"Are you ready to accept the final judgment of Lord Satania? The Light of the Abyss and the Fei of the Foul Wing!"

The curve of her cherry lips was getting bigger and bigger. She couldn't bear it and covered her face with a leaflet, showing a proud and joyful dull smile from behind.

"Come on! Come on everyone! The time has come for the gathering, let's give it a thunderous applause! Kuhahahahahahahahaha——"

With joyful steps, under the wonderful eyes of many students, she laughed wildly and walked towards the classroom step by step.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Thank you so much, manager!"

In the back kitchen of Angel Cafe, the store manager Izumi Mingchao, who was wearing the uniform of the store, bowed at ninety degrees with a very solemn attitude.

Seeing him making such a grand gift, the store manager quickly supported his shoulders to make him stand up straight, and a troubled and complicated smile appeared on the mouth under the mustache.

"Oh, I just said don't care about it, how many times have you thanked me, I feel very uncomfortable being treated like this by you every day..."

Hearing this, He Quanming straightened up quickly, and said to the store manager with an apologetic face: "I'm really sorry, I just wanted to express my gratitude, and didn't care about your feelings... Don't worry! I will use this thank you next time. I will repay you with a serious work attitude! If you need to order anything in the future, please tell me directly, the little one will go through fire and water for you, and I will not hesitate!"

Patting his chest, he declared righteously.

Shaking his head helplessly, the store manager stroked his mustache habitually: "Okay, okay, let's do it for the time being, as you please... Really, are young people nowadays so serious?"

"After all, the store manager really helped me a lot." Putting the solemn thanks in his heart, He Quanming smiled lightly: "If it wasn't for the store manager's help, I would never be able to pay that price. I bought the down payment for the house, and I will trouble you to be my guarantor..."

The store manager also sighed a little: "To be honest, when you asked me to introduce a small apartment and wanted to sell it, I thought you were joking... Your guardian did the same, and he clearly said this matter Let you do it yourself, you won't intervene, and you won't be your guarantor, but you call me from time to time to ask me about your situation, which makes my wife almost misunderstand whether I'm cheating..."

As he spoke, he began to smile wryly again.

He Quanming scratched his face in embarrassment.

"Well... Aunt Jingxiang is this kind of person! On the surface, she always speaks cruel words and looks like a stranger, but secretly she cares about our nieces and nieces, especially after the death of her father. Even though she hasn't come to see us for almost a year, she knows everything about us... All in all, I'm really sorry that my worrying aunt disturbed you!"

He Quanming lowered his head again, apologizing for his arrogant aunt.

Although I knew from the inherited memory that the younger sister of my late father—Izumi Kyoka, also known as Aunt Kyoka—was a strict and hard-to-reach woman, but in order to buy "Happy Apartment", she took the initiative to contact the nominal After seeing the guardian, he realized how troublesome this single young woman in her twenties was!

Leaving aside the turmoil she caused by dragging Sagiri out of the room, as far as this incident is concerned, after Aunt Jingxiang learned that he worked so hard because he wanted to buy a house, not only He scolded him a lot, and even refused to come forward to be his guarantor for buying a house as a minor.

Unless he can prove that he has the ability to bear all the consequences and processes, Hequan Jingxiang absolutely disagrees with him doing such a whimsical thing like wanting to buy a house at the age of seventeen.

Then she said so on the surface, but she was secretly investigating everything about him behind Izumi's back, including the store manager who provided the house, Kato Megumi, Gabriel and others, and even the convenience store where he worked the night shift. Called and interviewed, which made Izumi, who was told the truth after that, a little embarrassed.

Although she didn't say it in words, Aunt Jingxiang was really using her own way to ensure his safety, which made Hequanming really unable to have any resentment towards her.

Of course, there are still dissatisfaction. In fact, He Quanming has great dissatisfaction with this single young woman in her twenties and almost thirties-this is a later story, so I won’t mention it for the time being.

Although not only the store manager but also his aunt, everyone who heard about his plan did not believe that he could accomplish his goal, but the facts proved that he and Quanming did it, and successfully bought a house with a shockingly low amount—— Although I don't know how long it will take to pay off the mortgage owed, I still have to find a job with a good salary to support my family in the future.

"Well, it's not a big deal, Izumi-kun, don't worry about it!" The store manager said with a smile, "Although the process was a little messy, but seeing that you can make such achievements at this age, I also feel that the store manager Yu Yourong! I really can't underestimate the young people these days~"

"Ahaha, the store manager is overrated..." He Quanming laughed a few times, and his tone was a little ashamed, "Actually, all I do is to do my best and work hard. If it weren't for them to support me and accompany me with all my heart , I’m afraid it’s not any achievement now, but I have to pay the price for my reckless stupidity.”

"That's right, even if I can't do anything by myself, as long as I have them around, I can do everything—it's this kind of feeling like the protagonist of a novel..."

Looking away leisurely, He Quanming suddenly sighed.

"Well, if this is the case, then you have to cherish them!"

The store manager nodded, and then, his eyes that were always squinted suddenly opened a crack, his sharp eyes showed seriousness: "... Mr. Izumi, I saw those girls when they visited the store. It is true that I hang my whole heart on you, that youthful feeling belongs only to you, such a strong and rare beautiful bond, shouldn't be trampled on and discarded at will...

So even though I'm a little meddling, I still want to say one more thing here - I hope you don't let them down, don't let them show a sad expression, otherwise I, the store manager, won't spare you, okay? "

Huge pressure hit his face, as if the real sight was as sharp as a knife, the elder's majesty burst out suddenly, at that moment, Izumi seemed to see a huge smiling Buddha statue, holding a coffee pot, with a threatening face Zhise pretended to pour the steaming coffee inside on his head...

Of course, this is all hallucination, He Quanming quickly stopped his imagination, and responded to the store manager with a serious face.

"Don't worry, store manager! I've made an oath to myself a long time ago—my heart and my deeds are destined, and I will never leave this life!"

After throwing away the words full of words in the middle of the second paragraph, he raised his chin confidently, raised his thumb to the store manager, showed his big white teeth, and smiled brightly.

"I'm the man who will be with them forever in the future! Do you still need to remind me of this kind of thing? Even if I go to hell and go to heaven, I will stand in front of them and protect them from the wind and rain!"

Seeing his swearing appearance, the store manager nodded in satisfaction, stroked his mustache, and said with a smile.

"That's good. Although this kind of feeling of being on multiple boats is not worth encouraging, if you can really bring happiness to so many people, it is undoubtedly a good thing. Don't waver, do your best, Make it to the end!"

"As the signature clerk in our store, don't embarrass me?"

Patting him on the shoulder, the manager's face was full of encouragement.

"Yes, store manager! I promise to live up to expectations!" Izumi gave a military salute moved, his eyes were slightly flushed, and he almost burst into tears with such a deep sense of approval.

"Good boy..." The store manager suddenly changed the topic, "By the way, have you told your aunt about the matter between you and those girls?"

Izumi's emotion and tears froze.

"Uh...no, no..."

He used this reason to take Sagiri out of the room at first to fool him - how could he tell Aunt Jingxiang about buying a house because he wanted to open a harem!

Surely she will be arrested by the police, right?She will definitely look at her with disgust and cut off the relationship, right? !

Sighing, the store manager shook his head in a bad mood.

"This is difficult... From my point of view, your guardian is a very traditional and conservative woman. If you know that you have cheated on so many people at the same time, then it will not be as cold as a bystander or scolded." , very likely, will exercise the power of a guardian for you..."

He Quanming couldn't help but took a step back, a drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead.

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