There is no reason to refuse, because he has already promised her that he will never refuse her competition request at any time, and will chase each other's victory with her at any time.

—No one is allowed to give up until he really wins.

That was the original agreement.

...Perhaps, this is also the last and most important match between the two of them.

Izumi clearly had this premonition.

So he had to be serious, secretly guessing the reason why she wanted to compete, and the content of the match - after all, if she lost, the ending might develop into something he didn't want to see.

Yes, this is a must not fail game!

Thinking of this, even though the occasion was a bit wrong, He Quanming's blood boiled a little, and his gaze towards Satania also became a little hotter.

"What, what are you doing..." The earnest momentum gathered just now was completely broken up by Izumi's aggressive gaze, and two inexplicable blushes appeared on Satania's face, and she stepped back, stuttering He opened the mouth and said, "You, why are you looking at me with those eyes that want to eat demons? Let me tell you first, although failure is your inevitable end, but if there is such a [-]% chance for you to win, I will not Will, will not..."

"What will happen?"

He Quanming blinked his eyes, and asked with a very pure expression.

Satania blushed and faltered for a long time, finally she looked away and said in a very low voice.

"...No, let you eat it..."


It was as if a shot had been shot in the heart. Seeing Satania's shy and cute appearance, He Quanming held his chest, restrained his heart from bursting out with admiration, stretched out his thumb, and showed an extremely cheerful smile.

"Don't worry, a [-]% chance is [-]% to me! Because this feeling of wanting to eat you can create a hundredfold miracle!"

"Don't worry! Why do you use such cool words to express this perverted purpose! All the lines are wasted, okay?"

Satania complained fiercely.

"All in all, I'll be waiting on the bank of Arakawa River after school today, and I'm going to have a showdown with you! As for the content of the competition, you'll know when the time comes!"

Holding the drink bottle, she stared straight at He Quanming, her little canine teeth flashed in protest, but her body retreated step by step into the depths of the grove.

"Don't even think about running away... Between you and me, there will be a fateful battle! Wait, and despair! I'll let you see the majesty of the master, stinky familiar!"

Like a machine gun, he uttered all the lines he thought were handsome, after Satania branded the cruel words, he turned around smartly, and used the ninja running method to rush into the shadows, and he ran out of sight in a short time.

Only He Quanming was left standing there, smiling and waving at her disappearing back.

"Okay~ I'll rush over as soon as school is over, and remember to attend the Christmas party together later! Waiting for you, okay!"


There seemed to be the sound of something falling to the ground in the woods, and then the footsteps quickened, and after a while, He Quanming was the only one left in front of the small woods in the park.

He Quanming finally couldn't help laughing happily.


As if finding the exit of a maze, hearty laughter echoed in the clear winter sky for a long time.


Judging from the attitude of Satania when she talked to him, Akira Izumi knew something that comforted him.

Regardless of whether the game is won or lost, at least, Satania's feelings for him have not changed in any way. Just like this, he has a sense of relief that he doesn't have to worry about anything, and he is even more confident about the completion of the plan. Hold absolute confidence.

This wave is stable, if it is really going to overturn, Quanming and I will change our name to Huang Xudong!

With a confident self-confidence, He Quanming was in a happy mood whether he was in class or after class. Kato Megumi asked him, and he also looked mysterious and did not answer. He just said that he would tell her the details after the matter was over, which made Kato Megumi quite embarrassed. Speechless.

Before you know it, it’s time after school, and the night in winter is very fast, but the light becomes slightly dim after three o’clock, and the tip of the iceberg emerges from the clouds, dyeing the thin clouds red .

Izumi rushed to the bank of the Arakawa River non-stop as soon as school was over. Although there was a feeling of being followed on the way, he didn't care, and followed the route he remembered to the place where he and Satania had their first match.

The Arakawa River is flowing quietly, and the steady waves of the water wash over the soil on the bank. The cool wind seems to blow along the river along the bank. The grass is slightly swaying, singing the song of nature silently in the dark sky. .

In the picturesque scenery, there is already a person standing on it, the winter school uniform and short skirt are fluttering in the wind, the wine red hair tail is fluttering in the air like a flag, her eyes have a calmness that does not match her age, and there is a trace of See through the vicissitudes of the world.

Seeing the running figure of He Quanming, she folded her arms around her chest, staring straight at his face, and her plain voice came to He Quanming's ears through the heavy air.

"You came."

Running in front of her, He Quanming couldn't help slowing down, affected by the scene and atmosphere, he followed up.

"I am coming."

"You finally came."

"I'm finally here."

"You shouldn't have come."

"I T..." A foul word almost spewed out, He Quanming originally wanted to say that it was you who called me here, but seeing that she still wanted to continue acting, he could only sigh, and continued, "... ...but I'm still here."

"If you come, you will lose."

It seems that this guy didn't copy the lines directly, but made changes according to the status quo.

You really put in effort where it wasn't necessary...

With a sigh, He Quanming lowered his expression and continued.

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