"This... there is indeed such a possibility... It seems that we must find a way to hide it from her for a while..."

Seeing his terrified appearance as if facing an enemy, the store manager suddenly showed an inexplicably happy smile and laughed out loud.

"Hahahahaha—Come on, Izumi-kun! All these are tests for you. People grow up gradually under different tests. I believe that in the future, you will definitely overcome the tests and grow up, and become as mature as me. middle-aged man!"

"I think back then, when I confronted the giant python protecting a coffee god tree in the Amazon, the scene was very thrilling..."

As always, the store manager began to talk about his coffee past.

This time, He Quanming didn't interrupt him, but just finished listening quietly with a wry smile.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is December [-]th.

That is Christmas day.

This year is a white Christmas, the small snowflakes flutter like catkins, and a white carpet has been laid on the ground since early in the morning; In the pure and white world, the chill was unconsciously driven away by the touch, and a sense of anticipation could not help but arise spontaneously, gradually warming the air around me.

Sitting at the dining table, Akira Izumi spoke to the people next to him while eating breakfast.

"A Christmas party is going to be held at the "Laughing Apartment" today, Zongya, Sagiri, do you want to attend?"

Just as Zong Ya was about to speak, the tablet next to her made a sound first.

"I refuse! My brother can go by himself! Anyway, I'm just a little sister who can't leave the house. Even if my brother doesn't want this house, I work hard to make money and buy another new house. I don't care! Let me spend Christmas alone in this lonely house! Hmph!"

Hearing this angry shout, He Quanming did not smile wryly like Zong Ya to comfort Sagiri, but showed a mysterious smile to her pouting on the screen.

"Heh heh heh... my cute and innocent little sister Sagiri..."

"What, why... Even if you praise me, it won't do me any good..."

"Your thoughts are as sweet as your looks (Japanese homonym: simple)..."

"Stop praising me pretending to be mysterious, it feels so disgusting..."

Seeing Sagiri's disgusted expression, Kazumiaki stopped being tricky, waved a finger, and said to her bluntly:

"I have a way. I can get you out of the room and go to the Christmas party there!"

Sagiri stared wide-eyed and remained silent for a while, then put down the sandwich in her hand, stood up silently on the screen, and then let out an extremely exaggerated exclamation.

"W-what—! How is this possible~"

Seeing this, Zong Ya couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, her face was speechless.

"Sagiri, your acting is too fake..."

"Hmph, I can't help it, why is my brother always talking about such impossible things..." Sagiri curled her lips and said dissatisfiedly, she folded her hands and raised her chin to show a proud look, "And I'm not boasting, I But I haven’t prepared myself to leave the house until now, the door is already my limit! It’s simply impossible for me to leave the room and go to the party there!”

Zong Ya helplessly supported her forehead and sighed: "It's not that you are boasting, why are you so proud of saying it... Is my sister broken somewhere..."

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if it's broken, it's okay to be cute anyway." He Quanming spread his hands casually, and immediately made Sagiri stare at him with a blushing face, "I'm not joking with you. Although I haven't tried this yet." This method, but according to the information provided by an angel, it seems that doing so can allow you to go from here to the "Laughing Apartment" to party without any discomfort."

"A certain...angel?" Zongya and Sagiri tilted their heads in confusion at the same time, and then, a clear color gradually appeared on their faces, "Could it be..."

"That's right, that's the one!" He Quanming raised his thumb and exclaimed.

As expected of the creators, the thinking of these two sisters is quite divergent, and they can guess the result from a small clue. Simply put, they have big brain holes!

Under their enlightened eyes, He Quanming hooked the corner of his mouth, drew a circle in the air like a magic circle with his index finger, and continued.

"Using the teleportation array, Sagiri, you can go back and forth between the two places without going out!"


"... Is Sagiri really okay? Her habit of squatting at home is due to psychological shadows, right? Using the teleportation array to take her to another place won't make the psychological shadows worse..."

Kato Megumi frowned and said softly, looking rather worried.

Because Zongya was going to be a student on duty today, he left the house early, so He Quanming did not go to school with her, but walked side by side with Kato Megumi, who happened to meet on the road, on the cold street.

Putting his hands in his warm pockets and marching against the cold wind, He Quanming exhaled a puff of white smoke and replied casually.

"It is precisely because I know what her psychological shadow is that I think this method is useful for her."

To be precise, Sagiri’s character of staying at home is not caused by fear of the outside world and unwillingness to contact people; on the contrary, her contact with the outside world and people is actually no less than that of Izumi Akira—let’s not talk about her and Zong Those novelist friends of Ya have a good relationship. Using the live broadcast, she is actually in the environment of chatting with people every day. Although it is not face-to-face, it is enough to show that she is not a gloomy and autistic character.

Then why on earth would she dare not step out of the house, and even wear a mask when talking to people?

Akira Izumi had some guesses, but he was not Sagiri after all, so he couldn't fully guess what she was thinking, but he had an intuition that this method would not harm her, but could change her - even if it did harm her , he can also think of a way to remedy it.

Izumi knew that maybe Sagiri could really stay in the room forever, but he couldn't stay at home forever.

He's going to college, he's going to live outside, he's going to get a better paying job to cover the family expenses, he's going to find a bigger house with his girlfriends - it's an unavoidable reality , although I'm sorry Sagiri, but now, he really can't stay at home forever, guarding in front of her door.

So... a change has to be made.

If you are stagnant and cling to the comfort in front of you, you will be caught off guard by the approaching difficulties sooner or later.

Whether it is him or her, we must find a way to continue to get along together.

Fortunately, when there are very unrealistic species around him, he doesn't need to rack his brains to change Sagiri's personality, nor is he eager to overcome her psychological shadow and let her go out of the house. As long as he finds another way and opens a teleportation array, all troubles will be gone. It's solved!

"Dangdang Dangdang ~ Hearing the call to call me in my heart, angel Rafiel came ~"

Accompanied by a warm voice pretending to be high, the white-haired girl jumped out from nowhere, and rushed to Hequanming's side with a smile.

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