A crisp sound echoed in the air, and then, two cage-like things emerged above their heads.

"This is the punishment that the loser must bear... When the loser is judged, it will fall on the loser's head!"

He Quanming couldn't help but look up, his face changed suddenly.

"Hey, hey... are you going to play so big?!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Locked in a cage above their heads was a monster that Quan Ming was very familiar with.

Yellow jelly-like body, wobbly tentacles, a pair of dot-sized black eyes set on the elastic surface, the wet and slippery body fluid rubbed against the iron bars at the bottom of the cage to make a viscous sound of "Huni, Huni"... …

That's right, that is the natural enemy of the magical girl, the leading role in the thousands of books, a novice-level monster that is forbidden by the eighteenth century and brings hope and despair together——

Devil specialty.Human harmless slime!

"Why...why do you use slime as a punishment for failure!?"

Due to being too shocked, the question He Quanming yelled became a bit sharp, and the dull atmosphere just now was completely destroyed by his yell, but the completely bad premonition made him ignore this small matter, and stared at satania.

Satania smiled, with a completely incomprehensible pride in her gaze.

"What? Is this a mere novice monster that scares you like this? What a cowardly familiar... Hmph, yes, such a huge monster, ordinary people will naturally feel scared..."

Shaking her head, she spread her hands as if she couldn't bear it.

"But don't worry, the instructions have already said that this kind of slime will not cause harm to the body. The body fluid on its surface can even promote blood circulation and open pores... Eh? What does open pores mean? ?”

While looking at the cheat sheet in her hand, she asked a small question.

He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, complaining silently in his heart.

(Are you sure the pores are open and not other pores...)

"And it can also swallow the sundries outside the human body, achieving the effect of purifying the body above skin care products..."

(Wait, this is just a typical clothes explosion setting!)

"In addition, after the user is bound by slime, it is normal for the user to experience weakness, dehydration, eye rolls, body pumping, flushing, etc., especially for women..."

"It's normal!...No, although it's normal according to common sense, it's not good, right? It's not good to use this thing as punishment!?"

He Quanming finally couldn't help but speak out.

Satania looked up at him in confusion.

"Eh? What's wrong? This manual says that this is the most suitable punishment for men and women..."

"Fart! Tear it up! Tear up that junk shopping radio station by the way!"

"So why? Originally, I thought that if it was harmless to the human body, I could use the slime to teach you a little lesson..." Pursing her lips, Satania looked quite unhappy , muttered, "As long as I can make you powerless, I don't have to worry about you leaving me and running around...By the way, even Lafite is here..."

"Quickly let go of your dangerous thoughts! By the way, are you even going to cheat Rafael?!"

"Who told you—!" Just as she was about to speak, Satania paused for a moment, stifled the blurted words back into her throat, and hummed nonchalantly, "...don't talk nonsense, familiar , since the punishment is decided, it cannot be changed.

It is bushido to accept punishment calmly if you fail, let alone a harmless slime, what are you afraid of! "

"I'm worried about what to do after you lose..." He Quanming let out a long sigh.

This guy doesn't even know that the tentacle monster named slime has a special attack on girls...

Moreover, the slime on Satania's head was obviously more excited than his. The soft and sticky tentacles tried to reach her body several times, but they were stopped by the barrier of the cage. That slime couldn't wait more and more, its yellow shell was stained with a little flush...

He really didn't dare to imagine, if Satania lost and the slime fell on her unsuspecting head, what kind of terrible fu... thing...

...Although he can't just sit back and watch Satania be defiled by the slime, but he can't just admit defeat!He also has a reason why he can't lose!

Gritting his teeth in pain, He Quanming fell into a dilemma of thinking.

Looking at the hesitant Izumi inexplicably, Satania shook her head, skipped the subject of slime, and then spoke.

"The rules of the game are very simple. The winner will be determined in one round. The winner will get the reward written down earlier. The loser will not only obey the conditions on paper, but also have to accept punishment... Is it okay?"

"...Ah, of course it's okay." When he came back to his senses, Izumi replied instinctively.

"Very well, let's start the game!"

Nodding in satisfaction, Satania stretched out her fist and shouted.


With an order, the ring reacted accordingly, countless blue light bands rushed across in an instant, and the ground began to vibrate.



The originally silent auditorium also roared again as if a switch had been turned on. Countless cheers formed sound waves and hit the eardrums, completely igniting the atmosphere at an extremely fast speed!

The spotlight on the ceiling then began to shake, and the scattered lights swayed between the two of them.

"Wait, wait... You haven't said what you're competing for!"

Feeling the double shock of the ground and the air, He Quanming ran to the edge of the ring in a panic and grabbed the boundary line. After stabilizing his body, he shouted loudly at Satania.

"Hahahaha... This is the arena where we wait for the final victory, the final choice between zero and one! Dance wildly on the hanging thread between victory and defeat!"

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