He Quanming thought so.

Looking at the remote control that suddenly appeared in his hand, and a note full of handwriting, the thoughts in his heart deepened a lot.

The note is the winning reward written at the beginning. He can use the contract to force Satania to implement the above conditions; there is a button on the top of the remote control, engraved with the words "loser's food punishment", the consequences of pressing it What it is, Izumi knows without thinking.

...Then, what should I do~

He Quanming couldn't help showing an evil smile.

Although this is very embarrassing to Satania, and it may cause her to encounter very bad things, but it is the sinful instinct of human beings to want to press the button in front of them...

And this is the punishment set by Satania herself. The so-called self-inflicted, self-raised slime has to satisfy it even if it cries... Ah, this is not what Izumi wants the slime to take his cuckold, After all, the remote control also has buttons that can control slimes.

——The two words "adult" and "minor" are written on it.

Akira Izumi really wants to sigh... the guy who made this kind of props is really fucking thoughtful!

It turns out that the videos I watched back then were all slimes whose adult button was pressed... Ahem, something seems to have been exposed.

All in all, as long as he presses the underage button, Satania will accept the punishment of slime within the range that the children can watch. There may be very eye-catching pictures in it, but there is no way, who let this be her What about the punishment you set?

He Quanming could only reluctantly accept this wave of benefits. He said that this was not what he wanted, and he was helpless.

Do you know how complicated his inner struggle was?Do you know his pain?You know how his inner demons and angels are fighting with each other and it's getting him so tangled up?

Although the angel who said "press the underage button" won overwhelmingly in the end, Akira Izumi was still troubled by this.

Then he pressed the button on the remote control with a contented mood.

The electronic sound of "Punishment begins" suddenly sounded around.

Satania stopped laughing wildly and looked around suspiciously.

"...Eh? What's going on?"

Then when she saw the magic circle suddenly appearing on the floor, she suddenly realized and looked at He Quanming.

"Oh yes, if you fail, you have to be punished... I remember that this magic circle can block the magic power of the person being punished, and it also has the function of an enchantment, preventing me from escaping..."

Having said that, she crossed her arms and snorted coldly, proudly raised her head, and stared at the slime above her head that was about to move.

"Escape? What kind of joke! The mere lowly monster slime wants the future ruler of hell to escape. It's so ridiculous in the world! I want to see if this punishment can make me say no!"

"Familiar, watch out! I can still remain unmoved in the face of the slime's attack, and my heroic posture is as stable as a mountain. You have to keep it in your heart and increase your knowledge level..."

He Quanming suppressed his laughter and nodded reluctantly.

"Pfft...Okay, I understand Lord Satania...I will record your heroic appearance forever..."

While speaking, he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, turned on the video function and aimed at Satania.

Then, with the mentality of watching the show, she watched the cage on her head finally open, and the slime fell down.

With a snap, when the jelly-like body fell to the ground, it wrapped Satania's whole body in the jelly-like interior.


Satania's haughty face froze suddenly, and then began to struggle.

Her face gradually turned rosy, as if something strange was burrowing around her body, she scratched all over her body helplessly, especially some sensitive parts, the kind of tickling feeling that seemed to be there made her blush.

Seeing Akira Izumi recording her current ugly state with a smile, Satania couldn't help feeling ashamed in her heart. She crossed her thighs and dawdled. The blouse that rose slowly, revealing her small navel.

He Quanming said that children will really not be able to control the live broadcast of this kind of scene... The underage version is like this, so the adult version is just...

Just as such evil thoughts popped up in his heart, He Quanming suddenly felt something hot in the palm of his hand.

Looking down, it was the reward note in his hand. Among the writings all over it, one of them was glowing and emitting heat like a hand warmer.

"This is……"

Staring at the words "I want to go through any hardship with Satania" with wide eyes, Izumi Minton felt bad, an urge to escape drove his feet, regardless of the still "receiving punishment" Satania, he turned his head and ran towards the edge of the ring, trying to jump over the ring line and jump to the auditorium, but found that the square ring was tightly surrounded by an invisible wall, and there was no way to escape this space.

"What a trough...isn't that how you play it?!"

Wanting to cry without tears, he patted the invisible wall. He Quanming seemed to have thought of something, and quickly picked up the remote control to look carefully. Not long after, he dropped his shoulders in disappointment.

"There is no stop button..."

Wait, maybe tearing off this paper will do it...

Regardless of the temperature of the reward paper in his hand getting higher and higher, he pinched his hands on the paper, and when he was about to tear it apart forcefully, he couldn't help but focus on the scrawled writing on it.

There is almost no blank space on the whole paper, and it is full of words "want to be with Satania forever", "want to play games happily with Satania", "want to laugh with Satania "I want Satania to be happy forever", "I want Satania to live happily", "I want Satania to stop crying" and so on.


He Quanming was silent for a moment.

In the end, he lowered his arms as if giving up, and let the reward paper in his hand start to shine brightly to lead him to the slime. Seeing him struggling and staring at Satania with wide-eyed eyes, he showed a relieved smile.

"Ha... I'll stay with you, Satania."

Without waiting for the reward paper to act, he jumped forward, passed through the elastic light-yellow outer wall, and opened his hands——

Then, he hugged Satania.


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