classmate Ming..."

"Sweet dreams."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In mid-December, Akira Hequan looked at the deposit book in his hand, with a relieved smile on his tired face.

"Finally, I've saved enough..."

Then he revealed a firm gaze.

"Okay... it's time to execute the plan!"

The fighters who strive for the biggest goal in life, after a month of hard preparations, are now officially attacking!


Hui Ridong High School, in front of the shoe cabinet.

With a face full of fatigue after staying up all night, Gabriel lazily opened her shoe cabinet, and when she was about to take out her indoor shoes to change, a leaflet fell out.

『Are you still worrying about your living space being too small and too expensive?Still feeling lonely and cold for living alone?Laughter apartment is newly built, with great discounts for accommodation jumping off the building, free internet, water and electricity, and you can also cook for yourself, the apartment provides materials!It is only ten minutes away from the high school and the station. Events will be held from time to time, and there is even a game room where you can play games!Most importantly, the landlord is a handsome and gentle man with black-rimmed glasses, it would be a pity not to miss it now!What are you waiting for?December [-]th, waiting for you to sign the contract!

Note: There will be a Christmas party on that day, and the participation fee is free, so remember to come early. 』

"...What the hell is this?"

Gabriel stared at the flyer in front of her with a pair of dead fish eyes. The line above the game room was marked in red, which looked extremely dazzling. There were a few apartment decoration pictures attached below, which looked quite brand new. The Q layout of framed glasses, next to it says the landlord and the flyer producer.

...you can tell who made it at a glance.

There was an urge to crumble and throw away the leaflet, but she still folded it slowly and put it in her pocket, then turned to Vinette who was holding a leaflet of the same style beside her without changing her expression.

"Vina, do you have one too?"

The corners of Vinet's mouth twitched, and she showed the flyer to Gabriel.

"Yes, yes...this, was Izumi-san doing it?"

Gabriel glanced at it, and the content on it was basically the same as hers, but it was marked in red on the one where you can cook by yourself. It seems that different temptations are made according to different people.

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