Gabriel slapped Izumi Akira's hand on his forehead away, her face became more ruddy, and she took a few steps back in a panic.

"See if you have a fever? Why, are you shy like this? Ah~ Gabriel-chan is so pure~"

Akira Izumi smirked, and approached Gabriel step by step, who looked like a frightened kitten.

"Less, less wordy! You dare to tease this angel, you stupid devil's stupid familiar is getting more and more daring!"

"Hehehe, I didn't tease you~ I just want to care about the cute girl, is this normal? Come on, let me see if you have a fever..."

Izumi Mingchao was forced to the point where Gabriel, who was leaning against the wall, stretched out her claws.

"Look at your size! God? Punish!"

Then he was beaten immediately, severely.

"Uh, uh..." Clutching his stomach and kneeling on the snow-covered asphalt road, the impact force from his small fist exploded in his body, but He Quanming couldn't help showing a happy smile.

——Even if that happened, even if they knew their intentions clearly, the relationship between everyone was still the same as before, nothing changed, and it seemed like something had changed.

He Quanming believes that this is the bond between them, and this is the best proof that can connect everyone.

That's right...he will protect this bond, absolutely.

"To you uncle! Don't show such a disgusting smile and say such handsome words!"

Ahh... I was stepped on hard.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The time soon came to noon, and the snow had stopped at this time, and the warm sun at noon gradually melted the snow on the campus.

The ground is wet, with a light snow color and small water splashes all over the entire Hui Ri Dong High School, the air seems to be clean after being washed, the cold wind blows, refreshing, but it doesn't feel cold and biting.

After some consideration, Akira Hequan decided to eat a bread mat for lunch, and use this one-hour lunch time to go to "Laughter Apartment" to arrange the rest of the Christmas party decorations.

To be honest, He Quanming is not too worried about whether the remaining three people will agree to live in this apartment, because he has achieved the effect he wants-showing that he has made up his mind, so that they no longer treat him. Holding a sense of distance.

It is best for everyone to live together, but even if only a few of them live in this apartment in the end, He Quanming will not be disappointed, and his determination will not be extinguished because of this.

No matter how many strategies, methods, how much money, or how much time is spent, He Quanming will work hard to pursue them—to spell out his name as "human scum" and shoulder the future of everyone.

I always feel that this kind of oath will become a little pale if I say too much, so I skip He Quanming's inner activities.He is now going to the "Happy Apartment" which is only ten minutes away from the school.

However, halfway through, he stopped.

When passing the park that he often visited, He Quanming looked at the figure under the tree beside the road and couldn't help being speechless for a while.

The man seemed to have been waiting under the tree for a long time, resting against the tree trunk with closed eyes, until He Quanming put his eyes on her, she opened her eyes as if feeling something, a flash of wine red pupil sharp light.

"It's finally here... I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing her pretending to be calm but unable to hide the sweat flowing from her forehead and the violently heaving chest, Hequanming wanted to laugh.


Sorry, he seemed to be laughing.

As if she didn't see him laughing at all, Satania raised her hand and calmly pushed her bangs aside, her eyes passed over He Quanmei, and looked at the clear sky.

"How long has it been... the time I talked to you like this."

As she spoke, she lowered her head again, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and stared at He Quanming with sharp eyes.

"It's really nostalgic, don't you think so... My familiar, Akira Izumi!"

The words that seemed to be mocking directly stabbed at the boy who was separated from her by some distance.

He Quanming didn't respond to this, he just held back his smile and walked slowly to her side.

As if she didn't expect that Akira Izumi didn't follow the atmosphere to play with her like before, Satania was slightly taken aback, and frowned her pretty eyebrows.

"What? Afraid to answer? Hmph, I didn't expect you to have fallen to this point. It's really unfortunate for your family... Wait, stop! Don't come near me anymore!"

Reaching out her hand and shouting at Izumi who was getting closer and closer to her, Satania hid a little panic in her cold gaze, and she drew a virtual line on the ground in front of her with her index finger.

"Hmph, you don't know, He Quanming... During the long time I've been waiting for you, I've already laid an extremely terrifying trap here, which is a tickling demon hell that can make you fall into despair for ten minutes... If you don't want to If you die young, you'd better stop there, otherwise, you won't even have a chance for me to forgive you!"

Akira Hequan stopped behind the line as promised, with a smile on his lips. He took out the hot drink prepared for lunch from the bag in the convenience store, stretched his hand, and crossed the line towards Satania Handed it out, the attitude is very natural.

"It's really hard work for you to have been following me secretly since school, and to come here before me to pose for you, you fool who doesn't have the ability to stand in but still wants to pretend... Come, this is the reward."

Satania took the drink habitually and nodded silly.

"Thank you. After running for a certain distance, I happened to be a little thirsty... nothing else!"

Angrily, he wanted to throw the drink in his hand to the ground, but when his eyes came into contact with Izumi's smile, he stopped waving his hand with some reluctance, and slowly put the drink in his arms.

"I, I didn't follow you secretly, and I won't be thirsty... However, since it is your kindness from the familiar, as the master, I shouldn't refuse it theoretically, so I will accept it! Let me say it first. Well, it's only natural for a demon to serve the master, so I won't thank you, will I?"

He Quanming looked at her with warm eyes, and nodded with a chuckle: "Well, this is what I should do, thank you Lord Satania for accepting my kindness."

"Hmph, don't be too polite!" Proudly raised her chin, Satania wrapped the drink in her hand as if holding a treasure, feeling the warm temperature in her heart to activate her body that had become stiff after running in winter. Skin, he couldn't help showing his iconic silly smile.

Silly, simple, but contagious with happiness, Izumi couldn't help but stare at her smiling face, unwilling to blink, for fear of missing any beautiful moment.

After a while, Satania came back to her senses, seeing He Quanming staring at her... with the drink in her hand, she couldn't help frowning, and hid the drink behind her back.

"What are you doing? You gave it to me, so I won't pay you back? You can't even share your drink with me. I'm still angry with you. The master must punish disobedient familiars, so Give up! I won't let you take even one sip of this can of drink!"

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