Feeling the two soft little hands holding him tighter, He Quanming straightened his waist and smiled even more fearlessly.

"I don't care what they think, if you want to complain, just come! This level of awareness - I have already done it!"


Facing his impassioned declaration, Gabriel looked bored, unlike Vinette who showed admiration.

"Who told you to express the harem declaration on the spot? It's embarrassing to death. I just want to say that if you want to show your affection to other places, it's already annoying enough to go to school and you have to show your face... Very good, you succeeded It made my desire not to go out to a higher level."

"Oh?" He Quanming looked at her and smirked: "In this case, I will visit your house every day, and see if you still don't want to go out in the end!"

Hearing this, Gabriel immediately glared at him with murderous intent, the fluffy golden hair behind her was windless, and the corners of her mouth curled up like a kitten with fried fur: "If you dare to do this, I will definitely do it." Bury your head in the black soil of hell with your own hands, so that your girlfriends can only look at your ass and think about others!"

At this moment, Rafael suddenly raised a hand, and said with great interest: "Well, Xiaojia~ If you really want to bury it, can you bury it in a different direction? I hope the head is facing upwards, and the body is buried in the soil Just do it!"

Vinette immediately complained: "No, no, no one wants their boyfriend to be buried in hell! Isn't this too strange?"

Kato Megumi then followed: "Yes, if it is Mingjun, it would be very bad no matter which part is exposed to the soil, right? I suggest that if you want to bury it, you have to bury it all, just to be safe."

"It's a head! What the hell is it for safety! Do you want to bury him in the soil that much?!" After complaining violently, Wei Nette turned her helpless gaze to Akira Izumi, "...Student Izumi, why is your Girlfriends are a bit weird? Is there something wrong with you?"

He Quanming immediately called out to Qu: "How could it be my problem! I am also very desperate! You know, they have such a strange appearance!"

"No, it was weird at first, that's right, but now it's even weirder... It's like some kind of strange limiter has been lifted, and the degree of weirdness is increasing day by day!"

"It's weird that you say so many strange things..." In the end, Gabriel turned around and complained silently to Vinette.

Vinette blushed, stopped talking immediately, and followed them towards the school with a smile.

The number of people going to school changed from two to three to five, and the deserted air seemed to become lively. He Quanming pulled the two girls and walked obliquely in front of Gabriel and the others, and suddenly turned to ask them. One sentence.

"By the way, tonight's Christmas party... and house inspection, will you come?"

Asking directly, He Quanming didn't have any worries or uncertainties on his face, but just said words like what to have for dinner, and looked at the two with a normal expression.

Vinette was silent for a moment, but did not answer.

Although she really wanted to say directly that she would go, but she always felt that if she said that, she would be misunderstood by others, as if she really wanted to live in that apartment, so she couldn't help but hesitate.

Gabriel didn't have so many scruples, after she yawned lazily, she spoke weakly.

"It's rare to have the opportunity to eat and drink for free. How could I not go? Anyway, I don't need money... But let me tell you first, if I go, it doesn't mean that I will move into that apartment. When I think of it, it's like your Crystal Palace In the same place, I feel creepy and don’t want to live there.”

Reminded by Gabriel, Vinette nodded in a sudden realization, and then looked at Izumi with strange eyes, and quietly distanced himself from him.

"Hey, hey, why do you show the eyes of the little white rabbit that saw the hunter!" He Quanming shouted, wanting to cry, "I don't have that kind of thought! Although I want to get along with you guys That's right, but the apartment is just an ordinary rental apartment, only my girlfriend can live in it!"

"...Hey, Wei Nai, don't be afraid, I really won't shoot you?"

Seeing Akira Izumi sincerely looking at her, Vinette twitched her lips expressionlessly.

"Why can't I feel happy when I hear you say that... I'm sorry, Izumi-san, please don't talk to me for a while, okay?"


Regardless of the small theater of the two over there, Gabriel turned to Rafael and Kato Megumi.

"What about you? Have you moved in?"

"Not yet. I probably won't be able to use the excuse of living out until I graduate from high school. After all, I need my parents' permission..." Kato Megumi said with a smile.

Rafael replied with a smile: "I don't have any scruples, but I want to wait for everyone to move together, so that I will be happier~"

"Tsk, I haven't said that I will live there, don't just help me decide..."

Gabriel muttered something, but when faced with Raphael's expectant smile that didn't seem fake, she rarely refuted it.

After being silent for a while, she couldn't help but use the "Sound Transmission of the Holy Light into Secrets" to ask a question in a voice that only they could hear.

"Well, I'll just ask you guys... Izumi, what happened after that day? Although I'm not too curious, what he thinks has nothing to do with me, but he actually went to buy an apartment. We all lived in the past, did his brain get caught in the door or overburned? Isn't this too whimsical?"

Seeing her ask without looking away and pretending to be indifferent, Kato Megumi and Rafael couldn't help but glance at each other, nodded to each other silently, and then looked at Gabriel who was obviously waiting for their answer.

Then at the same time, he showed a malicious smile.

"Sa~how is it~"

"If Xiaojia wants to know, you can directly ask classmate Ming~ We don't know anything~"

The look of ridicule was obvious, and Raphael even reached out and touched Gabriel's head.

Veins twitched on Gabriel's forehead, two blushes appeared on her fair face, she didn't know whether it was from anger or what, she gritted her teeth and stared at them.

"...You two, like Izumi, are getting more and more lessons..."

Kato Megumi smiled and didn't answer, but Rafael shook the hand he was holding with Izumi, and looked at her meaningfully.

"After all, if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black! Xiaojia is also the same, it would be better to be frank~"

"Stop talking nonsense, I've been frank from beginning to end..."

Gabriel wanted to refute something, but found that He Quanming was being pulled by Rafael, and suddenly turned his head to look at them. He was inexplicably startled, and reflexively dissipated the sound barrier, pretending that nothing had happened curled his lips.

"... Tsk, the weather is getting colder and colder, let's go quickly, I want to go to the classroom to sleep."

He Quanming glanced at her inexplicably, and nodded in confusion: "Then hurry up... By the way, why are you so red all of a sudden? Do you have a fever?"

"I want you to take care of it! No one has a fever after walking around! Wait... what are you doing!"

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