Seeing him staring straight at her, as if eagerly seeking an answer, Satania froze all over, shifted her gaze a little guilty, and the look of being unable to say anything made people feel very anxious .

"What's the matter?" He Quanming asked, seeing her expression of hesitation and refusal to speak, his expression gradually softened, and he sighed deeply, " know? Time was very worried about you, and I wanted to talk to you and apologize several times, but you kept avoiding us, sneaking around without knowing what you were doing, and when you met us, you also seemed to have nothing to say..."

Grasping his chest tightly as if feeling distressed, He Quanming lowered his head tremblingly, his body swayed, and his tone was extremely sad and indignant.

"During that time... Lafite said that her cup size was one size smaller and her weight lost one kilogram... Do you know about this?!"

"Who knows! It's better to say that I'm not interested in knowing!"

Satania groaned angrily.

He Quanming continued to speak sadly.

"Anyway, she is also your best friend, right? You should have a good relationship, right? Don't you care so much about your best friend's cup size?! You cold-blooded guy!"

"Why should I be called like this! That guy's cup size has nothing to do with me!"

Satania stomped on the grass in annoyance, pointed her finger at Izumi Ming and said loudly: "And if I really want to care, the person I should care about is not Lafite but Gabriel, right? She's already grown up like that. Wouldn’t everyone be happy if that fellow Lafite gave her some?! They are all idiots, right? Why bother about such things!”

In the blind spot of the two people's sight, a faint voice suddenly came from behind a wall, accompanied by an astonishing murderous aura.

(Don't stop me... I'm going to kill her... No, just destroy the entire human world... Let that fellow Izumi be buried with her, and the world will be truly happy!)

(Xiao Jia, calm down...Calm down quickly...Sajiang didn't do it on purpose...)

(Lafite, shut up... Although I don't really care about the size of those two lumps of flesh on my chest, I've been provoked by her again and again. If I don't take any action, the whole world will think I'm The breasts were rescued by you. Uncle can bear it and auntie can't bear it! ... If you don't want to be implicated, leave me alone!)

(...Two, just listen to what they are saying in silence. I will have revenge and revenge later, and complain and long as everyone can attend the Christmas party in the end.)

(Yeah, what Hui-san said is good...wait a minute, I always feel that there is something very strange...)

(That was the illusion of Vinette-san.)

The conversation on this side will not be mentioned for the time being. On the other side, after He Quanming quarreled with Satania for a while, he finally got her answer.

"If you want to know, I will tell you after the game... No matter who wins or loses, I will tell you."

Mumbling extremely unwillingly, she added something later.

"Well, although you will definitely not be able to defeat me, mere familiar."

Hearing this, He Quanming almost wanted to slap her on the butt—how much does this guy insist on her belief that she must win?Just look down on him and someone like Quan?

"Okay, okay, since that's the case, let's start the competition. Hurry up and compare, there is still a Christmas party to do!"

Waving his hand, He Quanming urged.

Satania showed a secretive smile at this time.

"Hmph, your calmness, wait until I will completely smash it! Not only that, once you lose, I can't guarantee whether you will still have the energy to hold a Christmas party..."

"Anyone knows how to run a train, hurry up, the audience can't wait." He Quanming sighed exaggeratedly, and glanced slightly at the four shadows on a nearby wall, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

They all came here to eavesdrop... Your gathering efficiency is really high, more than twice as strong as a college dog after military training...

"Then let you see the root of my self-confidence!"

Ignoring what He Quanming meant, Satania's excitement was beyond words. She raised her hand high, and at some point a strange machine appeared in her hand.

The round surface of the machine exudes a strange light of inorganic matter, which makes Izumi's heart skip a beat, with a bad premonition.

Before he could stop him, Satania shouted out the command spell.

""Command. Code Open"——appear here, we are the enchantment of the decisive battle!"

"'Zero and One Battle Arena'!"

In an instant, the light of the machine exploded like monotonous fireworks, illuminating the sky beside the Arakawa River.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It wasn't until the dazzling light gradually faded away that Izumi slowly opened his eyes, fully taking in the scene in front of him.

Immediately, looking at the space he was in, he felt that his three views were shocked at that moment, and he couldn't help but stay for a while.

"...What is this? Inherent enchantment?"

The surroundings are no longer the quiet and peaceful banks of the Arakawa River, but a venue similar to an underground arena. The four arena lines form a square to frame him on the arena focused by the spotlight. There is no referee, but a strange box is placed in front of him. In addition, Izumi can even see the full audience sitting in the seats and looking down at him from all angles, cheering one after another, as if urging him to start the game quickly.

Although it was impossible to see the faces of every audience member clearly, and their cheers sounded a bit monotonous, the smell of the air freshener mixed with the smell of sweat was actually passed into his nasal cavity, just like he really Standing in a life-and-death fighting arena, as if confronting someone, the extremely three-dimensional feeling made his feet tremble slightly.

This is the instinctive reaction of the human body when it encounters an emergency. In fact, He Quanming is not afraid of standing on this ring, but he is stared at by so many people at once. Even with a thick skin like him, it is still difficult to calmly face for this situation.

Fortunately, there was an idiot who could completely ignore the influence of the atmosphere and still be himself, which made him feel a little more comfortable.

"How about it? This is the super magic tool I assembled myself after spending a lot of money buying materials from "Majie Shopping" after preparing to eat pineapple buns every day! Be amazed and worship it!"

Satania said triumphantly.

At this time, she is in the same arena, facing Akira Izumi, with her waist up and her head held high. She seems to be very satisfied with her masterpiece, her shining eyes are constantly scanning the blurred audience around her, and her eager smile floats in the air. face.

Hearing some clues from her words, He Quanming immediately complained.

"Hey~ It seems that you have learned your lesson... Instead of buying directly from that deadly shopping station, you buy the materials and assemble it yourself... I mean, how good is your handicraft ability? You can actually assemble it yourself. This kind of space is like a small world..."

Could it be that the gene of a great inventor is hidden behind Satania's stupid attributes?This is not good news, after all, it's not cute at all, and it doesn't suit her...

"Of course! Don't think that the great demon who will rule hell in the future, Mrs. Satania, is just a simple idiot!"

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