As expected of that guy, he knows their preferences clearly.

"Hey, who else would make such a thing except that idiot Izumi? I really don't know what he's thinking."

Gabriel curled her lips, although she looked disapproving, but her brows were unconsciously frowned.

A month has passed since then, has he already thought of a solution... This flyer is what he made during this period?

...Oops, I seem to be looking forward to it.

Shaking her golden fluffy hair, Gabriel closed the slightly raised corners of her mouth, but at this moment, she heard Vinette asking her.

"Then...Xiaojia, will you go? December [-]th."

Pointing to the date on the flyer, Vinet had a strange expression on her face.

Gabriel was silent for a while, and didn't answer directly, but asked back with a flat expression: "What about you? I remember you seemed to be disappointed with Izumi at that time, right? Are you planning to not go?"

"Well..." Vinette hesitated to shift her gaze, and after a while, she scratched her cheek and said a little embarrassedly: "At that time, I was indeed a little... disappointed with Izumi, but I just had a kind of hopelessness." He's the kind of guy who would do that.

But after going back and thinking about it, Izumi didn't do anything wrong from the beginning to the end, right?No matter who he likes or how many people he likes, he treats his feelings with all his heart and soul, and he doesn't like those playboys who love the new and dislike the old without integrity. "

As if thinking of the scene that day, Vinette's expression gradually softened, and she smiled slightly.

"I can see that, Izumi-san has been worrying and thinking, and wants everyone to have the best ending, and doesn't want everyone to show a sad expression—he doesn't want to reject everyone's feelings, that's because he's a bit stupid Silly tenderness.

He has never given up on his tenderness from beginning to end. Even if he is hurt, even if he hurts others, he still wants to use this tenderness to open up a future where everyone can laugh-this effort, we are not during this period Can you see it clearly? "

The figure of him working desperately, the struggle of not wasting every minute and every second of studying to get the first scholarship in the school, the tired face but the strength of not giving up-in fact, they have always seen it in their eyes, Rafael And Kato Megumi's casual reminders from time to time made them understand.

Akira Hequan is really working hard to get their forgiveness—no, their approval.

"And didn't Hui-san say that? Actually, at the beginning, Izumi-san wanted to associate with Hui-san wholeheartedly. It was only because of her insistence that he came up with the idea of ​​having a harem. If you really want to blame him, in fact The one who should be blamed the most is her who made Izumi-san think like that, right?"

She blinked her eyes playfully, even after saying that, Vinette still didn't mean to blame anyone, but just shrugged her shoulders easily.

"So~ now, I don't have any prejudice against Izumi anymore! Anyway, I can tolerate Xiaojia's laziness, and it's no good to face Izumi who is also a member of the Seven Deadly Sins of Lust. Are you disappointed?"

Waving the leaflet, she looked at Gabriel and chuckled.

"After all, we are all friends. Don't you think it's not worth it to make the atmosphere so awkward between us because of such a trivial matter? Maybe a visit to this apartment this time can bring everyone back to good terms! So I will go."

"Xiaojia, will you go too? Then everyone will come to the Christmas party together, it will be fun!"

With affirmation in her eyes, she questioned without any doubt.


Gabriel stared blankly at her expression, and after a while, she suddenly sighed helplessly, with a smile that she knew she had done before.

"Oh, Wei Nai..."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Vinette tilted her head.

"...You guys, are you really a demon? I always feel as if I see the radiance of the Virgin in you."

"Eh?! Why did you say that all of a sudden!" Vinet hurriedly checked her body to see if the holy light that only angels really had appeared.

After all, even she wondered if she was a spy sent by the angels to the Demon Realm. God is sorry, when she went to the bathhouse to take a bath and saw that the light coming out of her body was not black mist but holy light, she was about to cry.

——How can anyone shine such a bright holy light on the devil!Isn't this bullying people!


Gabriel continued.

"Since that guy has already made a decision and sent us this flyer, I feel a little embarrassed not to go... It won't take much time to go and see it, right?"

Curling the corners of her mouth as if nothing had happened, she showed a bright smile.

"—What's more, I'm very interested in the game room where I can play games at will!"

"Wait, that's your real purpose, right?!"

"Otherwise, what else is there? Don't you have any interest in a kitchen where you can use free ingredients to cook? Obviously, you are usually limited by the cost of living and dare not cook anything other than home-cooked food."

"This, this...that's one of the reasons..."

"Don't hide it, could it be that you want to go because you like him?"

"No, there is no such thing! Don't talk nonsense, Xiao Jia!

...No, if you really want to say it, you obviously like Izumi-san better, right?Loved it since a long time ago! "

"Pfft, cough cough—you're the one talking nonsense, right! When did I like that kind of guy who's so sweet, ordinary, and only knows how to cook omelet rice, and his game skills are worse than mine!"

"Oh~ oh~ Xiaojia is shy~ Is this the so-called arrogant state? Hehe..."

"Vina, you have learned badly, you are no longer the Vinette I loved before..."

The sound of the two chatting along with the footsteps got farther and farther away. When their figures were far away from the shoe cabinet, a figure slowly came out from the corner.

Holding a flyer of the same style in his hand, Satania, who had been overhearing the present just now, lightly stroked the wine-red hair in front of her eyes with her fingers, her eyes flickered with a gloomy light, and a wicked smile was drawn at the corner of her mouth.

"Hmph... I accidentally heard interesting information..."

"The stupid familiar who dared to betray me and the evil angel Rafael... Didn't expect that there is such a secret behind it..."

"Ah, ah, I really can't bear to do it... It's a pity that my plan has been launched, and now even I can't stop the attack of that behemoth."

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