Contemptuously scorning He Quanming, Satania took out a piece of paper from her pocket and shook it, her tone inexplicably complacent.

"After all, if you want to understand the assembly instructions provided by this "Devil World Shopping", it is impossible for someone with extraordinary intelligence to do it!"


He Quanming looked at her silently, and the scene fell silent for a while.

Then, he twitched the corner of his mouth and spoke.

"...So, this prop was assembled according to the method provided by the shopping in the devil world?"

Satania nodded with a silly smile.

"Yeah! I've learned my lesson from last time, and I didn't buy their products directly! How about it, do you think I'm impressed?"


It’s not that I’m impressed with you, I’m just relieved that you have maintained your usual stupid attributes very well.

Izumi paused, in order to prevent his complaints from hurting Satania, he decided to ignore this topic.

"...Not much gossip, this space should not have the function of adjusting the speed of time, right? Let's leave earlier than the end of the game. There are still some things in the party venue that have not been arranged."

Sure enough, this simple guy was immediately attracted by the topic, his expression changed, and he sneered with an unusually haughty attitude.

"...Oh? Are you so eager to fall into the abyss of failure? Very good, since you have asked so, then this lady will meet your expectations and officially start the fateful duel between us!"


He Quanming was too lazy to respond to her.

I don’t know if the current Satania is excited because of the competition or what. Talking to her in this state is really tiring; even if he also turns on the second mode, he can deal with it. , but doing so will inevitably delay the end of the game, or in other words, it will inevitably produce a bunch of unsightly words.

In order to adjust the quality of the text, He Quanming has made the decision to try his best to ignore her secondary response, and use the fastest speed to complete his goal-to learn the truth of that day and win.

Having said that... the update was slow in the first place, and the whole chapter is only [-] words, so the author is probably not turning on the light in the toilet, looking for shit?

Spitting out the groove of crossing dimensions in his heart, he stared flatly at Satania who was facing each other between the rings, silently urging her to hurry up and start the game.

Seeing that He Quanming didn't fool around with her as before, but was in a hurry as if he wanted to leave her to do other things earlier, Satania was stunned for a moment, and the original high spirits seemed to be poured down by a basin of cold water As if directly extinguished, Zhang Yang's smile also gradually disappeared.

"...Then I will start explaining the rules."

Slightly lowering her head, with a sense of loss that she didn't want people to notice, Satania pointed to the rectangular box in front of the two of them. She didn't know what she did, and a pen and a piece of paper suddenly appeared next to the box.

"First of all, write down on paper what you want the other party to do after winning, that is, the victory reward. Using the contract between the two of us, this reward will be enforced and cannot be cheated."

Taking the lead to pick up the pen, she took a deep look at He Quanming, the usual childish and silly expression was removed from her face, and an inexplicably mature temperament exuded.

"And my reward has already been written... Although the rules don't say that you must show it to the other party, but..."

Picking up her own piece of paper, Satania slowly turned the front to Izumi, allowing him to see the content on the paper.

"This is my wish... and what I want you to do..."

Scanning the row of extremely dark handwriting with his eyes, Akira Izumi looked at Satania quietly without opening his mouth.

It clearly says——

"I hope the familiar will never abandon me. 』

So simple, yet so complex.

Could it be...does she think that her secret date with Rafael is an act of abandoning her?

Or... Did he do something unintentionally that would make her think he wanted to abandon her?

Seeing that Izumi didn't answer, with a calm expression as if he was thinking about something, Satania suddenly smiled and spoke to him.

"You can write the conditions you want, familiar! Any conditions are fine, just put them in the box after writing."

Habitually flicking her bangs on her forehead, she snorted pretending to be arrogant, with a smile still on the corner of her mouth, but that smile seemed a little lonely.

"After all, the familiar... After all, you won't put forward conditions that embarrass me..."

"Even if there is no contract, I are such a gentle guy..."

Whispering as if sighing, He Quanming silently listened to the words, let out a small breath, picked up the pen without any hesitation, and began to write on the paper.

The voices from the audience at the side stopped at some point, and only Satania was left listening to the sound of pens scribing across the paper in the quiet ring.

He started writing very fast, as if he hadn't thought about it at all, but the content he wrote was unexpectedly large, and he couldn't even write on the front.

Rubbing his sore wrist, he didn't reveal the content like Satania did, but just threw the paper covered with handwriting into the box, and then watched a layer of streamer slide across the surface of the box, and then the mechanism started, The box retracted into the floor.

Looking back at Satania's face, seeing her complicated expression, he smiled suddenly.

"I'm really not used to you like this... Sure enough, Satania who usually smiles silly is cuter."

Satania opened her mouth slightly in astonishment.

"What did you say all of a sudden..."

"It's nothing, just like you, I just sighed with emotion." Shrugging his shoulders, He Quanming stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation to her, "...the reward for victory is finished, what else needs to be said next Is it?"

"Well, there's also the penalty for failure, and the way the game is played."

Putting aside the doubts in her heart, Satania narrowed her eyes and snapped her fingers.

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