——and struggled together with her, looking uncomfortable.

(Slimes... are really scary...)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Arakawa Riverside.

In the cold wind, Gabriel and the others stared blankly at an open space surrounded by a barrier.

"...Why haven't they come out yet?"

After an unknown amount of time, Gabriel finally made this inquiry. She impatiently kicked the small stone under her feet, as if she wanted to use that stone to blast the unmoving barrier in front of her eyes.

In response, Vinette tightened her winter uniform jacket, and hesitated to speak.

"How about... let's wait in that apartment first? Waiting here is not an option..."

Raphael sniffed at his frozen nose, and answered firmly.

"Then Xiaojia, you go to the apartment first! I have the key here, you can wait in the apartment while blowing on the heat."

"Lafite, what about you?" Kato Megumi asked suspiciously.

Raphael clenched his fists, staring at the place where the two disappeared with bright eyes.

"I have a hunch, they must have super interesting events inside! If I missed it because I was afraid of the cold, then I might as well reincarnate and stop being an angel! I, Raphael, must not miss any interesting scenes! "

"Even if your blood is boiling, I'm still cold, and I can't understand your enthusiasm at all." Gabriel raised her eyelids, looked at Rafael speechlessly, and then stretched out her little hand to her, "You have to wait Just keep waiting, I'll turn on the heating first...give me the key."


Rafael handed the key to Gabriel with a smile. At this moment, a strange change suddenly appeared in the open space.

As if the space was distorted at that moment, there was a subtle blur and skew in the corner of the river. The faint magic words appeared in the air and then disappeared.

It's just that their figures seemed a little unstable. As soon as their feet were firmly on the grass, their knees involuntarily softened and they knelt down at the same time.

The four people on the side just watched the two of them throwing themselves at them in a respectful manner, and they all looked puzzled.

"Wow... This meeting ceremony is really grand..." Gabriel opened her small mouth in a daze, and blurted out a complaint while staring.

Vinette continued to smile wryly, and the corners of her eyes couldn't help twitching: "Ahaha... It seems that what Lafite said is correct, it seems that something really happened to them during this period..."

Hearing what she said, Rafael nodded quickly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became a little bad: "My hunch is indeed right! This kind of drenched and tired look, are they in that enchantment?" What earth-shattering and earth-breaking things did you do... Hehe, hehehe... No, I really want to know! My joy... my thirst for knowledge is burning!"

"Why do you need to change your mouth, we all know what you want to say... Sigh."

Fu Er sighed helplessly, Kato Megumi walked out of the corner where the four of them were staying first, and came to the two of them swaying like a ghost.

She squatted down first, looked at He Quanming, who was bowing her head as if dead and unresponsive, and stretched out her finger to tap his shoulder.

"Mingjun, are you okay... Huh? What is this?"

Withdrawing his fingers, Kato Megumi looked at the yellow jelly on his fingertips in amazement.

Seeing that his body was wet, I thought it was sweat left after some intense exercise, but I didn't expect it to be this kind of thing...


After rubbing the jelly, and smelling it with the tip of his nose, Megumi Kato could even smell the faint orange fragrance emanating from it.

Looking at it this way, not only the clothes, but also the two of them basically have such objects everywhere, and there are some elastic orange fragments piled up in the sock pockets and other places.

...So, what did they go through to get this orange-flavored jelly all over their bodies?

Even Kato Megumi couldn't help being curious at this moment.

...Did they go to the jelly pool?Why does Satania have that strange enchantment?By the way, why do you want to soak in that kind of pool with Ming Jun? Is this also a kind of competition?

Falling into deep thought with a calm expression, Kato Megumi silently stretched her fingers to her lips, wanting to taste the taste of the jelly, but she paused for a moment, and she still gave up on this move.

After all, it was taken from Mingjun, so I always feel... a bit unhygienic.

So she wiped the crumbs from her fingers back on He Quanming's clothes as if nothing had happened, and then pushed him a little harder.

"...Ming Jun? Ming Jun, have you recovered?"

He Quanming trembled all over, as if the soul that had run away had finally returned, he slowly raised his head, revealing his half-dead eyes.

"...Ah, it's Kato. Long time no see."

Kato Megumi replied flatly.

"We only met ten minutes ago. Isn't your time concept a little bit confused?"

"Haha... Maybe that's right. I don't know how long I've been in that guy's body... No matter how hard I struggle, I can only be wrapped by that wet and sticky thing until I despair... …”

Smiling feebly and sighing tiredly, Akira Kazumi naturally said something that could easily be misunderstood.

Kato Megumi did not show any abnormality, but took out a handkerchief from the bag as usual, and wiped the wet marks on Izumi Akira's face.

"Looks like this time Mingjun is quite choking... Is he drowned by something like jelly? Thank you for your hard work..."

Seeing Kato Megumin's gentle gaze, Hequanming was so moved that he almost cried—no, two tears of excitement had already been shed.

"Ah, the long-lost Megumi is healed, thank God Kato Daimyo for the blessing... I feel like I can live for hundreds of years longer."

"Well... there are a lot of holes in your sentence, so I won't complain about them one by one."

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