"People have to lose after all... But, I won't lose."

Raising her eyebrows, Satania snorted, with a haughty smile on her lips, her tone calm and confident.

"I do not know either."

"There's got to be a loser after all, isn't there?"

"Yes, but, that wouldn't be me."

"Who would that be?"

Not to be outdone, He Quanming went back with a sneer.

"Neither me nor you, who is the loser?"

"Of course it is..." Satania turned her head and looked at the sparkling river with nostalgia in her complicated eyes, "...the one who lost."


He Quanming couldn't help but fell silent, following her gaze, looking at the other end of the seemingly endless river.

The atmosphere became awkwardly quiet.

The four Rafael, who were peeping from the side, couldn't help but stare at each other in bewilderment.

(What the hell are they... doing?)

They don't understand the radio waves that the second disease communicates with!Who will translate what was said in the passage just now?

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the two of them to start a conversation that others could understand, as if nothing had happened just now.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Before I start explaining the content of the game, I have something to ask you."

Akira Izumi, who came out of the conversation between the second and second graders, straightened his expression and asked Satania in a serious manner.

While exercising her muscles and bones, Satania smiled with considerable strength, and nodded calmly.

"Okay, let's ask! The winner should give the loser the last mercy, and this devil still has tolerance for this."

He Quanming suddenly rolled his eyes helplessly: "Don't always think that you can beat me, okay? This kind of conversation can't go on at all...Forget it, ignore this point, what I want to ask is..."

He quietly watched the change of Satania's expression, and then asked.

"Do you have any thoughts on my wanting to open a harem? Will you be angry?"

Satania froze for a moment, then looked at him inexplicably.

"The reason why you are so serious is to ask this? Familiar, has that stupid dog stepped on your brain?"

The veins on the forehead twitched, He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, and tried his best to suppress the urge to use the Meiya Flying Fist to explode her temples: "...Never mind, if you don't want to answer, just say it, anyway, I will ask you after you win. Can."

"Stop wishful thinking, the final winner must be Miss Ben!" With a disdainful sneer, Satania finally replied obediently, "...don't have any ideas? I don't know much about the things you said, let alone get angry... What is a harem?"

As she spoke, she tilted her head in doubt, her ignorant expression didn't look like a fake.

"Is it a type of job? You quit your coffee shop job? And why should I be mad at you for changing jobs? Familiar, why are you asking such weird questions?"

Looking at Satania's pure eyes, He Quanming couldn't help sighing the filth in his heart, and felt distressed for half a second.

Slumping his shoulders in relief, Izumi explained to her with a helpless smile.

"Hey, the harem is not a type of work, but a model formed by the harmony of emotions. In complex terms, you must not understand. In simple terms-the harem is a paradise where everyone can play games together every day!"

"That's right, whether it's you or me, Lafite or Kato, Gabriel and the others, everyone can spend countless happy days together under one roof. This is the so-called harem!"

Satani immediately widened her eyes and blurted out in surprise: "Really? Isn't that great!"

Then, as if aware of his gaffe, he quickly covered his mouth, blushed slightly, looked up at the sky as if nothing had happened, and hummed, "No, I don't think that's very good at all...but if it can be successfully If this kind of thing is called a harem, my plan to conquer the heaven and the human world will be carried out more smoothly, this is a feasible plan!"

Akira Hequan nodded with deep empathy: "Yes, it's really great, right? Although it's a bit difficult to implement, I may still be a little weak on my own, but in order to be able to go to school, play games, and go out happily with everyone every day On an outing, even if there are many thorns blocking the way, I will carve out a broad road and give my life for a beautiful daily life!"

Clenching his fists, Akira Hequan seemed to be carrying a solemn sense of mission, and his appearance was extremely heroic.

"Well said!" As if infected by He Quanming's passionate shout, Satania patted He Quanming's shoulder appreciatively, and nodded deeply, "This is my familiar, come on, Go ahead and do it!

As the master, although I can't take action directly in order to hone you, but remember, I will always exist behind you!

When the great demon Satania is conquering the world, she will definitely think of the great sacrifice you made for this, and erect a monument for you in the Square of the Martyrs! "

"No, please let me refuse this point, and I will not make a heroic sacrifice to open a harem! Don't curse me."

However, He Quanming mercilessly shook his head and denied her words, with a look of disgust.

All in all, Satania's attitude is now completely clear. Like Rafael and the others, she supports his harem plan and does not contradict it—although she feels inexplicably fooled, but she tells the truth anyway. I can't understand it either. Forcing an explanation will make the situation more complicated. It's better to whitewash the facts to make it easier for her to accept.

However, there is one place that is very strange in this way.

"In this case, why did you run away crying without saying anything when you saw Raphael dating me?"

That's right, if Satania was happy with him stepping on several boats, why did she run away in tears at that time, and refused to contact them for a month after that, like It's the same as not being able to accept the cheating of the person you like, avoiding, ignoring, feeling uncomfortable...

These emotions are completely inconsistent with her state of mind!

He Quanming really couldn't figure out what this idiot was thinking.

"This is..."

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