There will also be a battle animation for guessing a punch?Is the scissors cutting the cloth, the rock crushing the scissors, and the cloth wrapping the rock?

This has to be animated too, it's all boring...

Ignoring He Quanming's idiot-like eyes, Satania immediately patted his chest as if satisfied with his solution.

"It's okay if you don't understand, I'll show you once and you'll understand!"

Then, she didn't know what mechanism was activated, and a dark black board suddenly appeared in front of the button table for the two of them, covering half of their bodies and the buttons on the stage.

"This is an anti-cheating measure. In order to prevent you from knowing what the opponent will do by looking at the point where the hand falls, if you use this board, you will not be able to see what button the opponent will press regardless of any spells!"

As if afraid that he would not be able to understand, Satania pretended to be erudite and explained. Then, with a click, a flash of light suddenly flashed on her wine-red machine, and at the same time, the screen on He Quanming's machine also displayed " The opponent has finished punching".

"Okay, I've already pressed the punch button, and you can choose one to press as well!" Satania looked at Akira Izumi with an inscrutable smile on her lips, "Don't worry, this is just a test , even if you lose your guess, it won't be recorded in the game program... But, even if it's just a test, you can find some interesting facts..."

Amidst her meaningful nagging, Akira Hequan also casually pressed a punch button, and then a blue light flowed by, and the words "The other party has finished punching" on the screen changed to "Both sides punched!" After the boxing is over, the battle begins! 』

One second later, the words turned into patterns, and the screen was also divided into two areas. The upper half was the wine red area of ​​Satania, and the displayed pattern was cloth; the lower half was Izumi's blue area, the display pattern is stone.

Then, the wine red area began to flicker, a celebratory BGM sounded, and the audience burst into ear-piercing cheers instantly.

"winner.Satania! 』

Satania suddenly looked up and laughed.

"Hey——hahahahahaha! Did you see it, did you see it, familiar! Even if it's just a test, the winner of this game will always be me! I am destined to be the winner! Only I can win!"

Her smug smile clearly hangs on her face, proudly contemptuous of He Quanming.

"Have you already seen it? If you compete with luck, you have no chance of winning. No matter what strategy you think of, as long as I close my eyes and open my head and choose randomly, I can use the big devil... No, I was born to choose Your luck crushed you! Do you know why I keep saying that I am the final winner?"

"Because your chance of winning is zero percent! Hahahahahaha~~"

The rampant laughter couldn't be stopped, and Satania's arrogant aura came to Izumi in wave after wave. If he was normal, he might not be able to resist provocation for a while, and directly competed with her in real life in this ring, so that She knows who is the real winner in reality.

But at this moment, his attention was completely attracted by the light curtain that appeared in the center of the field, and he had no time to pay attention to this guy's clamor for the time being.

As Satania said, after the winner is determined, there will be a battle animation to demonstrate the result of the game.

And this animation is completely different from what Izumi Akira had imagined... It is not a simple schematic diagram, but a real battle "animation" scene.

A black-haired young man with a prickly hog head and a sickly looking boy confronted each other in an area full of containers. The white-haired boy standing beside Satania took the lead, with the soles of his feet hitting the ground. He stomped hard, and as the wind pushed his body forward, he rushed in the direction of the black-haired boy.

The distance of just a few meters was crossed in an instant, and the grim smile on the face of the white-haired boy came alive. He stretched out his palm straight out, as if a piece of cloth wanted to wrap the opponent's face, and it seemed that he just wanted to touch the opponent's body casually. , slender fingers across the airflow, and swiped fiercely at the face of the black-haired boy.

——then he was beaten into the air, hard.

The black-haired boy punched his distorted expression forcefully, nosebleeds splashed, and the white-haired boy flew backwards with the force, his weak body rolling out some smoke and dust on the ground.

The animation ends here.

Represents the result of the two people's guessing game.

He Quanming had seen the animation shown on the light curtain. It was a popular animation that existed in both this world and the previous world. He also vividly remembered the scene where the weakest defeated the strongest.

I didn't expect this prop to follow the trend so much, and it would use the recent animation to demonstrate the result of the decisive battle... Although there is no sound but only the picture, but seeing the familiar animation scene in this place, Kazumi suddenly gave birth to a feeling A rather complex sense of identity.


After the sense of recognition passed, he fell into another layer of doubts.

...isn't that weird?

This animation...isn't it weird?

Why would...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sensing something strange in this animation, Akira Hequan suddenly had a premonition.

——This competition, maybe you can win!

If this premonition is true, then even if luck is the key to the game of guessing, Izumi is [-]% sure of winning.

Of course, the premise is that the composition of this "game item" is "no problem" - after just testing it once, Izumi is not sure that his guess is correct, maybe that kind of thinking is just self-deception, maybe he misunderstood something , as long as the "hunch" is not correct, then his winning rate will return from [-]% to the original [-]%.

That's right, he never doubted the fact that he would lose.

Without the interference of vision, language, cheating, etc., if you simply compete for luck... He Quanming will not be able to defeat Satania.

Who made him a pure African?

Not only that, but during the countless matches with Satania during this period, he also deeply realized the law of "that idiot must be the real daughter of the Creator God".

If she went to buy a lottery ticket, maybe she could win the first prize casually, right?

If she knew how to play card-drawing mobile games, maybe she could get the card with the highest rarity by just drawing it alone?

If she went to play Russian roulette, wouldn't even the luckiest gambler go down in front of her?

The saying that stupid people have stupid blessings seems to be vividly proved in her body. Regarding luck, Satania is truly terrifying.

Akira Izumi felt inexplicably shuddered by this fact, but a sense of reassurance and gratitude surfaced in his heart.

Fortunately, she was an idiot and never took advantage of this golden rate of cheating talent, otherwise the world would definitely be in chaos.

Fortunately, she was an idiot, so he was able to win the game of "impossible to win" - "not relying on his own luck".

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