When He Quanming was thinking with a sinking expression, Satania seemed to be a little anxious, and she patted the machine to try to attract his attention.

"Okay, I've demonstrated everything that needs to be demonstrated, and I've finished explaining the rules—familiar, let's have a showdown!"

The animated light curtain in the center of the arena disappeared, and Satania cast her gaze on Izumi unhindered. The small canine teeth at the corner of her mouth shone sharply through the spotlight on the ceiling, and an eager smile floated on her face. She said: .

"Even if you know that this game is destined to be a winner, you have no way out!

Obediently press the button, and then accept your own fate!

Surrender to your master—the Great Demon.It’s not a disgrace to be under Lord Satania’s command…”

"Okay, 'Declaration of Victory'...I've heard enough."

Suddenly, He Quanming raised his hand and interrupted her speech.

There was a smile different from hers at the corner of his mouth, and a confident light shone in his eyes.

"If you continue to talk about it, it will make me more determined—"I will. Win. Win" confidence?"

The clear voice resounded in the ring space, as if a heavy object had landed, carrying a weight that cannot be underestimated.

"What, what..."

Satania made a sound in astonishment, looking at the confident smile of the boy in front of her, she couldn't understand why this guy could still say such words until now.

——In the face of the inevitable defeat...he showed the edge of victory.

In the end...what gave him such confidence?

He should also know that no matter how many times, in the field of guessing game, if you just play luck - Satania will definitely be the winner.

There is no room for doubt, the two of them have verified this in countless games.

That's right - it's true.

As for He Quanming, now, as if he wanted to overthrow the verified facts, he made a blatant, arrogant, and unreasonable declaration.

『This time the guessing game——I will win! 』

Totally incomprehensible.

Satania's firm confidence in winning was shaken at this moment.

It's true that she is stupid, but she is not so stupid that she can't even see such obvious doubts; on the contrary, in the scene about winning or losing, her beast-like intuition can be fully exerted, guiding her to the way to victory. the way.

Because of her desire to win, and because of her desire to abide by that condition with Quanming—that’s why she chose the guessing game, which has the highest winning rate and requires the most luck, rather than others.

Reminiscing about the past is indeed a factor, but the most important reason is that Satania's intuition told her-she absolutely cannot lose this game!

……but why?

...Why can he have such confidence?

Did he find another way to win?

Does he still want to use words to influence me?

Was he just bluffing?

Did he discover a bug in this game?

Countless guesses sprung up in her mind like mushrooms after rain, causing her head to hurt a little, and her expression that was originally full of confidence also wrinkled.

Satania, who was not good at thinking about complicated things, couldn't stop thinking more and more anxiously, her feet trembled irritably, and her hands were on the buttons that she wanted to press casually, but no matter what, she couldn't do anything like that anymore. Just like before, I pressed it easily.

(Tsk... As expected of the familiar who has been fighting with me for a long time, the skill of the next crime is really impressive... Just one sentence can make this lady shake like this...)

Up to now, she can only look at Izumi Akira's expression with troublesome eyes, and make a declaration of refusal to admit defeat in her heart.

"Oh? What? It seems that you have discovered something wrong, right? Or is it that even if you didn't find anything, your instinct reminded you that you might lose if you go on like this?"

Facing Satania's appearance of no more spare time, Akira Izumi laughed again.

With a nasty, pleasant, expectant smile, he held his hands high.

"That's right, your instinct is absolutely right - because you will lose, not me."

Saying so, he didn't look at the buttons on the machine table, just looked straight at Satania, and then swung his hand down forcefully.

without hesitation.

with no doubt.

— Clap!

The blue light flowed past, and the words on the screen changed immediately.


Couldn't help taking a deep breath, Satania stared wide-eyed, staring at the scene covered by the baffle on the opposite side.

Even though she couldn't see what button he pressed, the gesture of confirming that she had won deeply shocked her thinking, causing her thinking to go blank for a while.

"You... why on earth..."

Unconsciously, she murmured a question from her mouth, and her wine-red pupils were no longer as sharp as before, and they began to feel a little dazed.

"Why? You want to ask me why I am so confident?"

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